Topic: Cannot Die
FroznChild's photo
Mon 03/31/08 04:58 AM
Cannot Die

Today I climbed the mountain tops,
across the sky I did then fly,
I knew that no matter what I did,
I simply could not die...

So what's the thing, we all would do,
if we couldn't die?
I'll bet you I know the answer, thru and thru,
we'd all give it a try...

and then people everywhere would stare,
at others all around,
as folks jumped off of buildings,
and bounced up off the ground...

Others would be shooting back and forth,
each other thru and thru,
you're sitting there now, full of holes,
but just what can you do?

You can't die....
You can't die....
no matter how hard you try,
pull a hemmy, in your thigh,
you can't die...

Today I fought a thousand men,
and I did it with a sword,
I lost an arm, and a eye and a leg,
I lost em to that horde,

but it didn't matter, not to me,
I didn't blink an eye...
For I knew that this was my dream,
And I just couldn't die...

I couldn't die...
grabbed an electric fence and tried to fry,
I couldn't die...
jump in and fight pigs in a closed hog sty,
I couldn't die,
I tried it all and ask me WHY?
cause I can't die,

Then suddenly I realised, things were not what they seem,
as a car came suddenly bearing down, I knew this was no dream,
and as the tire rolled, over my foot, I let out a scream,
trust me everyone around, was looking at the scene,

and I thought I died...
so much that I just cried,
I thought I died...
that car ran over my pride,
I thought I died...
That dream had went and gone done and lied,
I thought I died...
my nuts done crawled up inside...
I thought I died.... (fade)

With Equescent thoughts...
FroznChild indifferent
Usually poetry doesn't fade, but this does... Lol...
It's not a song, I'm a poet.

lurchs_sister's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:58 AM
What a wonderful mood you're in today!!!laugh laugh

The pictures you paint and the scream I heard!flowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:02 AM
<<<<<<<< Picks you up,, Brushes you Off,,, Now go on about your day,,, If only,, In a Dream,, Live,, laugh,, run,, play and enjoy the Beauty around you,,,,,Life is but a Dream :wink: flowerforyou