Community > Posts By > grrrrrrr

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Sat 09/12/09 09:17 AM

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Wed 09/09/09 05:39 PM
Edited by grrrrrrr on Wed 09/09/09 05:40 PM
I bet all those 9 year olds celebrating their birthday today are feeling pretty special...imagine turning 9 years old on 9.9.9! Even more amazing would be turning 99 on 9.9.9...wonder if anybody is??

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Fri 09/04/09 05:45 PM
If it were possible to see into the future, do you think this would support the idea that all is pre-determined?

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Wed 08/26/09 07:48 PM
There is an interesting book called Entanglement by Amir D. Aczel that discusses some of these ideas. It is a good read.

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Wed 08/26/09 07:46 PM
Entanglement by Amir D. Aczel is a good book that discusses entanglement in an interesting and understandable way.

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Sun 08/16/09 09:13 AM
No, I dont believe there is anything which is not deterministic.

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Sun 08/16/09 09:12 AM
I believe everything is deterministic; there is a reason for everything under the sun.

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Mon 08/03/09 11:12 PM,0&g=1

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Sun 08/02/09 06:14 PM
ghost hunters is an awesome show, so is paranormal state and ghost adventures. they have all kinds of interesting tech tools to capture paranormal phenomena. will be interesting to see future tech advances in the area of paranormal research.

Thomas Edison was so amazing. I am thankful for so many of his inventions. What would our life have been like without him?

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Sun 08/02/09 06:06 PM

I've just been reading a book (fiction) that talks about heart donors and cellular memory. It is interesting stuff. ALMOST interesting enough to make me want to do research.

I agree, I would love to find out more; looking forward to future results of research into this.

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Sun 08/02/09 05:55 PM
Edited by grrrrrrr on Sun 08/02/09 05:58 PM

O'K, darling grrrrranny, that does is -- I refuse honoring your arguments, if you delibertaely misinterpret My words:

As you can see, my dear, I've mentioned the SELF-Hypnosis!
Your Argument may be valid in reference to Hypnosis -- but NOT to what I said! In other words, if I claim "2*2=4", and you claim "sleeping on the ceiling isn't comfortable cuz the cover keeps on slipping off", then what's the point of arguing???
Best regards...

Ok, dont argue with me then. I am only stating my belief, and any evidence that I can that supports my belief, or hypothesis. I am not stating any fact, or truth.

In my opinion, there is no point in arguing over theories or hypothesis, because that is all they are, theories. As scientists, all we can do is try to support our theories the best we can, and try to gather enough evidence to eventually agree on something that we consider truth and fact.

offtopic by the way, when you use the phrase, dear or darling grrrrr, it comes off as very condescending to me, and I would politely ask that you not do it again.

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Sun 08/02/09 05:42 PM

Dear grrrrrr, you seem to be trying to argue from the ignorance point of view:
"I don't know something -- therefore it doesn't exist!"

I suggest you learn the Self-Hupnosis, or YOGA, both of which allow you control your bodily functions and/or your dreams. . .

You are right, I truly do not know if pre-determinism or free will are the truth, or a combination of the two. I am stating my belief, or hypothesis, which is what one does in science when they are trying to figure something out. I then attempted to state evidence supporting my belief in pre-determination.

I believe there is a reason for everything under the sun. If I were to go out tomorrow, and learn self-hypnosis or yoga to control my bodily functions due to the post you just wrote, in my opinion, that would be a cause and effect relationship. Your suggesting to me that I go learn these things was the cause for my considering to go. If the sum of other environmental effects in my life did not counter-act that suggestion, it's effect would be to go learn those things. If someone wants to call that a choice, or free will, then I see their point. I see it differently. The sum of all experiences in my life were the reason for me going to learn...cause and effect, pre-determined.

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Sun 08/02/09 12:51 PM
Albert Einstein Quote of the Day ..
Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts. - Albert Einstein

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Sun 08/02/09 07:01 AM
What do you consider to be strange lyrics? I was thinking about the song that had the lyrics, "things that make you go hmmmm" last night, and thought to myself, those lyrics were strange.

What songs do you think have the best lyrics?

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Sat 08/01/09 06:31 PM

I think the phenomena of cellular memory is fascinating. I think it supports the theory that processes and events occurring at the atomic and cellular level directly influence our likes/dislikes, thoughts, and feelings, etc. It appears that DNA (and the quantum interactions of the chemicals in DNA), from the time of conception, directs each and every event that leads up to the creation of us (our likes/dislikes), and it looks like, can even continue this process once “we” have died, and our organs live on in another.

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Sat 08/01/09 12:19 PM

I suggest you learn the Self-Hupnosis, or YOGA, both of which allow you control your bodily functions and/or your dreams. . .

Will self-hypnosis and Yoga allow me to control my bodily functions, errrr, such as, can it allow me to stay awake 24 hours a day, 365 days a year....can it allow me to not ever eat again and still function....can it allow me to stay alive forever.....uhmmmm?

Let me know....

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Sat 08/01/09 08:34 AM
We are not allowed to know future events, so we come up with these "probability equations" to figure the odds. In the case of rolling the dice, theoretically, if I were to examine each of the events that caused the rolling of the dice to occur, to the actual throwing, landing, turning, and settling, each and every milli milli milli second would be determined by the previous milli milli milli second. The settling of the dice would be "determined" from all previous events. Just because I am unaware of the circumstances that caused me to want to throw the dice in the first place, and just because I am unaware of all the environmental, physical, energy components involved in the turn and twist and landing of the dice, and just because I cannot slow down time to a milli milli milli second, does not mean that the rolling and the landing of the dice is random. It was pre-determined that I wanted to roll that dice for some reason, and it was pre-determined that the dice would land that way based upon the conditions at those exact moments in time.

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Sat 08/01/09 08:07 AM
Hypnosis is another example that supports my belief in pre-determinism. If someone is hypnotized, they are "seeing" things that are not there, doing things they were programmed to do, etc. How much free will does someone have under hypnosis? Are they able to "snap out" of a hypnotic event?

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Sat 08/01/09 01:39 AM
Ever have the phenomena of not being able to "get that song out of your head"; ie, you hear a song with a melody, and you keep singing it in your mind, but you dont want to? Do I have "free will" in keeping that song from playing in my mind? How much "free will" do I have when I am dreaming? How much free will do I have over my autonomic nervous system reflexes?

I personally do not feel like I have free will to control the chemical reactions going on in my own body; these reactions appear to be totally random and not under my control. Do these so-called "random chemical reactions" that allow thinking to occur give me free will? My answer is no. Free will is an illusion, in my opinion.

If I do not have "free will" to control the chemical reactions and quantum events occuring in my brain, I do not feel that I have free will. This is why I believe in pre-determinism. Chemical reactions and quantum events happen for a reason, based upon the previous event that ocurred, and other events in the environment...and snow-balling on to the next, and next and next.

In the case of rolling the dice, we say there is a probability of getting such and such. But, if you looked at each milli, milli, milli second from the time the dice is thrown, and analyzed each individual unit of time down to approaching zero time, based upon the trajectory, velocity, wind conditions construction of the dice, you could determine what number was going to land in my opinion. It is an illusion that you cannot determine what the number will be, you can if you know all the conditions affecting each subsequent milli, milli milli second.

Maybe I do not understand the question, I dunno.

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Thu 07/30/09 07:14 PM
adam lambert <a href=><img src= border=0><br><font face=arial size=1>Smiley Face</font></a>