Community > Posts By > OnNewJourney
For you OnNewJourney and the whole Mingle land... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thanks Astrid23! ![]() I know it's coming from your big warm heart! May the wishes you whisper come true and make you laugh loud with someone sharing the happiness.:-) |
I'll share one Christmas story with you. Not from any book, but from real life...
Many, many years ago in one war-thorn country two young freelancers were stuck in a building that was under such a heavy fire that they could feel foundation shaking. It was almost Christmas, they were far from home, not knowing if they'll live to see their family ever again. There was nothing there for them but a hope and a prayer and two hands holding each other gently. They were just sitting there silently and thinking... when one of the people stood up and said: "It's almost Christmas and that's the time when wishes come true. May we survive this and go back to our homes to those we love and think of now!" Everyone prayed not knowing if that was a last prayer ever. Some people cried and held the photos of their loved ones, some tried to write messages in a dark using just lighters. The young couple hugged each other and made a wish... which came true years later. They lived together over twenty years, but never forgotten that night and the lesson they learned. Never give up hope. Never! Love is the one that makes miracles happen. Merry Christmas Minglers! When you pray, let your heart speak and wishes just might come true.;-) |
Merry Christmas ONJ and all the best throught the holiday season. Thanks SpicyExcel! :-) |
Amelinng, dcastelmissy, klc, smartwithsparks, Jarsno, Maxisu, CrystalFairy, SpicyExcel, Dodo_David,Davidben, zzzippy56 ... and so many great people made me smile, think, laugh here on Mingle.
I know I didn’t mention everyone, but I wish you all to be blessed with love and wisdom. May this Christmas bring magic moments in your life and your wishes come true in New Year! ![]() |
Soufie! :-)
All the best to you dear! May your wishes come true! :-) |
Hello fellow Minglers!
I am back just to wish you MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Also, all the best in New Year! : -) May your wishes come true! Thank you for sharing your taught with me on Mingle and special thanks for all the kind words and advices. Kindest regards ONJ P.S.I hope I posted on the right forum this time? :-) |
Movie Quotes
Which Game you playing now.
I like Mahjong.
broken hearts
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Sun 12/14/14 08:44 PM
how do you mend a broken heart when the love of your life dies in your arms It happened to me after more than 20 years. Only time helps. Just be patient, live one day at the time and you will feel strong again. One morning you will feel ready to open up your heart and your mind. The problem is... many people never experienced a deep closeness and want to substitute relationship with shallow easy come easy go type of companionship, but you will recognize those easily and learn how to deal with them. I got a bit tired of dealing with those looking for no strings attached sex based relationships, but even if the majority is just fine with it, that doesn't mean ALL (wo)men are the same. So, there is always a chance there is someone not so shallow out there, right? To be honest, I gave up looking. If it happens - it will happen. If not, I'll live without love and without a broken heart. That's how I see it, but things change. Maybe I'll see it differently in future. Who knows...? Perhaps you will be lucky. You can't know that. Nobody can. So,chin up and keep day at the time... ![]() |
what u looking for here?
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Sun 12/14/14 07:59 PM
I used to look for something, but figured I was looking for it the wrong way and on a wrong place.
Mingle forums are so good that I decided to stay. Some Minglers are really great! ![]() P.S. I see some people waste their time clicking on my profile. I am not looking, just chatting here, so keep looking elsewhere and good luck. Especially those 20+ guys looking for MILF or however its called these days. Find someone your own age. ![]() |
Do men love?
ESTELLE79, some men do find excitment in love (romance), and at all different stages of their life. These men also enjoy how the romance finishes off the evening, spending the night with the woman. Not every man is looking for the latest thing for a new relationship. We are communication online and the scammers and time wasters make life difficult. Relationships seem today to be more disposable than they were with our parents and some individuals our age. People do not need to tolerate poor behaviour these days, nor are they willing to. Sometimes it is not poor behaviour that is a problem, just personality differences. And sometime individuals do tolerate poor behaviour, because they do love their partner and understand the difficulties in their relationships. They are willing to try and work through them peacefully. Even people of this generation seek love, they have seen divorce, or separations as an example of love and sex. Short term relationships. Men have experienced the same difficulties as your searching for an answer for in this forum. Again this is Imprinted behaviour, and some believe its normal and acceptable. OnNewJourney was right about being patient, it will happen in time. When communicating find out how long it has been, since he was in a relationship, and I am not talking about communications online. A real physical relationship. Taking time to recover from a past relationship is important I believe. Allows oneself to review the good qualities and bad qualities of their partner and themselves. There is no easy solution, we each can only offer small peices of advise, or personal experiences. That sounds right SpicyExcel Although advice wasn't given to me, I still appreciate sharing your taught on this with ESTELLE79 and others on this forum. Those with bad behavior can be ignored or blocked. We shouldn't allow them to ruin our day. I didn't give up because of them, but for other reasons. Good luck with your quest! ![]() |
I do not need a hug, but can give one if someone needs it.
After testing my limits again, I need something to do not to think of the pain in each and every muscle. Either I'll finish this renovating or it will finish me. LOL OK, now... a hug for someone who needs it (without paint or dust - I changed, so ... no worries!) LOL ((((HUG)))) |
Any WOMEN playing pool here?
I am not into bar scene at all. Oh, I am also a smoker who rarely drinks and would gladly take a hiking challenge with people who claim they have a "healthy life style". That said; you are free to continue reading while feeding your imagination with common prejudices. :- ) Those who resisted allowing their prejudices to take over are encouraged to reply. Here is a question for you ... How many WOMEN on this site like playing pool? And you forget about me...I'm your poolmate girl... ![]() Seriously, this is weird ! Last night when I came across one of your posts...I thought about you, me and some other minglers at "Scooberts (and Pinks)'bar". Imagine how cool that bar would look for real (indoor pool and jacuzzi). I thought of having a Cognac with you and then ripping up that pool table...while Pink and Scoobert where doing a "revue dance" ![]() Oh, oh...I am delirium...but it's true I thought about it last night! ( Maxisu is in a beginning state of fever due to a severe cold...she did not drink or smoke anything specific other than hot tea and a regular cig... ![]() Oh you are so wrong! LOL I read your posts and, no, I didn't forget you joining me at Scooberts bar. for a party of pool.THANKS! ![]() Next time I drop by a nice glass of Cognac is on me. I VERY rarely drink. A shot of Cognac usually follows a small personal victory, but it will be a pleasure to share it with you! ![]() ![]() |
Any WOMEN playing pool here?
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Sun 12/14/14 07:14 PM
single when younger always made a place to go ...where pool was to hang out ... loved playing pool and foosball... but but when the crowed changed so did we and went to other places that just had music and dance floors ... or another who had pool tables ... Right... things change... I'm not too good at pool, but I love that game and miss playing it! ![]() Friends who I used to play with moved out of town (career and other reasons), so ... just one girlfriend still plays pool and she is too busy and not into it as she used to be. ![]() Well...I'll see about this online version. What else can I do? ![]() P.S. It makes no sense to get into FWB relationship just because I want to play some pool. I tried to invite few male friends, but...didn't work Sometimes I wish I was invisible. I could sneak into a pool club and play after they close it. They would probably call me "a ghost of a pool club", not bad marketing, right? ROFLMAO |
Any WOMEN playing pool here?
I am not into bar scene at all. Oh, I am also a smoker who rarely drinks and would gladly take a hiking challenge with people who claim they have a "healthy life style". That said; you are free to continue reading while feeding your imagination with common prejudices. :- ) Those who resisted allowing their prejudices to take over are encouraged to reply. Here is a question for you ... How many WOMEN on this site like playing pool? I like to play. im not that great and the rules are hit and miss since I learned with people who don't know much more about it than I do. but it's something I enjoy Mmmm! Great! Welcome to the club! ![]() I am seriously thinking about joining online pool site, the one david mentioned: Oh how I miss pool... either I'll have to make one of my girlfriends come to club or start playing online. I used to have PC game, but it's not the same feeling as the real thing. Still... pool is a pool. ![]() Maybe it's time to go back to virtual one? LOL |
Do men love?
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Sun 12/14/14 06:50 PM
Estelle79 men CAN love and DO love very deeply.
Believe me they can. I should know after living and loving one over 20 years. We didn't have children. We had only each other and I am grateful for every day of what used to be our life! Unfortunately, such men are not easy to find. I understand that you might have been unlucky so far, just as I was, but you really shouldn't be so bitter. If you don't see a man around you who might awake feeling of love in your heart NOW, than stop looking for a while and focus on your life and yourself. You can't force anything to happen. I believe if something is meant to happen - it shall happen, but when the right time comes and if it is not meant to happen it shall never happen. You can't force anything or anyone. Relax... ;-) Some people remain alone, some find the person they share love with. If I came to conclusion that my chances to find a special someone in my life AGAIN are very low and gave up looking, please, please, PLEASE not take me as an example. Everyone is different and has his/her own destiny. Maybe your experience so far made you feel so bitter, but bit**ing won't help a bit. You will be perceived in a negative way, because nobody,men or women likes bit**ing. Nobody! Maybe it's a good idea to take a break and stop looking for a while. Focus on yourself, your life, hobbies, sports, friends....anything that will help you get rid off these emotions and taught about men that you had no luck with. Just get them out of your system, recharge and once you can calmly talk about men without feeling so bitter then decide how and where you want to go from there. Don't make any important decisions that may influence the rest of your life while still under strong negative feelings and doubts. Relax for a while. Think about why things went wrong. You'll figure it out. I am sure you will. You sound like an intelligent woman, so when the broken heart starts speaking stop, listen and turn your brain on till things settle down and doubt disappear. It helps...;-) ((((HUGS))) ![]() |
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Sat 12/13/14 07:15 PM
The traffic on my page has increased by (quite literally) 800-900% since I put up the "PHOTOSHOPPED" btw ...muscle bound Santa pic. Pff...Girls are so shallow! So, Shallow Hal has sisters. Should anyone be surprised? ![]() |
Oh? So it's not a body art...?? It's just a costume.
So, you think it's you we have to thank for the increased number of hits? Hmmm...interesting... ![]() |
lets turn back time
throws cape down so lady can traverse mud puddle Without asking if BJ is out of the question? ![]() P.S. Sorry! My big mouth...couldn't resist. LOL |