Community > Posts By > ShadyLady0077

ShadyLady0077's photo
Mon 02/02/09 03:39 PM
flowerforyou Franshade, I didn't get the chance to even participate in the thread. GRRRRR!!
frustrated LOL

ShadyLady0077's photo
Mon 02/02/09 03:38 PM

two will not work "romantically"...

Ahhhhh!!! But Astrology says we DO!! Also Leo and Sagg. love :banana:

ShadyLady0077's photo
Mon 02/02/09 12:54 PM
tears I lost ALL data...there is NOTHING to send or see....totally GONE!!

ShadyLady0077's photo
Mon 02/02/09 12:49 PM
Edited by ShadyLady0077 on Mon 02/02/09 12:52 PM
This guy corrected someone's spelling...(I'm sure he lives in KY))surprised I went to his profile to see if he was possibly an ARIES, as I am also an Aries. YES, AN ARIES!!:banana: smooched If you see this, I'm verrrrrrry intereted in you!!! blushing love flowers Your profile grabbed me....Due to the bad weather (ice)situation here, the power went off while I was writing an email. tears frustrated oops slaphead
Please send email via my profile.smitten
Shady Lady

ShadyLady0077's photo
Mon 02/02/09 12:41 PM
frustrated oops G-e-n-e-r-a-l rofl :laughing: :banana: blushing

ShadyLady0077's photo
Mon 02/02/09 12:39 PM
Thanks to all who replied!! It was nice of you.
surprised I don't recall his name NOR his email address. brokenheart I'm in the ICED in area and was experiencing on and off power at the time and was trying to rush to send emailfrustrated I will post this in Genearl. Again, thanks!!blushing
Shady Ladyflowers

ShadyLady0077's photo
Mon 02/02/09 08:26 AM
This guy correceted someone's spelling...I went to his profile to see if he was possibly an ARIES, as I am also an Aries. YES, AN ARIES!! I'm verrrrrrry intereted in you smitten if you are reading this. Your profile grabbed me....Due to the bad weather situation here, the power went off while I was writing an email. oopsfrustrated whoa tears

ShadyLady0077's photo
Mon 02/02/09 08:18 AM

The truth is that you have to look thru all the dents and rust in their armor; straight into their heart:heart: , to find them! Shiney isn't all it's cracked up to be.ohwell Besides, it might be fun and even sensual polishing up that old, worn armor to a nice shine.blushing bigsmile love :banana:

Yes, there are 'Knights In Shining Armor'...Back in 1988, my Knight (for 3 years) rode up in a RED MUSTANG. So, it's not always a white horse, it could be RED or any other color.:banana: An unforgettable and warm smitten
Just thought I'd add this...biggrin

ShadyLady0077's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:41 PM

who out there like me 50 something and lonely?
I just cant find mr right

Try putting up your photo. Good luck!!flowerforyou

ShadyLady0077's photo
Thu 01/22/09 08:34 AM

Anyone from the Henderson area?

Yes, I'm here. What more do ya want?:banana:

That went over like a lead balloon!! rofl surprised whoa :banana: frustrated

ShadyLady0077's photo
Thu 01/22/09 08:30 AM

This one is for you Carold.

Here you go Carold.
I like them a little older at least 40 lol

He looks young for his age.
LOL on of these day I'm going to see a damn goodlooking older man. Not that hard lol

Today is Thursday, but I'll take him!!! Just to LOOK at, mind ya!!drool drool drool

ShadyLady0077's photo
Tue 01/20/09 02:23 PM
Surely there's at least ONE man in this area who meets the criteria in my profile?!?!?frustrated
Well, close to it. I know there's no such perfect person on this earth!! :cry: IF there was, then I'd be in big trouble, since I'm IMPERFECT!!! oops

ShadyLady0077's photo
Tue 01/20/09 02:12 PM

Anyone from the Henderson area?

Yes, I'm here. What more do ya want?:banana:

ShadyLady0077's photo
Sun 01/18/09 11:00 PM
Ooooooooooopsy, you aren't Dorothy LOLfrustrated slaphead

ShadyLady0077's photo
Sun 01/18/09 10:58 PM

I just got home from my first date (someone I met on Mingle2) Woo Hoo!!!

Had a great time... we clicked like magic... was so nice... we'll see how it goes....

Just wanted to offer some words of encouragement to my fellow Minglers.
Wishes do come true, Dorothy!!!!

LOL bigsmile

Dorothy, thanks for the encouragement. I'm truly happy for you. Hope it turns out to be the next love in your life.:thumbsup:

ShadyLady0077's photo
Sun 01/18/09 10:53 PM

Wow! good game. Now if Pittsburg wins I can go to work tommorrow with a smile.

Now you can go to work tomorrow!! Did you really WANT to?scared

ShadyLady0077's photo
Sun 01/18/09 11:26 AM
I goofed!!! Sorry 'bout that.
I've been reading this thread and can certainly relate. Much as I don't like saying this, most people aren't going to church for the right reasons, anyway.
That being said, we can get our spiritual food within the Scriptures, and as you said, singing praises. We just have to find our own way of being spiritually fulfilled and at times it's not easy. God is faithful, even when we aren't.

ShadyLady0077's photo
Sun 01/18/09 11:16 AM

In recent years the hypocricy I have witnessed among those who profess leadership has turned me off to wanting to keep myself involved. To many times I've walked into a church for spiritual nourishment only to walk out feeling spiritually exhausted.

We are well past the sermons of fire and brimstone. People today need to be made to feel as if they still matter to God. Children today don't need to made to feel as if they are going to a burning hell. Most are already living in one.

I agree. And I understand the spiritual exhaustion. Its what I often feel until I remember to turn to the one I worship

The relationship each and every one of us has with our creator should be nourished, in my opinion, by the things we feel are important.

part of that for me is always the music, which I guess I keep hunting for people to sing with. I woship musically on my own...but singing with others to God has always been a joy for my spirit. I'm enjoying this discussion with you. I have seen the worst of what people who represent God have to offer, but it doesn't change my view of Him...just makes my relationship with Him dearer.

Nothing and nobody should ever take away from you or anyone else there desire and way of worship. I wrote a piece a while back and in that piece I added a stanza that decribes one of my places of worship. I'll paste that stanza here.

Natures own form of music comes from the birds singing
there praises to the God who provided all this beauty.
I bow my head in silence adding my prayer of thanks.
It's at that moment when I realize these mountains
are my church,
my cathedral,
my place of worship.

I love that! I wish I lived in the mountains or near the water..(Its 45 minutes away here)...I always feel at one with Him when I am at the beach

ShadyLady0077's photo
Sat 01/10/09 08:02 AM
Maybe I've figured out how to get to latest threads?? They are hard to keep up with. whoa

ShadyLady0077's photo
Sat 01/10/09 06:41 AM

blushing If you are like me and dare I say have reached that glorious age...can I still expect to meet my Knight in Shining armour. You know the one that will always be there for me, love and protect me...and yes...still offer great sex??? Do let me know! (genuine question)

OKAY! Here's the scoop on the 'knights in shining armor': I actually found one. YES, the PERFECT man!! In every way. EXCEPT, in 6 months I realized, with a JOLT (BOLT??), that where his heart is supposed to be, is just a pile of old, rusty nuts & bolts. frustrated Do I have regrets? slaphead No!! It was a wonderful, and fun time. BTW, this happened very recently.