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Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 10/22/16 12:16 PM

Dead People Registering? Examples of Voter Fraud in Key Swing States

The Trump campaign is asking its supporters to keep an eye out for possible cases of voter fraud on Election Day.

So what are they concerned about specifically?

On Fox & Friends today Kelly Riddell, The Washington Times deputy opinion editor, shed some light on actual instances of voter fraud - like dead people casting votes - in key swing states.

In Harrisonburg, Virginia, the FBI and local authorities are investigating after 20 dead people re-registered to vote this year.

Also, a study found more than 1,000 non-citizens in Virginia are registered to vote. Riddell pointed out that the study did not even include Fairfax County and Arlington County, areas of northern Virginia which drive Democrat votes.

In Pennsylvania, Riddell said more than 43,000 voters may be registered twice while the secretary of state there said more than 700 Pennsylvania voters might have cast two ballots in recent elections.

The issue of voter fraud has taken center stage this week after Donald Trump declared at a debate that he will wait until Election Day before deciding whether to accept the election results.

On top of that, Project Veritas has released a video - viewed more than 3.1 million times - showing Democratic operatives apparently talking about taking advantage of lax voter registration policies.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 10/22/16 12:01 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Sat 10/22/16 12:03 PM

Thousands of California soldiers forced to repay enlistment bonuses a decade after going to war

Short of troops to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan a decade ago, the California National Guard enticed thousands of soldiers with bonuses of $15,000 or more to reenlist and go to war.

Now the Pentagon is demanding the money back.

Nearly 10,000 soldiers, many of whom served multiple combat tours, have been ordered to repay large enlistment bonuses — and slapped with interest charges, wage garnishments and tax liens if they refuse — after audits revealed widespread overpayments by the California Guard at the height of the wars last decade.

Investigations have determined that lack of oversight allowed for widespread fraud and mismanagement by California Guard officials under pressure to meet enlistment targets.

But soldiers say the military is reneging on 10-year-old agreements and imposing severe financial hardship on veterans whose only mistake was to accept bonuses offered when the Pentagon needed to fill the ranks.

“These bonuses were used to keep people in,” said Christopher Van Meter, a 42-year-old former Army captain and Iraq veteran from Manteca, Calif., who says he refinanced his home mortgage to repay $25,000 in reenlistment bonuses and $21,000 in student loan repayments that the Army says he should not have received. “People like me just got screwed.”

In Iraq, Van Meter was thrown from an armored vehicle turret — and later awarded a Purple Heart for his combat injuries — after the vehicle detonated a buried roadside bomb.

People like me just got screwed. — Christopher Van Meter, former Army captain


Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 10/22/16 11:40 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Sat 10/22/16 12:25 PM

Was that her public or private side talking? spock

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 10/22/16 11:34 AM

Video Appears to Show Clinton Lecturing State Dept on Cyber Security

A new video has surfaced that appears to show then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recording a video warning her colleagues about the dangers of insufficient cyber security.

"Protecting our cyber infrastructure and digital networks has to be a matter of national security," Clinton says in the video.

"I think this is a responsibility we all share as Americans, but as state department employees, we have a special duty to guard ourselves and our sensitive information."

On Fox & Friends, Tucker Carlson pointed out the contrast between Clinton's warning and allegations she kept a private email server in the restroom of her Westchester County, N.Y. home.

In the video, Clinton urged her colleagues to "comply with department computing policies and [be] alert for potential threats [which] will help protect all of us."

"Together, we can do our part for the security of the state department, and our country," Clinton said.

The video "feeds the narrative that the rules are for everybody else," Abby Huntsman said.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 10/22/16 11:24 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Sat 10/22/16 11:26 AM

It's reality TV at its best!

See what 8 years of dumbocratic rule and PC has done to America

Hell! Even Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart were put out of work! laugh

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 10/22/16 11:12 AM

It appears Trump was right..... the media is rigging the election!

Report: Clinton Took Over 96 Percent of Journalist Contributions

The Center for Public Integrity analyzed the political contributions of journalists in the 2016 cycle, and discovered that more than 96 percent of those gifts went to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

"People identified in federal campaign finance filings as journalists, reporters, news editors or television news anchors — as well as other donors known to be working in journalism — have combined to give more than $396,000 to the presidential campaigns of Clinton and Trump," the Center reported Monday. "Nearly all of that money — more than 96 percent — has benefited Clinton."

"About 430 people who work in journalism have, through August, combined to give about $382,000 to the Democratic nominee," the report explained. Only about 50 identifiable journalists have combined to give roughly $14,000 to Donald Trump.

The report excluded talk radio personalities, paid TV pundits, and the like, such as former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.

This skew in Clinton's favor might help explain the disproportionate negative coverage Trump has received in the mainstream media. Granted, the Republican nominee's comments about women were genuinely offensive, but so are many of the bombshells revealed by WikiLeaks from inside the Clinton campaign (especially offensive to Catholics).

Furthermore, the Project Veritas videos have already pushed key Democratic operatives out of the Clinton campaign. While major media outlets have largely ignored the story (Democrats confessing to long-term voter fraud and to orchestrating violence at Trump rallies), the videos are trending on YouTube.


430 PEOPLE out of 100s of thousands,,? Yes , seems very skewed,,,frustrated

The Center for Public Integrity analyzed the political contributions of journalists in the 2016 cycle, and discovered that more than 96 percent of those gifts went to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

What part of that didn't you understand? The math?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 10/22/16 09:12 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Sat 10/22/16 09:15 AM

This deduction is based on an unproven assumption that people who contribute money to a side, lie about the opposition.

In order to make that reasoning work, you have to declare that EVERYONE who contributes to ANYONE, follows that by lying about everything.

So that means that anyone who donates money to support Trump is ALSO a liar, actively working to distort the facts.

So you have a zero-sum game going on with this.

If you want to make this fantasy work, you need to prove directly that each specific journalist who contributed money to a side, also distorted their reporting in an identifiable way to support their side.

Without the ;proof of actual wrongdoing, you don't have a case.

And even if you find one or two people who you can prove lied, you still only have those one or two. Claiming that ONE example proves that EVERYONE is bad, again will backfire on your goals.

So find proof of across the board lying, or you are just fantasizing to make yourself feel better about the bad news for your side.

Don't watch or pay attention to news much do you? On any level?

Only the deaf, blind and unwilling can't see the media bias in news coverage!

You probably think FOX is the only bias network laugh

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 10/22/16 09:09 AM

Hillary: If you like your corruption, you can keep your corruption

The stain of corruption darkens everything that the Clintons touch.

Second only to national security, it is the responsibility of the president to uphold the law, not to position him or herself above it.

Setting the wheels of corruption in motion, the Obama administration has fundamentally transformed the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) from law enforcement agencies into political hit-squads dedicated to suppressing opposition, silencing criticism and protecting the powerful from the consequences of their criminal activities.

In July of this year, Judicial Watch obtained FBI documents through a federal court order in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, which showed the following:

(1) “IRS officials stated that the agency was targeting conservative groups because of their ideology and political affiliation”;

(2) The FBI and DOJ had an abundance of evidence “suggesting illegal targeting, perjury, and obstruction of justice”;

(3) “Both the FBI and the DOJ collaborated with Lois Lerner and the IRS to try to prosecute and jail Obama’s political opponents”; and

(4) The FBI investigation “looked the other way when it came to Obama’s IRS criminality.”

Also in July, FBI Director James Comey provided shocking details from the Bureau investigation, saying that Clinton and her team at the Department of State were “extremely careless” when it came to handling classified materials; it found 110 emails on 52 separate threads that contained classified information.

Yet Comey made the appalling decision not to refer the email server evidence for prosecution by the DOJ; according to a Fox News report, one person close to the yearlong probe claimed that career agents and attorneys involved in the case “unanimously believed that Hillary should have been charged.”

Not only did Comey inappropriately absolve Clinton of any wrongdoing, he offered immunity to her aides, seemingly to obstruct rather than facilitate further investigation; he allowed witnesses of the alleged criminal activity to serve as Clinton’s “lawyers”; and he physically destroyed evidence contained on the laptops of Clinton’s staff.

Recently released FBI documents, according to Powerline, indicate that Clinton aide Patrick Kennedy “tried to bribe the FBI to change the classification of a Benghazi document so as to enable Hillary’s false claim that she didn’t send or receive classified information on her illegal home server.”

In addition, Hillary Clinton had email exchanges with her IT expert Bryan Pagliano, undermining a claim, made under oath, that she did not recall discussing with him the management of the private, unsecured email server she used at State — a server we can now conclude was set up to conceal the “pay to play” scheme between the Department of State and the Clinton Foundation.

According to The Spectator: “From 2001 to 2015, the Clinton Foundation raised over $2 billion in donations. From February 2001 to May 2015, Bill Clinton gave 637 speeches and made $132,021,691 in speaking fees alone. Hillary gave 92 speeches from February 2013 to March 2015. She was paid $21,648,000. While the Clintons made speeches to Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, it was the foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation that were the most disturbing.”

Of those cases described in Peter Schweizer’s book “Clinton Cash,” one directly affected national security. Rosatom, a state-owned Russian company, gained control of one-fifth of America’s uranium reserves. “Shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One,” states a New York Times report, Bill Clinton “received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.”

We now learn through James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas that Hillary Clinton and her acolytes have used unethical and perhaps illegal means to secure her election to the presidency, including using hired “provocateurs,” some even mentally ill, to instigate violence at Republican events. The clandestine videos also revealed discussions of voter fraud schemes taking advantage of sloppy registration policies for the purpose of registering otherwise ineligible voters. In another Project Veritas video, a Democrat activist who bragged about disrupting Donald Trump campaign events was found to be on Clinton’s campaign payroll after a search of Federal Election Commission records was conducted.

Electing Hillary Clinton will be an endorsement of permanent political corruption and consent for the use of government as an instrument to extinguish dissent.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 10/21/16 10:49 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 10/21/16 10:50 PM

WikiLeaks: WhiteHouse EmailGate Damage Control and More Pay to Play

Abedin to Mook: Hillary 'created this mess and she knows it'

On October 20, WikiLeaks released their thirteenth batch of emails from Hillary Clinton‘s campaign chair John Podesta.

The latest release includes more evidence the Clinton campaign united in damage control with the White House regarding Clinton’s emails, with the White House press secretaries lying to the public by announcing President Obama had no knowledge of her use of a private server.

“Suggest Philippe talk to Josh or Eric. They know POTUS and HRC emailed. Josh has been asked about that. Standard practice is not to confirm anything about his email, so his answer to press was that he would not comment/confirm,” wrote Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri in March.

The second report released by the FBI regarding their investigation into Clinton’s email server noted that Obama used a pseudonym to communicate with Clinton. During her interview with the FBI, Clinton aide Huma Abedin asked “How is this not classified?” The pseudonym suggests Obama knew about the server, knew it wasn’t secure, and used a pseudonym to communicate with Clinton on it as there were no security officers regulating Clinton’s server to mark the emails as classified. Emails released from a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request made by the Republican National Committee (DNC) showed Palmieri in damage control with the State Department while she was still the communications director for the White House in early 2015, discrediting the claims that there was no political influence over the private server investigation.

More Clinton Foundation pay to play access schemes were revealed in the latest WikiLeaks release as well. In January 2015, Abedin blamed Clinton for actions she refused to take responsibility for in an email to Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook and Podesta. “Just to give you some context, the condition upon which the Moroccans agreed to host the meeting was her participation. If hrc was not part if it, meeting was a non-starter. CGI also wasn’t pushing for a meeting in Morocco and it wasn’t their first choice. This was HRC’s idea, our office approached the Moroccans and they 100 percent believe they are doing this at her request. The King has personally committed approx $12 million both for the endowment and to support the meeting. It will break a lot of china to back out now when we had so many opportunities to do it in the past few months. She created this mess and she knows it.”

Last week an email was released that revealed the government of Qatar wanted to get “five minutes” of time with Bill Clinton to present him with $1 million for his birthday, while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state in April 2012. Under Clinton’s service at the State Department, Qatar received a 1,482 percent increase in weapons exports from the United States, which by law were approved by Clinton herself. The New York Times reported Clinton Foundation officials claimed the $1 million gift didn’t have to be cleared with the State Department because it was not a fluctuation from Qatar’s previous donation levels. But, “the claim, however, was impossible to verify because the foundation is not required to publicly report every donation it receives and has not done so,” wrote Steve Eder for the Times.

Clinton partisans attempt divert attention from the WikiLeaks releases or downplay the concerns these revelations incite. However, the emails provide a glimpse into the Machiavellian ascent of Clinton in her presidential bid, despite the litany of scandals that plague her political record.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 10/21/16 10:37 PM

No proof of course as Snopes or any other liberal fact checker will tell you, and the liberal media won't even mention (like it didn't happen.... a page 6 blip perhaps) other than the one staffer who was supposed killed while robbed (yet nothing taken) which Clinton used in a speech for gun control. Seems his death got better results than his work signing up voters!

The Clinton Body Count Just Went Up By 5 In The Past 6 Weeks!

Activist and Bernie Sanders supporter Shawn Lucas is the latest person to line up alongside others in the Clinton body count. He is the fifth person who has been a threat to the Clintons to die in the past six weeks.

Lucas, along with filmmaker Ricardo Villaba recently served papers to the Democratic National Committee Services Corp. and the former Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz with regards to a fraud class action lawsuit against the Democrat Party.

Here's the video:

LOL when I first read the title I thought that maybe there were 5 more women that they just discovered Bill banged. LOL

Hell that would only be 2 days work for the horn dog rapist Wild Willie

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 10/21/16 10:29 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 10/21/16 10:33 PM

It appears Trump was right..... the media is rigging the election!

Report: Clinton Took Over 96 Percent of Journalist Contributions

The Center for Public Integrity analyzed the political contributions of journalists in the 2016 cycle, and discovered that more than 96 percent of those gifts went to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

"People identified in federal campaign finance filings as journalists, reporters, news editors or television news anchors — as well as other donors known to be working in journalism — have combined to give more than $396,000 to the presidential campaigns of Clinton and Trump," the Center reported Monday. "Nearly all of that money — more than 96 percent — has benefited Clinton."

"About 430 people who work in journalism have, through August, combined to give about $382,000 to the Democratic nominee," the report explained. Only about 50 identifiable journalists have combined to give roughly $14,000 to Donald Trump.

The report excluded talk radio personalities, paid TV pundits, and the like, such as former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.

This skew in Clinton's favor might help explain the disproportionate negative coverage Trump has received in the mainstream media. Granted, the Republican nominee's comments about women were genuinely offensive, but so are many of the bombshells revealed by WikiLeaks from inside the Clinton campaign (especially offensive to Catholics).

Furthermore, the Project Veritas videos have already pushed key Democratic operatives out of the Clinton campaign. While major media outlets have largely ignored the story (Democrats confessing to long-term voter fraud and to orchestrating violence at Trump rallies), the videos are trending on YouTube.


Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 10/21/16 09:03 PM

No proof of course as Snopes or any other liberal fact checker will tell you, and the liberal media won't even mention (like it didn't happen.... a page 6 blip perhaps) other than the one staffer who was supposed killed while robbed (yet nothing taken) which Clinton used in a speech for gun control. Seems his death got better results than his work signing up voters!

The Clinton Body Count Just Went Up By 5 In The Past 6 Weeks!

Activist and Bernie Sanders supporter Shawn Lucas is the latest person to line up alongside others in the Clinton body count. He is the fifth person who has been a threat to the Clintons to die in the past six weeks.

Lucas, along with filmmaker Ricardo Villaba recently served papers to the Democratic National Committee Services Corp. and the former Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz with regards to a fraud class action lawsuit against the Democrat Party.

Here's the video:

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 10/21/16 08:01 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 10/21/16 08:02 PM

And SS...not meaning to hijack your thread, but I know how you feel about John McCain and figured you'd be interested in a leaked email about him that was released today. ...

"If you are interested in cleaning house at the McCain campaign, we urge you to start with Charlie Black, Tom Loeffler, and Peter Madigan. As you will soon find out when these three fill out their forms, they have represented unconscionable foreign interests. Mr. Black and his firm have lobbied for Philippines¹s President Ferdinand Marcos, strongman Mobuto Sese Seko of Zaire, Mohamed Siad Barre of Somali, ³rebel terrorist² Jonas Savimbi of Angola, and several other unsavory foreign clients. Mr. Loeffler and his firm have made approximately $11 million in their contracts representing the Saudi Arabian government. Mr. Madigan represented the government of the United Arab Emirates in a class action suit regarding the enslavement of children as camel jockeys.

Clearly these types of lobbying clientele reflect poorly on Sen. McCain and his campaign. Your vetting process will turn up many more conflicts of interest. For example, there have been widely reported connections between several lobbyists who serve as fundraisers and staff for your campaign and Airbus¹s U.S. affiliate when they secured a $35 billion Air Force contract. Sen. McCain has received more in campaign donations from executives of this Airbus affiliate, EADS, than any other candidate. In addition, your own lobbying and public relations work, and that of your firm, has raised serious questions about conflicts of interest. We remain concerned about Sen. McCain¹s retreat from his previous support for public financing legislation at the national level. That he has built a campaign relying on lobbyists to staff it and raise money for it is a clear signal to us that reforming business-as-usual politics and the pay-to-play culture in Washington is a very low priority for the Senator if he is elected. We hope this will change."

No wonder he hates Trump laugh
Dems and repubs are one and the same folks....nothing but whores for the dollar.

McShame sold his.....OUR..... country out long ago and all the Vets.... in particular Nam Vets..... with it.

The Hanoi Songbird stopped all the efforts (as a Senator) to press the Vietnamese to account for missing servicemen/women imprisoned or left behind as well as voting down any programs designed to help Nam vets thru funding and aid programs.

My hatred for this traitor runs deep.... even deeper than that for Hanoi Jane (Fonda). She was just a young idiot liberal with too much money and no brains.... or honor

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 10/21/16 07:43 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 10/21/16 07:50 PM

Poor little liberals! sad

Hope they have lots of safe spaces available for them

Holloween has been around a lot longer than any of the poor little whinny babies have been and the worst anyone ever worried about it before PC was home wrapped or non-wrapped treats from unknown sources and whether or not it will rain

What next? Do we say good bye to the Rubenesque jolly bearded man from the north pole and colored Easter eggs?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 10/21/16 12:47 PM

Clinton Journalist Has Meltdown After His Russian Conspiracy Theory Is Debunked

Pro-Clinton mainstream media remains convinced there must be nefarious, pro-Kremlin incentives for anyone opposing her

In August 2016, Politico reported top Democrats held a conference call discussing damage control surrounding future releases from WikiLeaks, apparently deciding to collectively allege the leaks will include fabricated content. In a desperate and sloppy attempt to create a link between Russia and Donald Trump, Newsweek writer Kurt Eichenwald wrote an article titled “Dear Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, I am not Sidney Blumenthal.” The article claimed the publication Sputnik and Trump coordinated an attack on Hillary Clinton.

In reality, Sputnik news editor and Georgetown graduate Bill Moran rushed to publish a story about a WikiLeaks email in which Clinton adviser Sidney Blumenthal copy and pasted an Eichenwald article about Benghazi and sent it to Clinton campaign chair John Podesta. Moran misidentified the writer of the piece as Blumenthal, and quickly wrote and published a story about it. Trump tweeted the article, and cited it during a speech at a rally in Pennsylvania.

Once Sputnik became aware the article had misinterpreted the email, they removed it. Eichenwald, without researching what had happened, claimed Trump citing the article was proof of a conspiracy between Trump and Russia. Eichenwald’s article was used by Clinton partisans as evidence WikiLeaks had released fake documents.

Moran attempted to reach out to Eichenwald to correct his story. Eichenwald blocked him on Twitter, and the two engaged in bizarre correspondence via email, which was later published by Paste Magazine and confirmed as legitimate by Eichenwald.

Eichenwald tweeting out his story 37 times is how you know it's good

— Adam H. Johnson (@adamjohnsonNYC) October 11, 2016

According to the email thread, Eichenwald offered to help Moran find new work at The New Republic, in between threatening Moran if he went public that Eichenwald’s article is completely baseless. “Go public, and you’ll regret it,” Eichenwald wrote, according to Paste, which discusses whether Eichenwald’s correspondence equates to bribery and threats towards Moran.

“I guarantee you one thing: there is already a file on you in one of the security intelligence divisions of the FBI. You have been playing in a sandbox surrounded by very large, and mostly unseen, players, engaged in games you don’t recognize.” Eichenwald added, ““There are some things I know but I can’t tell you, but what I will say is that, as far as American intelligence agencies are concerned, the event involving this manipulated document is far from over,” he continued. “America is in the middle of a large-scale cyberwar with Russia; if you don’t know this, you need to read the coverage of what is going on, including the statements from the White House.”

Eichenwald is having a meltdown and appears to be threatening @BillMoranWrites. Wow.

— Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) October 20, 2016


Eichenwald has tweeted at @BillMoranWrites over 60 times in the last 40 minutes. Dude is losing his mind.

— Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) October 20, 2016

Despite the veracity of Eichenwald’s article being challenged, Newsweek has not removed or amended the article to suggest it is entirely based on pure speculation, and that the evidence suggests the claims made in the article are false. But, shoddy journalism has become the norm this election year as mainstream media outlets resort to propping up Clinton’s candidacy, using Trump and Russia as convenient excuses for their overt bias.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 10/21/16 07:23 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 10/21/16 07:18 AM
Abedin implicated Clinton in foundation trade-off with Morocco amid $12 million commitment

Just hours after Hillary Clinton dodged a question at the final presidential debate about charges of "pay to play" at the Clinton Foundation, a new batch of WikiLeaks emails surfaced with stunning charges that the candidate herself was at the center of negotiating a $12 million commitment from King Mohammed VI of Morocco. One of the more remarkable parts of the charge is that the allegation came from Clinton's loyal aide, Huma Abedin, who described the connection in a January 2015 email exchange with two top advisers to the candidate, John Podesta and Robby Mook. Abedin wrote that "this was HRC's idea" for her to speak at a meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative in Morocco in May 2015 as an explicit condition for the $12 million commitment from the king. ...


And here...

Huma on Hillary’s $12M Morocco fiasco: ‘She created this mess and she knows it’

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 10/21/16 07:00 AM

"Hillary is needed to protect the advancements we have made. No one is more qualified to continue the work we have started"


LIBEALS passed those amendments

todays republicans HATE liberals,,,

So you're saying that Dems have taken an even darker road since that time in our history....

That would make sense since today's Dems sure would like to forget (or at least have the people forget) all the abuses they have made against the Constitution and the peoples rights and laws under it.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 10/20/16 03:43 PM

Sounds like the Clinton Foundation is about to get another BIG donation

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 10/20/16 03:42 PM

This thread is about the fact that NO ONE (our President, our Congress, or Our Press) cares anything about the real issues facing this country - if they did they surely wouldn't be just talking the day after a presidential debate about what Donald Trump said about the election or voter fraud except in a passing reference. This surely shouldn't be the focus considering the overwhelming complicated issues this country is facing today.

But but but that's all Hitlery has to run on is slamming Trump and her media and campaign know it.

Could you ever imagine her winning with only her record or accomplishments? They can't either!

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 10/20/16 03:35 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 10/20/16 03:37 PM

"Hillary is needed to protect the advancements we have made. No one is more qualified to continue the work we have started"


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