how do I ask?
Girls just don't talk like that here on Mingle. some do, but i'm not tellin which ones. . . . Thats good DREW because there may be a lynch mob formed it you do. ![]() i know when to keep my mouth shut. besides, why spoil a good thing? . . . |
Netflix NOW
Hope all of you netflix dvd+streaming customers like paying 2 bills instead of one. i'm a heartbeat away from dropping these idiots. . . . |
how do I ask?
Girls just don't talk like that here on Mingle. some do, but i'm not tellin which ones. . . . |
"Merciful Father, I have squandered my days with plans of many things. This was not among them. But at this moment, I beg only to live the next few minutes well. For all we ought to have thought, and have not thought; all we ought to have said, and have not said; all we ought to have done, and have not done; I pray thee God for forgiveness." - 13th Warrior My favorite all time movie...can't say how many times I have watched it! ![]() yep, it's pretty awesome. ~i regret loving those who didn't deserve it and not loving those who did.~ Perfectly stated! thank you. . . . |
Wink Wink
So I've been getting these emails from a guy who may or may not be interested in me. I can't really tell what he's after exactly but each sentence he writes ends in "wink wink". What the hell does that mean? Do you think he has turrets or some other nervous tick? ![]() maybe he's just doing a double take of your hotness, sexy. . . . |
"Merciful Father, I have squandered my days with plans of many things. This was not among them. But at this moment, I beg only to live the next few minutes well. For all we ought to have thought, and have not thought; all we ought to have said, and have not said; all we ought to have done, and have not done; I pray thee God for forgiveness." - 13th Warrior
i regret most of my life. i regret most not learning from the mistakes that i've made and therefore continue to make them. tomorrow i will regret not living today to it's fullest and i will repeat that same regret the following day and the day after that. continuing on until i have no more days. i regret loving those who didn't deserve it and not loving those who did. i know regret. i know it well. . . . |
Roll CALL....
Its crazy to me how all these sites have merged over the years to this...and no one hardly uses the forums anymore...there used to be tons of people on and posting. Sad:( It was a lot of fun then...what happened? it's a friday night. people are out trying to find love IRL and not thru the computer screen. i'm sitting in my cave for fear of being seen in public. and since i have no friends there's no point in going out anyway. . . . |
Netflix NOW
I liked the lincoln lawyer, it was really good. I just watched Something Borrowed. it was good too. Just also watched HALL PASS> this was hilarious. Thought it looked lame and was dead set on not seeing it at the theater, which i didnt, but after renting it, i thought it was hilarious...I esp. liked the full front male visuals, Thanks, and its about time...LOL i hated hall pass. that $h|T pissed me off. i missed the male full frontal (thankfully). just watched south pacific (old musical from the 50's or 60's). not bad, if you like old musicals. i'm trying to broaden my mind a bit and see some things that i've never seen. . . . |
Netflix NOW
Ok. first off
***i am not saying this was a great movie*** i just got done watching Tekken which is based off of the fighting game by the same name. it was much better than i had expected. if you like martial arts action movies, then consider watching this one. there aren't any huge name actors in it, but there were some faces i recognized. i would give it 3 stars. ( i hate netflix's star system - there are some movies that i'm indifferent on and i have to say that i like them or i didn't - stupid ) to me 3 stars means that it was ok. not good enough to buy, but not terrible either. i also watched The Lincoln Lawyer the other day. also not a bad movie. i had some reservations, since it seemed that they gave away most of the movie in the previews, but overall it was worth watching. . . . |
What type?
Over the years Ive found that im attracted to a certian type of guy. It never seems to fail 9 times out of 10 I can pick a guy out that I peaks my interest and hes either a security guard a prision guard or a police officer. what about you do you have a certian type of guy or girl you usually pick? i'm primarily attracted to women who wouldn't be attracted to me for any reason. it works really well for me. . . . |
How Precious is Human Life?
7+ billion on a planet that can BARELY sustain us. No not every human life is precious. Some people are just a waste of air. There are a lot of good people out there but how abou tthe ones who are not so good and the ones who are just crap in human skin? No, not evey human life is precious. And on top of htat what makes us more important than other life on this world? i don't like to think of it as wasting air. i like to think of it as producing co2 for the plants to use. and human skin makes for a wonderfully large sack for storing crap. some of us are here for the sole purpose of making others look better. . . . |
Would YOU?
I actually think that it is so much better, if u give it time to grow, anticipation is a good thing. If u do it on the first night, then whats special about it or her. Just my 2 cents worth. well any woman with which there would be enough of a mutual attraction between her and i for circumstances to lead us to the bedroom on the first night would be incredibly special in my book. . . . |
Would YOU?
![]() ![]() not quite all. not that it matters. . . . |
It is so not cute x.x Maybe I am not appealing to women? I can totally identify with that one. for some reason i can relate as well. . . . |
Netflix NOW
I just watched , Tropical Thunder -for the first time. It was silly and boring then i watched Role Models, which was the same. Im not into the whole fake role play fighting thing. i loved role models, but i like KISS, so that made the movie for me. the rest of it i could take or leave. tropic thunder was definitely boring. never watched rescue me, but have heard good things. can't be too bad, it has had a long run. . . . |
Would YOU?
lets say its your first date,,,but their ALL THAT! Would you sleep with them that first date if they were leading their to have that happen,,,,or would you be firm and say,,,no,,not on the first night we met? 1. Yes? 2. no? 3. doesn't really matter? my personal outlook if i feel there is the potential for longevity then i would hold off. if it seems there's no chance of an actual relationship outside of a purely physical one, then i would go as far as she's willing. to be honest though, i've never been in that situation, so it's all hypothetical for me. . . . |
Netflix NOW
I have Your Highness in queue for my brother, but I thought it was dumb and vulgar. The funny parts weren't enough to get by the stupidity overall. the vulgarity doesn't bother me, but it was on the stupid side. i wasn't expecting much from it anyway. watched x-men first class, it was pretty good. i have to admit though that i never read comics as a kid, so i don't know all of the ins and outs of what follows the comic story line and what doesn't. . . . |
what the other person is looking for is the first thing i look at on a profile. that and the pic's.
though, there have been people who mistakenly put that they're looking for the wrong thing. . . . |
Netflix NOW
ok, watched your highness, it was ok.
anybody change their plan? i dropped down to the 2 out at a time plan to keep my charges at $20/mo. i still think they should've let existing customers keep their current rates and just changed the rates for new customers. oh, well. phvk it. what's done is done. . . . |
We went to the movies and before we went in he had already gone to the grocery store and purchased two sandwiches and asked me to sneak them in by putting them in my purse,we go inside and he asked for the senior discount rate, and instead of getting a soda to drink he asked for two small cups of ice so that we could drink water so needless to say that was the end of that ,there is a point of being to cheap ,when i was invited out to the movies ![]() Next time, it sounds like you need to ask your date upfront if he's going to be paying for your food, rather than assuming. really? is that something you'd be comfortable asking someone? it's not like asking if there's going to be a meal on a flight somewhere. how's that conversation going to go? . . . Actually, I never assume the other person is going to pay. I bring enough money to cover what I want. If he offers, cool. But, I'm happy to split the bill as well. For those who assume that the guy is always going to pay, times have changed quite a bit. So, if it's important enough to them, they may want to find out beforehand, so they're not disappointed. i agree that times have changed. i still feel awkward asking a woman to contribute to the date. a friend and i used to hang out and she'd pay for somethings and i'd pay for somethings, which was cool. but we were just friends and not dating. also, i've always been the one making more money, so it makes me feel more awkward if the other party offers to pay when i know that i can afford it more than they. . . . |