Community > Posts By > gothope

gothope's photo
Wed 01/28/09 09:41 AM

Who watched??

I watched it last night and it was great! But so sad. I have to say I related to it very well as I had a gay brother who died when he was 33 years old(AIDS). He had a loving supportive family, and I always wondered what his life may have been like if he didn't have all of us. He too, was suicidal in his teens, but we weren't aware of that until after his death, when we read his diaries. I imagine now, if we weren't supportive of his life, he may have committed suicide, and we would have lost all those precious years we had with him. Anyway, sorry so long, but I'm glad someone else watched it, and I hope you found meaning in it yourself.

gothope's photo
Wed 01/28/09 09:24 AM
Sorry...just figuring this out. Seriuosly are correct. This situation is not a matter of the economy or layoffs, these parents BOTH had to be derranged. I'd live with family, take charity, work any menial job do whatever and the thought of hurting my kids would never enter my mind. I think they both used the unemployment as an excuse to do what they may have done at another time anyway. And to the individual here who mentioned "spoiled brats". Absolutley!

gothope's photo
Wed 01/28/09 09:19 AM

Well's a matter to be sorted out elsewhere.

I think there must have been alot more wrong than just the job situation too.

Perhaps the lesson to take from this is to know your neighbors, stay in touch with your friends and family and if you sense something is wrong be proactive.

gothope's photo
Wed 01/28/09 09:10 AM

Why is it the company's fault? They didn't create the economy and in all probability, the people who made the decisions didn't know who they were laying off, much less that they were related.

Although it may not be the company's fault for these parents horrifying decision, it can be a companies fault in how they choose or why they choose to lay off employees. There are other options, such as cut back on hours or days you work. I was recently laid off after 7 years as well as 10 other long term employees because our employer chose to ax the higher paid employees. And they know who they choose to let go, and why. The rich will not allow this economy to affect them no matter what. They will not compromise or make any attempt to try to find a equitable solution for the employees they used to claim "were like family".

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