Community > Posts By > la62163

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 06:19 PM


Hate dates

Sleep alone

Oh well

I can relate Nick. From one Irish lass to another...May the luck of the Irish send blessings to you and that changes one day soon. Cute kid picks in your profile by the way.

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 06:16 PM

I was once introduced as " I'd like you to meet the man in my life"

I liked it , it made me feel proud I was a part of her life and she wanted them to know it. Hope this helps

I like that very much. I think I'll use it when (if?) the need arises again. :smile:

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 05:59 PM
Gork, I agree that there are still gentlemen in the North and the South, East and West too I'm sure. I just find those with more southern upbringing are more gentlemanly. This would apply to those who were raised by parents from the South too. I'd be happy for a man to open my door for me, hold my coat to put it on, Keep me on the inside away from the street to keep me safe. I feel protected. If I'm hurting women's lib saying those things, so be it.

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 05:46 PM
Ya, Gov. J. Gran. isn't who I voted for. I wonder if a business man would have us in a better position right now, had DeVos won.

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 05:44 PM

Oh, and then there are the ones that want to spend the evening telling you everything they loved and hated about their ex, and then compare you to them...noway

I'm sure men and women both do that. I try hard not to bring the EX up unless asked about him.

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 05:43 PM

Some of us already know this.and some will never know it.

That's called Southern Charm my friend. It seems a lot (not all) Northern men are lacking in that area.

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 05:41 PM
I think a lot of us feel that way burgundy. Don't think you are alone in that respect. Just surround yourself with good friends, and when the time is right, you'll find the love you seek again.

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 05:39 PM

Good 4 one likes to feel there second least on a date u would think u would be first place.

Thank you. I just think its respectful, even in a normal social setting, and not a date. I should be paying attention to the person/people I'm dining with, not to the entire rest of the room.

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 05:32 PM
Yes, when will men learn that attentiveness during a date may just get them in the front door. Or at least a 2nd date! :wink:

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 05:29 PM
So, you won't talk to him first and ask him how he will introduce you at his work party? I mean, if he says, "this is my friend Michelle" or, this is my Sugarlips, will you get mad and possibly wreck the evening? I might bring it up so to make sure there is no awkwardness during a festive occassion.

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 05:23 PM
I've done that too. No 'title'.

Now that I have some 40+ here looking, what is it you like or hate about being single and dating over 40? One thing for me, it is dealing with being on a date and the man looking everywhere besides at me when I talk to him or he talks to me. Then, at the end of the date, he acts like he's all into me and wants to take things
"further". I can't help but (almost) laugh and say, "where were you thru our date then?!" lol

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 05:18 PM
All your points are good ones Dave. I just hope a smart company will swoop in and take up shop here, hire thousands of people to get our economic ball rolling again outside of the Auto Industry. We have great educated people here, good colleges, access to the rest of the world thru our waterways. Beautiful lakes, low air polution...Our seasons are nice, (winter is long but not always FREEZING), no earthquakes, mud slides, no fires that burn up hundreds of homes... no 100' temps, etc... Something has got to change soon, I just have to believe that.

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 05:11 PM
I've said that too and the guy got offended. "Oh, so I'm just your friend huh?"

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 05:09 PM
Not bad, I said "this is my little honey' once to try it out and it didn't go over very well. LOL

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 05:05 PM
Edited by la62163 on Sat 11/17/07 05:05 PM
I'm 44 and really hate introducing someone I'm dating steadily as my "boyfriend". (no steadies now but just asking) Is there a better term Adults are using for the person they are dating. I don't really mind being called a Girlfriend but Men I date, are far from Boys.

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 02:06 PM
Sounds like a great recipe for a nice cozy winter love life.

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 01:39 PM
In my next life, I want to be a gay man... all the Really Cute guys seems to be gay these days! (lol jk guys)

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 01:10 PM
Well, I like the fudgie shops and the other little shops up there but I'm not into the bar scene either. Anything near the water works for me though. I bet Fall is gorgeous up there too.

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 12:46 PM
I'm sure the Soo is cold and miserable in the winter if you don't do the winter sports or activities but the summers must be gorgeous up there. Take the good with the bad I guess.

la62163's photo
Sat 11/17/07 11:52 AM
Edited by la62163 on Sat 11/17/07 11:52 AM
Hello Mr. Radio Dave and fellow Michiganders. I'm Laura from a Detroit Suburb.

I see lots of HI's and Hello's but lets try for topic. Like, what we like about Michigan.Or, what the heck, what we dislike about Michigan.

I like the change of seasons but HATE the LONG winters when its cold for 5 months.

I love having the lakes in all directions.I just wish Summer was a bit longer.

I've found people in MI are definately more friendly here than other states but I hate that so many are leaving because of our economy. Gov. Jennifer must find other industries to come here now that the Auto Industy is heading downward.