Community > Posts By > Jonnyrebel777

Jonnyrebel777's photo
Sat 05/24/14 09:17 PM
Don't forget socialism!!! That's the "ism" that liberals support. Socialism is nothing more than a politer form of communISM. That's what they are trying to turn this democracy into now. I feel that if people are going to stand up for something...they should start standing up for theirselves. That's right American citizens- remind the government that they work for YOU!!! Not visey versey. Vote- every time the doors are open. Take pride in what you've got, stand up for it, you don't know what you've got until its gone. Take pride in your job...if you don't have a job take pride in yourself, get a job, help us out, and there's no crime against it- take pride in your race as well, these are things I offense intended towards anyone.

Jonnyrebel777's photo
Sat 05/24/14 09:04 PM
A man should never let go his confidence, not only for himself, but for the welfare of his family. Do not lower your standards, by doing so you're only subconsciously letting go of your self respect and confidence. If anything, you should raise your standards, most women are generally wired by their emotions(no offense ladies), and many would agree. If you want something worth having, you will strive to find exactly what you want. If you cannot find a woman that meets your standards, find one who is willing to meet them, don't put all your eggs in one basket, and no, I don't mean talk to more than one woman at a time, I mean don't get attached, give her some time, not too much and not too little, and see if she has what it takes to meet your standards. If she can meet your standards, good deal, if not, tell her straight. Whatever you do, do not ever just tell a woman what they want to hear, be polite, but don't kiss tail. If she doesn't meet your standards, just tell her straight, she may take it well, she may not, regardless- you have weeded out what does not meet the standard and that is what's most important towards finding your happiness. Nobody wants to be miserable. Nobody is perfect....therefore, everyone's perfect for someone, you have to find your definition of perfect, if you just settle, lose confidence, and quit- you're going to find yourself kissing tail and you and your "settled" partner will both just be miserable until somehow the relationship finds it's end, which usually isn't very long with that strategy. I hope this helps you man, hope you find what meets the standard, good hunting, and good luck!!happy

Jonnyrebel777's photo
Sat 05/24/14 08:49 PM
Well....I personally don't drink that often....not saying I haven't before, but I don't see myself drinking on a date unless it was within the comfort of my own property. Now I rarely ever go to bars, and i would suggest avoiding such places as far as dating, but it doesn't take one long to learn, especially in towns next to army posts, you really have to watch your back. If I were to meet someone in a bar, typically I would bring a few friends along, kinda separate before we go in, that way nobody knows they are there. I've come to find that the best thing to carry with you in such places is the brightest flashlight you can find that will fit comfortably in your pocket. When meeting dates at bars, especially if you are a stranger to the place(not a regular), you can pretty much figure on being messed with, especially if you're there with a pretty lady. In most cases, providing you've done absolutely nothing to instigate trouble, the guy who will be brave enough to make physical contact with you will be well intoxicated, by beaming the bright light in your attackers eyes at close range, and only in self defense, their tunnel vision limits them to seeing only a big green dot due to their temporary blindness from the light, giving you an average(varying on the person) of 19 to 37 seconds of free time to basically beat the dawg sheeeaaaat out of your attacker in self defense while also giving you a tool to use against anyone standing in your way of escape. In any case, do not abandon your date, you could be the only defense she has against the pursuing party that chose to try to intimidate you. Another method is to always keep a lighter handy, liquor of course is highly flammable, with enough practice, one can learn how to spew liquor out of their mouth and through a lighter creating a flame thrower affect, combining a shot or a glass of liquor with this has endless possibilities which can also be very dangerous as well as cause you legal trouble, incrimination and what not. Bear in mind that this information is not something I recommend for anyone to try, nor am I encouraging criminal activity. Any illegal activities can and will be punishable by law and should be avoided.

Jonnyrebel777's photo
Sat 05/24/14 06:02 PM

Calypso Louie is a hard core racist, bigot and anti-Semitic.

You wont find one white or Jew welcome to join his cult.

you wont find the girl scouts allowing a boy to join either, doesn't make them 'hardcore' sexists,,,

The girl scouts do allow whites and Jews and those are races, not gender, no comparison.

Very true and really curious that some racists,bigots and Jew haters get a pass and called wise. laugh

Isn't living in America great?!! I'm so happy we live in a free country, in a democracy, with a constitution that guarantees our rights as American citizens. :smile:

Allow me to tell you a little something about these people you refer to as "racists", "bigots", and "Jew haters", well they have rights, just like you do, and just like everyone else does. Just imagine if you lived in a communist country, like china or Russia, were you were told what you were going to be when you grow up, told how to dress, what to eat, how many children you can have, how much money you could make.....basically told everything, now here, I see people complaining and fighting with one another, telling each other who's wrong and who's right, when the truth is...everyone's just different. Everyone has a different definition of what's right and what's wrong, different morals, different personalities, different views. Well, most of what you refer to as "racists" are, in my opinion, the backbone of this country. Our current government is providing illegal immigrants with free healthcare, extending welfare, they are passing out free stuff left and right. Well somebody has to pay for it. most of these people you are trying to degrade with these "fancy terms" are tax paying, hard working citizens, most of in which contribute a great deal to this country. the government don't buy all that free stuff, you the american people do, the government works for you.....who do you think pays them? can you say- federal taxes? The way I see it, if we are to respect one persons rights then why shouldn't everyone's rights be respected equally? You know what I'm talking about. If someone choses to be prejudiced, that's their right, it could be could be working in a factory in Bangladesh or Hong Kong for 20 hours a day? These are just some of my thoughts on that, with all due respect to everyone else's. please feel free to express your feelings on the matter. Oh, and if there are any conservative white ladies out there who are interested in a real man...inbox me for questioning pertaining to our compatibility as far as ethics, moral values, and personality. If we are not compatible...why waste our time, am I right? Lol. happy

Jonnyrebel777's photo
Sat 05/24/14 05:31 PM

at least your getting dates. Been on this site for some time and can't seem to find anyone to even chat with. I hope its not my age because I can't do anything about that. Would just like to chat and see if anything comes of it. I'm not into the bar scene or being fixed up on blind dates. Maybe someone will read this and give me some clues.

Naw man. Lol. Age shouldn't really be a big factor in it...unless of course you were looking for someone way 18-22, even then, with many of them, advanced age actually seems to give you an edge....I suppose it all depends on what your looking for, and the strategy you're using to get it- reckon you could give me some details? If you don't wanna talk about it on here....that's cool....just inbox me and I'll see if I can help you, or if you'll just share it on here that'll be fine too. Regardless- one thing I know to be true, a man should never let go his confidence, not for any reason, not only for himself but for the welfare of his family......that being said you are doing the right thing by keeping hope, having faith that someone will eventually come along. I know you are trying, which is a lot more than I can say for many other people...I know you are trying because like you said- you posted and there is a chance someone will come along and read it....I've come to find that many people lose hope and/or become intimidated by the fact that many women, especially good ones, are just very hard to get.....nothing worth having is free. It's not always the easy or the good times, but how you get through the hard times that makes you. Quitting can never be an option, so if nothing else, just keep on keeping on man, keep up the faith, good luck!!!happy

Jonnyrebel777's photo
Sat 05/24/14 01:56 PM
Yeah I suppose by the first amendment, which is part of the constitution, as it were, does state freedom of speech, so your right, I reckon anyone can tell you that your wrong, if they want, however, it might be a good idea for one to ensure that they have the facts to back up their conclusion when attempting to correct someone, of course, it doesn't take one long to recognize someone's personal agenda. Personal agendas may come individually, however in most cases, you'll come to find that you can easily trace someone's personal agenda back to the individual who first put the ideas in their heads, this is not always easy, and it's not for everyone. It requires someone who thinks, a trouble shooter per say, "problem solver". Of course, there is much more to it than simply "thinking outside the box", even when someone pieces the puzzle together, they may come to find that one man can only do so much to correct the original problem, like the ongoing problem today in our country, what can one man really do? I suppose he can spread the word when he finds opportunity, hope for the best and prepare for the worst, take care of his own. Without the good lord- we won't have a country, without a country-we won't have family, without family-your on your on. I personally hope that someday our beloved country wakes up and realizes what's going on, until that day- one man can only do so much, and I'm sure, there are many others who actually do care. By my first amendment right, freedom of speech, I will tell you that it is my belief that liberalism, being a tool of this progressive (NWO) one world government bunch, is having and will continue to have an extremely negative impact on our country, until our country wakes up and starts to clean it up, this is my opinion- with all due respect to anyone else's. now as far as what I'm looking for, I hope to find a very conservative, old fashioned, white lady, who disagrees with interracial dating. If you think you fit this description, inbox me if you are interested in a white man with the same standards, I will have several questions for you in regards to whether or not our moral values are compatible, I'm not here to sell myself, I know what I want, and I intend to find it. I've really enjoyed reading everyone's posts on my topic, I thank you all and appreciate your input, I hope you continue to post here, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the matter and hope that eventually, perhaps what I'm looking for will come along, in the meantime, please continue to keep this topic alive and at the top of the list....thanks all biggrin

Jonnyrebel777's photo
Sat 05/24/14 01:22 PM
To each their own, however, in my opinion, someone who's talking about going to a different dating site to find what they are looking for sure is doing a whole lot of posting in a forum they disagree you said, first amendment- freedom of speech, however I have no objection to anyone posting here, it's not for me to decide, I don't own the site- I'm glad to have you here happy

Jonnyrebel777's photo
Sat 05/24/14 01:15 PM

there are dating sites for 'white' people looking only for 'white' people


Im sure there are others as well, for those who are serious in their racial endeavor,,
and theres dating sites for black pll only looking for black pll. are thay racest?
Iam going to call out every one of you that used the word racest the next time i see a thread that says. ME WANT WHITE GIRL. I only date white some black guy. and theres many. but non and i meen nunn of you have ever jump in on them and called him a raest. very interesting!!!!!

details are important,, it is one thing to say one is interested in whatever,,,

as happens in some threads where people put out spotters for a certain 'type'

it is different to say it is 'wrong' or 'disgusting' to be with a certain 'type' or that one is 'against' that type

Ive joined sites for tall men, but that does not mean I find shorter men disgusting or am against dating them,, it is but one of many interests that I am looking into,,,

indeed, those who only date one 'kind', when that kind is entirely about race, are racist, I agree,,,

that includes those that date their 'kind' and those that refuse to date anything but someone elses 'kind',,,,

I have no problem whatsoever with (example) blacks who only date blacks- I would never call them racist. I actually have more respect for people, all people, who are like that. With all due respect to your opinion, although I also feel that the term "racist" is used and has been used for many years now as nothing more than a misunderstood label to place on people who do disagree with certain, so called "politically correct", "open minded" views.

Jonnyrebel777's photo
Sat 05/24/14 01:06 PM

no, everyone is welcome here.

However, for those who have more specific tastes, a site like this will produce far less of what they are looking for than sites that CATER to those specifics.

like, someone seeking a rich man, may find one here, but will find many at elitedating

or someone seeking a tall man , may find one here, but will find many at

or someone seeking a movie lover,,,,etc,,etc,,,

at a GENERAL PUBLIC site, there will be so much more variety that those with a specific interest or taste will find it harder to meet a companion that suits that interest,,,

I agree....this site is open to the GENERAL PUBLIC, which I just so happen to be a respectable member of biggrin

However, I respectfully disagree that certain sites may not always be the answer, as a matter of fact, I find it healthy to demonstrate just how isolated one may be in a "modernized" so called "politically correct" society, in my own opinion, one that has been shaped and opinionated through use of liberal media, on the contrary, one who thinks differently just doesn't seem to stand a chance against such socially educated people who have fallen under such a liberal mindset. No, I think the possibilities are endless as far as finding what I'm looking for, the real question is, who has the right to tell me I'm wrong for my beliefs and views, who can honestly say I have no right to my opinions? Are there any conservative white ladies out there, whom disagrees with interracial dating, and is looking for a good old fashioned, God fearing, hard working man? As I've said and I'll say it again...all are welcome to post, good luck!! biggrin

Jonnyrebel777's photo
Sat 05/24/14 01:05 PM

there are dating sites for 'white' people looking only for 'white' people


Im sure there are others as well, for those who are serious in their racial endeavor,,
and theres dating sites for black pll only looking for black pll. are thay racest?
Iam going to call out every one of you that used the word racest the next time i see a thread that says. ME WANT WHITE GIRL. I only date white some black guy. and theres many. but non and i meen nunn of you have ever jump in on them and called him a raest. very interesting!!!!!

I couldn't of said it better myself :smile:

Jonnyrebel777's photo
Sat 05/24/14 12:55 PM
After all, this dating site is for "everybody", right? Am I right or wrong? Or is it just for "everyone else"? Everyone has their own definition of perfect, I wish you the best of luck in finding yours, now you wouldn't wish failure on my part in my search for mine now would you? With all due respect, of course? happy

Jonnyrebel777's photo
Sat 05/24/14 12:54 PM

there are dating sites for 'white' people looking only for 'white' people


Im sure there are others as well, for those who are serious in their racial endeavor,,

Yes, I'm a member, but of course, I hope your not implying that not welcome on this dating site? You wouldn't try to tell me that now would you miss? With all due respect. happy

Jonnyrebel777's photo
Sat 05/24/14 12:44 PM
All are welcome to post!! Have fun!! happy

Jonnyrebel777's photo
Sat 05/24/14 12:36 PM

I don't know about the rest of you in this thread, but this topic just seems so damn ridiculous. What was the point he was trying to make? I don't even care what race other people date. But ever since this guy got here, he's been bandying this racial hate thing around Mingle, on quite a few threads. Wouldn't be surprised if he was doing it on other sites, either. And it's exactly why I didn't bother reading his profile for the 'Rate Me' thread. And I was actually quite surprised at a few others that agreed with him. As normally, surely, they're more mature than that. But this guy will never win me over anyway, with this kind of attitude. So really, it's just a piece of crap, off the bottom of someone's shoe. Disposable.

Ha ha...I like your attitude, it's very amusing to me miss, however, I'm not sure if you get the point of what I'm trying to do here, I'm not here to sell myself or "win you over, no, I would never do such a fact, I'm simply trying to separate what I find as desirable traits and undesirable traits...and miss- you've done an excellent job of putting exposing your nature, which is by no means a bad nature, don't get me wrong.....just not what I'm looking for, so thanks, and thanks for posting!! Hope you find what your looking for, and good luck!!happy

Jonnyrebel777's photo
Sat 05/24/14 12:08 PM

I feel as though some people are well within their rights to have their own opinion, I'm not looking for an argument, now, are there any good old fashioned, conservative ladies on this site? Preferably those who don't believe in interracial dating? What do y'all think? All welcome to voice their opinions, but be courteous!!

Well for once, I'm engaged with a Caucasian Guy and I'm an Asian girl.
I guess it depends on how you see it. Is your only concern about white guys and white girls being mixed with Yellow, Black or Red skinned people?

that seemed racist to me no matter how much of a disclaimer you put there :/ Just saying

Call it what you want. Lol. It simply is what it offense intended toward anyone, it just is what it is, and that's what it'll always be. Mother Nature always finds a balance, and whether we like it or not, interracial dating goes against nature(this is my opinion), regardless of what you do, I don't really care- I do but I don't- to each their own. The real question and point of this thread is: are there any conservative white ladies out there, who do not believe in interracial dating, that are single and looking for a white man? Now expect many liberals(and other people) to post on this thread in efforts to intervene and interfere with my mission here, and that's fine because all posts are welcome(in compliance with the rules) but if you are in fact a white lady who meets the standards I've listed, hmu, I would like to ask you some questions and see if you meet the criteria for the kind of lady I'm looking forbiggrin

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