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Mon 12/22/08 09:11 PM
I praise him for being so good to me... even though ive been feeling so sick and not wanting to get out of bed... he gave me the energy i needed to get up and eat and drink and feel so much better

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Mon 12/22/08 08:55 PM
well maybe if the two make eye contact and his friendly face invites her over to talk to him... get a convo going and then I might say something like hey we should hang out sometime... and see where it goes from there

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Mon 12/22/08 07:47 PM
Im just here to mingle...:wink: but who knows I might find the guy who makes my heart jingleblushing if I might if I may find that sweet guy somedaylove I promise to hold on tight and cherish him because being in love feels so good

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Mon 12/22/08 07:42 PM

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Mon 12/22/08 07:23 PM
id make myself feel better instantly

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