Yard Birds
Computer processor
ice cream cake
oatmeal raisin cookie
never run
Big World
Sorry cool bunny
Big win
Hot and She knows it
game saver
I found my home
cool cat
What Do Men Really Look For?
What men look for in a woman? Well that depends on what he wants from her. If he is not serious about a relationship then he will look for a girl that's showing a little skin and doesn't seem too serious. Now if he doesn't have any selfrespect he will look for any female that will talk to him no matter how trashy she is (Never let yourself be this girl). Now if a MAN is looking for a serious relationship he will look for a woman that is classy in her appearance as well as her behavior. He will look for a woman that he sees as strong yet inviting. He will look to see if she is smiling,that means she's comfortable and happy (no man will approach a woman with a lemon face). If he looking for long term then after the first or second date start to open up and tell him what it is you see as the perfect life and be realistic not a fantasy story book life but what you really want and what you need to be happy. After that,if all depends on if you both have the same wants and needs and if you do then nature will take it course.
would you date me???
I just got done looking at your profile and the only thing I seen that was a problem was that you didn't give enough information about yourself. All I scene how you didn't want people from other countries to contact you. I understand how frustrating that is but if you want someone that really wants to know you make your statements about what you want to talk about and who you are. if he's a real man he's not looking for a match based on your profile picture.