Well the weather has changed a lot! Rain today (Toozday)& more tomozz. Even so, rain beats snow! Have a great day folks
Howdy Betty, I am assured life goes on, though I begin to doubt life as we know it, is a happening thing amongst Minglers!
G'day y'all, a grand lookin' day here in the South Pacific. It may even top yesters temps! At 2pm we had 27 degrees here( that's 81 in the old money) & of course when I went out to the supermart, the car had been sitting in the sun locked up & had around 92degs inside. Was wonderful, NOT !! Anywho, I trust all are well & bearing up under the weight of the snow......by the way, y'all remembered it was Debs birthday on the 23rd, didn't you.
21 degrees is chilli baby it's cold out there!!
brrrr it's cold in the alamocity. we're at 42 degrees |
It works! It comes with the dogs double guarantee( if it don't work you get no money back) try again later! sounds like a shop i was working at. the owner's discount was to charge double and give 10 percent off Hell, did you work for him also? He's the only boss I counted my pay in front of him!! Dang, you had to. With a name like Joshua Goldberg, I should have known better. Give him some credit though, I learnt some cool tricks with figures. |
It works! It comes with the dogs double guarantee( if it don't work you get no money back) try again later!
Currently ( 8.30AM) we have 78 degrees & that is seriously warm for this time o' day It seems it's only the warm blooded Texans who can survive cool spell out west! All others hibernate. For me, at this time o'year, ya' can only remove so many layers before "the man" starts usin' words like indecent exposure & other foul language. Anywho, I hope all are well, & misbehaving in an unseemly manner
Oh and Jag.... You're up next |
I been Awol for a couple of days While swearing fit to bust at this 'puta. Now, $51.75 later, le machine is working once more. This is a lot more than can be said for the Texas thread!! It's just as well Esse came back or there'd be even less. Anywho, we are in the midst of an early Summer heat wave & a summer shower would be most beneficial. I hope all are well
Nearly 9am, Good morning Texas!! The start of a new week here, & we are rarin' to go!
"Pony Keg?" How big is a pony keg? Perhaps it's related to a "hogs Head" (56gallons Imperial). Otherwise, I trust all are well.
Here it is, 9.35am Sunday & not a soul in sight. One assumes all are in church........good people!! I shall call again later, after the service has ended. Howdy Texas!
Come back people, I've had a shower & am no-longer offensive! Golly, I haven't heard an echo like that since Harrison Ford was seen in "The Tomb Raiders". Who are y'all hiding from?
All are well today, I trust! I have an aged lady living next door to me, & while she causes me no sleeplessness with noisy parties etc., she is an upstanding member of the "Jehovahs Witness" team of fanatics. While I am pleased for her, I would rather she sent her team to save others, rather than her neighbours. I have enough trouble trying to convince the local chapter of the "Mormon" church(otherwise known as " The Latterday Saints"), that I have zero interest in their take on things biblical. Other than these small issues, everything in the South Pacific is moving along nicely.
I was at the lake..had to go pay taxes and winterize my house.! damn fat fingers!!! |
Goodness me, is Mingle in Mourning? What has happened?
A tomb is like down-town on late night before black Friday compared to Texas. Wherez y'all gone to?
Hasn't this turned a new leaf yet?