Community > Posts By > 23mBoredinKilleen
people that put the word "bored" in their screen names... Haha, yeh.. I want to change it. I never really intended to meet anybody on this site, but I was proven wrong so it's too late now. |
Edited by
Thu 01/15/09 02:27 PM
I've been reading a lot of profiles lately and I realized certain small things that turn me away from profiles almost immediately. These are mine, list yours.
Massive amounts of misspelled words. Seriously? Spell-check does wonders to make you not look like a complete moron. Stupid chicks not only turn me off, they sometimes even piss me off. I'm not sure why it pisses me off, it just does. The liberal use of slang, such as.. "ne ways" or anything of that sort. Anybody else got pet peeves they care to share? -- Oh and I know my grammar probably sucks, but luckily grammar isn't one of mine, otherwise I would stay pissed at myself. |
You know, most of the people in my family all hate each other, they disassociate themselves with each other, and yet to me, regardless of who or how they are, they are still family. I'm the only person in my family that still gets along with everybody.
Is it ok?
Like above, it would really depend on how bad I hate them, even though love is the key to happiness and you should always forgive people, its just not in the human nature to do so. If that person were a rapist, would you laugh at them? I would, loudly.. and not to myself either.
If You Were Admitted to
To everybody who said no-one. Give me a few years, I'm going to create a teleporter and integrate it into a site like this, so when everybody is bored we can all just teleport to a coffee shop somewhere and meet.. Or something like that.. Maybe I'm just too hopeful. Nothing is worth experiencing without friends or family, even sorrow.
Thought for the day
The era of "yes" has begun. If you aren't taking chances and living life, then you might as well dig your own grave and crawl in it.
Animal Rights
My science teacher used to say it best.. I didnt crawl to the top of the food chain to eat grass! Best quote ever. |
Is it ok?
Bah! I say chuckle, and you are right. We are who we are, why try to be someone else just to please others? Being yourself is the only way to be happy. I chuckle at people who said I would never do anything with my life when I was young, as they are still in the same situation and I'm moving on up in the world. Hell, if I see em, I'll chuckle in their face. Possibly even point and laugh. Besides, its not really laughing "at" them, its simply laughing that you overcame what they assumed you would be and ended up being nothing themselves, you chuckle because it makes you happy. Anyways, live life or die. I choose life.
Totally laughable....
I know how ya feel, most of my friends either left for Iraq in December or changed to a different base. If you lived closer I would be your friend.
![]() |
Animal Rights
On a side note, my buddy wants to open a restaurant.
You Kill it, We Grill it. What do you think about the concept? You come in, get your weapon and meat of choice, go kill it, we slice it up and grill it for your group. |
Animal Rights
Now I've decided to have a cheeseburger for lunch HAHAHA, as soon as I read that I thought the same exact thing. |
Edited by
Sat 01/10/09 10:47 AM
There are steps you can take in life that will prevent losing everything you have. Such as, sacrificing how you live and not eating out to save money so you have a reserve of cash to keep you going if something happens. Staying ahead on bills is easier than most people choose to make others believe, its just most people are lazy and don't want to sacrifice anything to secure their future. As far as credit cards? Useless, unless you are using them to pay bills and paying the balance off every single month, and that is solely to increase your credit score, not to actually USE the credit they give you.
SSI and SSDI are a completely different story though, at that point, if you don't have anything saved, chances are you won't be making anything extra so yeah, you shouldn't have debtors calling you. |
Totally laughable....
Well even though this thread took a turn for the worst, I thought it was pretty hilarious. Sometimes I don't understand people, why get so angry over something so small? Not once have I met some random chick and ended up dating her before we were friends and got to know each other first. If you don't know somebody how can you date them?
dang. he said it...
you just got happens. anyways dont date if you cant use a phone. chat your entire youth away oh yes... i was scared of the big strong man and his mighty phonesex skilllzzz ooohhh myyy goodness!!! whatever will lil innocent me will do!!! lol dude really? come on. i'm not lookin for phonesex. i'm sure there are those who are.. i'm not. its all good. still.. disappointing. LOL.. All your phonesex skillz belong to us. Sorry, old memories, ****ty it had to end that way, some people are just like that, kinda like going into a chatroom and all you see is spam about people saying they have cams and come watch them jack off or some other insanely sick ****. |
<<<<see my pajamas ? night everyone Night AmberRose.. keep those old men outa your head, think of the young ones.. <24 >22 haha.. |
idea's to solve my shy-ness
lol, only obnoxious sometimes when drunk, depends on the company of friends I have at the time.. but yeh good ideas, guess I never really thought about saying I was nervous, always seemed kinda dumb to do that, never really came up with a reason why.. Don't get married at 17, 6yrs down the road and a divorce, its only after you realize all game you had she took with her along with your cash! OMG was I suppose to get cash when I divorced my teenage groom? Now you tell me. OH well mine didn't have any; we spent it all on getting him through college. Haha well mine didn't get a lot, but I spent all of my money putting her through school while I rotted away in Iraq. |
ANIMOLOGY: What Animal Are You?
Your Result: Blue Fox You are the blue fox! A total perfectionist and a true born leader. You can never resist a challenge! Your Soul Mate is the Yellow Trout and you loathe the Indigo Beaver. |
idea's to solve my shy-ness
Just stick with Mr. Pinky...he'll never do you wrong... Oh I know, he never has... ![]() |
idea's to solve my shy-ness
lol, only obnoxious sometimes when drunk, depends on the company of friends I have at the time.. but yeh good ideas, guess I never really thought about saying I was nervous, always seemed kinda dumb to do that, never really came up with a reason why.. Don't get married at 17, 6yrs down the road and a divorce, its only after you realize all game you had she took with her along with your cash!
I don't think its age that really makes someone creepy.. really its the people with pics that are staring you down like they rigged a magical camera up to their pics to watch you as they send you weird messages like.. "hi, lets meet in a dark ally somewhere and talk.."
Thats, creepy. |