TheOriginalFuzzy's photo
Mon 12/15/08 10:58 AM

lol if its that fuzzy between cuts....

got a pic of whats under that helmet? i want to see how fuzzy!

lol... hang on I'll find one to post...

TheOriginalFuzzy's photo
Mon 12/15/08 10:57 AM
damnit... well then let's hurry up and get through 50 pages of nonsense!!! lol

TheOriginalFuzzy's photo
Mon 12/15/08 10:55 AM

drool drool drool guess you need to meet a girl who likes to floss a lotpitchfork

don't know how much flossing could be done after the clippers make their weekly pass... :wink:

TheOriginalFuzzy's photo
Mon 12/15/08 10:53 AM

Play nice now

I'm playing nice...

I WIN!!!

TheOriginalFuzzy's photo
Mon 12/15/08 10:23 AM

i dont like when the other person gets intimidate becaus ethey flip out easily and im hard to shake up

i also dont like dishonesty....especially petty dishonesty

i normally recieve a lot of attention and the last few guys i dated had some problems with that...they werent paying any attention to the fact that i wasnt reciprocating or engouraging/enabling aforementioned unwanted attentions

i also have a penchant to date guys that are hung up on their ex...they seem to think a date is a great therapy session...i know im less expensive and easy to talk to but cmon fellas....if the same type of girl keeps breaking you...find a different type of girl and move on! they are the dating worlds equivalent of cutters!

+1 on the honesty...

therapy sessions? it seems they think I'm Dr. Fuzzy!!! lol

TheOriginalFuzzy's photo
Mon 12/15/08 10:20 AM


see if you had typed this fuzzy i could have typed:


but i do have to say i completely agree....

sorry, I'm still bitter... it's a long story and now I realize that there is karma involved so that makes it worse...

you could still say that though... in fact, you kinda did... thanks! lol

lol not a all about indulgence!

well thru others shortcomings can come understanding and personal advancement...

so what EXACTLY is fuzzy about you?

my head for one... inside and out... and, well nvm... :wink:

TheOriginalFuzzy's photo
Mon 12/15/08 10:15 AM


lol... I was definately joking... and no, you can't take the win from me!!! LAST POST!!! I WIN!!!

TheOriginalFuzzy's photo
Mon 12/15/08 09:44 AM
is jealous that HE didn't think to throw out nails...

TheOriginalFuzzy's photo
Mon 12/15/08 09:41 AM
I don't really know what my usual solutions are... usually my mind is so clouded with "I gotta get the f*** outta here!" that I don't take notice of how I really handle it... lol

and anyone who wants to bash me saying looks don't matter needs to think again... human nature... if you walk into a bar looking to meet someone your first thing you look at is appearance... no one walks in and looks for the ugliest person in the place...

TheOriginalFuzzy's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:58 AM

I've said this on here before and I'll say it again..

Once I ended a date short when we went out as a group. For 30 min straight <and yes I looked at the time> cause when it started I wanted to leave. Anyhow he was discussing with another male about how good looking the other chicks at the bar was and gawking as i sat next to him.. 30 min of this no crap! too bad i drove! i got up and went to the bathroom and then proceeded to go home,laugh Believe it or not it was 45 min later i got a call of where are you? ummmm excuse me? Of course that was on a message I did not answer the phone! cut short date and never another one!laugh laugh


TheOriginalFuzzy's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:50 AM


see if you had typed this fuzzy i could have typed:


but i do have to say i completely agree....

sorry, I'm still bitter... it's a long story and now I realize that there is karma involved so that makes it worse...

you could still say that though... in fact, you kinda did... thanks! lol

TheOriginalFuzzy's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:45 AM
These threads are terrible! No one will ever win...

LAST POST!!! I WIN!!! :banana:

TheOriginalFuzzy's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:40 AM

sad thing is most all of them have happened to me!laugh laugh

oh yeah... it's definately time for you to move! lol

TheOriginalFuzzy's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:38 AM
biggest problem is usually that they're really into me and I'm just not into them that much... lately though that has flipped... karma is a bit*h...

TheOriginalFuzzy's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:31 AM

When they cant hold a job for more than a month at a time

sounds like you're area is shi**y... time to move!!! lol
laugh laugh meaning they either have a habit of not showing up for work for some reason, or have such a temper no one wants to be around themlaugh laugh :wink:

ha, I shoulda quoted the rest too... I was referring to the fact that you seem to have plenty of horror stories from your area... :tongue:

TheOriginalFuzzy's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:24 AM

fyi ladies: standing a guy up went out with the 90's... just call or text and say you're bailing so we don't waste anymore time than we have waiting on you...

TheOriginalFuzzy's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:19 AM

When they cant hold a job for more than a month at a time

sounds like you're area is shi**y... time to move!!! lol

TheOriginalFuzzy's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:16 AM
umm... not in the slightest... women only for me! lol

TheOriginalFuzzy's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:11 AM

When 90% of their conversation is about their ex. Or more than 5 min straight about their ex.


TheOriginalFuzzy's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:10 AM
when I realize that she's so drunk she will not remember ANYTHING we have talked about all night...