NewYorkFilmAddict74's photo
Wed 02/07/07 07:13 PM

Why r nu so quiet? I know most of the guys that r trying to get your
attention are old enuf to be your father. Sad a little
pathetic maybe. Then there's someone like me. 32 6 ft. thick black hair
brown/hazel eyes 190 lbs. Italian and Russian good looks with a great
voice and funny as hell who just wants to meet on your terms of course
for a drink or two before I go home and watch the paint dry. Iknow your
thinking that sounds so exciting but I know you'll have a great time.
Get back soon
Life Is all about moments R u gonna sieze yours? Car Pe Diem -
"Sieze the Day"
Thanking You In Advance,


NewYorkFilmAddict74's photo
Wed 02/07/07 06:23 PM
New York guy here wanna grab a drink 32 6 ft, Black hair,hazel eyes
Italian and Russian good looks

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