Community > Posts By > clintb74

clintb74's photo
Tue 02/25/14 02:18 PM
Either my rolex or my BMW. Decisions, Decisions

clintb74's photo
Tue 02/25/14 02:13 PM

hide his Rolex

play hide and seek all weekend long

clintb74's photo
Tue 02/25/14 02:11 PM

No1 why are you not with your match? laugh


clintb74's photo
Tue 02/25/14 07:58 AM

This subject has been mentioned in a number of profiles and it has a negative aura surrounding it. What are your views on this?

pretty negative. If someone chooses that route better do so with eyes wide open...especailly the female partner

Even the male partner

I agree that can also be true...whichever one is the best liar...the other one gets hurt

But why do people lie for that!! Why cant they keep it clear before only??
unfortunately there are dishonest people in the world- guys who will say anything to get laid, have their cake and eat it too....

others, who really intend to be honest, and start out that way usually end up with one partner's expectations changing, and that is usually painful and full of drama

I hate relationship drama of ANY kind. so I sooooo do not tempt an arrangement that will likely end up drama - filled

...oh please a lot of girls lie too...I have pages and pages of them..PAGES...LOL

The problem is one side of the gender fence tends to blame the other side without looking at the whole picture.

clintb74's photo
Tue 02/25/14 07:37 AM
Edited by clintb74 on Tue 02/25/14 07:57 AM

Clint, people have their own reasons for being in this situation. I was in one for 3 years. He wanted his freedom to do what he wanted and I guess I wasn't ready to commit as well so it worked out fine for us.
I no longer speak to him because he would just pop in unanounced and I hated that..anyways sometimes its a matter of convenience

exactly. men who want FWB are a least honest about being inconsiderate users right from the start. What you describe is being treated like property which I also have found typical of the FWB, but , no

your comment reflects what I have also observed time and time again, and he will not commit to his FWB. He will have an FWB with you and commit to someone else. When he does it's over for you...with you having no say in the matter. just like that. Sorry I have seen too much of this for too long to be fooled or influenced. I would never accept that arrangement - as I have said I wouldn't lower my standards or get involved with someone that creepy

I am not for it on a personal level, whatever two consenting adults do is their business. Creepy, wouldn't go that far though.

I believe FWB's is another way of saying "I fear commitment" or possibly "I want my cake and eat it too"

clintb74's photo
Tue 02/25/14 07:28 AM

Benefit packages are very good. Makes a job more attractive.

calling BS on this. I don;t consider letting some guy use me at his convenience without a commitment (so only god knows who else he is sleeping with) a "benefit."

I would not be interested in someone who thinks a FWB is ethical

I wouldn't lower my standardswhoa

Actually I threw that in to see if anyone was paying attention.

clintb74's photo
Tue 02/25/14 06:41 AM

I am a very busy business woman with children so I live life to the fullest. It is just odd that married men will approach me more than the single men. You all are so wonderful. Thanks for the love and honesty! flowerforyou

These married men are either trying to relive their youth or the more obvious answer is that these men are not happy. The same prinicple apllies to women too.

Have faith, and thank you for bringing this topic up.

clintb74's photo
Tue 02/25/14 06:26 AM

What's that phrase 'what others think about you, is none of your business'

I think that if you focus more on yourself and your life and less on what others might be thinking - maybe you might be approached more.

If you are busy living your life, someone that is both attracted to your beauty (internal and external) will approach you. Will it necessarily be the right person ... no. Could it be someone with negative thoughts/intentions.... yes. But, if you are fulfilled in your life, you should be able to see this.

I wish I thought of this answer. Post of the morning :-)

clintb74's photo
Tue 02/25/14 06:16 AM
Edited by clintb74 on Tue 02/25/14 06:17 AM

I had a married man come up and give me a hug and told me that he loves to hug tall women. Ok. That was a bit strange, but the single guys will look (and stare-I see them) and not approach. To me this is odd. It seems like the guys that do approach me are usually just wanting sex. My guy friends tell me that it is because I have long sexy legs. Huh? As if I can control that.

Is it possible, you could be like the beautiful woman who wants to go to the prom but doesn't because all the boys assume that someone else is taking you?

I am a leg man myself, but there are other cues like if a woman just walks by without smiling, etcera. What is going through the mind of the man, what kind of stress is he going through. I don't think there is a set answer, there are so many variables.

I wish I could give you a nice, neat answer.

clintb74's photo
Tue 02/25/14 05:58 AM
Edited by clintb74 on Tue 02/25/14 05:58 AM

I have been told that I am too pretty, too smart, too tall and too nice, have kids and am faithful. What does that mean? To me, these things all seem to be a positive. Is it possible or is this just an excuse to not interact with me?

If you feel you are being given an excuse, walk away and don't look back. You deserve to have your needs fulfilled and have the life you want. If someone doesn't fit into that or provides excuses, that is not the right person.

This is not a one time thing. This happens to me many times. Usually my height, my intelligence, my kids, and my faith are lumped together in this excuse. Guys seem to be very attracted to my long legs. This seems to be a sexual magnet. I believe that a guy should treat my like a lady and be a gentleman.

If a guy is giving you excuses, move on. I agree with the previous poster. Your long legs... look at it this way, you may meet a guy who notices your legs and then talks with you and then discovers he likes you for all the reasons you have listed. That will happen in the course of your day to day life. You will have to be at the right place at the right time. You deserve to be treated as a lady and smart enough not to settle for less. I wish you success. :-)

clintb74's photo
Tue 02/25/14 05:27 AM
Edited by clintb74 on Tue 02/25/14 05:28 AM

I am 5'10 1/2, long legs and many people call me a "book." Does this intimidate guys?

Absolutely not!

Oh, you mean guys in general.

For some guys, probably.

clintb74's photo
Tue 02/25/14 05:21 AM
Good Morning, everyone.

clintb74's photo
Tue 02/25/14 04:18 AM

Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same

clintb74's photo
Tue 02/25/14 03:48 AM

I don't know if this will help or not. If you are a harry Potter fan, remember the line in the Goblet of Fire when Harry is trying to work up the courage to ask Cho to the Yule Ball? His statement to Ron was, "How come they all travel in packs?"

OK seriously now, men are visually attracted. From the picture you are an attractive young woman (Same age as my son). If you aren't getting any attention then maybe you are giving off an aura of being untouchable. With all the sexual harrasment isues going around some men just aren't going to make an overt move for fear of being accused. I'm afraid that teh women's lib movement has also put some cold water on the dating game. It used to be polite to hold a door for a lady, or to stand and offer your seat. Now you are liable to be accused of being sexist. Years ago my mom made the statement that she didn't want equality with men, why should she get a demotion. That was back around 1961.

Good luck.
If men toss out manners for fear of bein accused of bein sexist, thats fine. It will be poor manners that keep some women away. I used to not care if a man held the door for me. Now I take it as a hint as to what kind of respectfulness they are capable of. I hold the door for anyone behind me because thats what manners have me do. I am willing to debate that with anyone who wants to call me sexist over it too.

Women have been fighting for basics like equal pay/opportunity. They probably have come a long way since your mother said that, but not far enough. As men in power allow women to become independent of men to take care of themselves, we will see less men interested in relationships, Im sure. And already have. Some men actually do want to control women, rather than love them. Im fine being alone over being with that guy.

Most men may assume this all means Im angry with men. Im not. I continue to love men and hope to meet more nice ones. Ive been really fortunate, so I have a good attitude about it all.

Good attitude. I always hold the door for someone (men and women)even though many people won't say thank you.

clintb74's photo
Tue 02/25/14 03:46 AM

I don't know if this will help or not. If you are a harry Potter fan, remember the line in the Goblet of Fire when Harry is trying to work up the courage to ask Cho to the Yule Ball? His statement to Ron was, "How come they all travel in packs?"

OK seriously now, men are visually attracted. From the picture you are an attractive young woman (Same age as my son). If you aren't getting any attention then maybe you are giving off an aura of being untouchable. With all the sexual harrasment isues going around some men just aren't going to make an overt move for fear of being accused. I'm afraid that teh women's lib movement has also put some cold water on the dating game. It used to be polite to hold a door for a lady, or to stand and offer your seat. Now you are liable to be accused of being sexist. Years ago my mom made the statement that she didn't want equality with men, why should she get a demotion. That was back around 1961.

Good luck.
If men toss out manners for fear of bein accused of bein sexist, thats fine. It will be poor manners that keep some women away. I used to not care if a man held the door for me. Now I take it as a hint as to what kind of respectfulness they are capable of. I hold the door for anyone behind me because thats what manners have me do. I am willing to debate that with anyone who wants to call me sexist over it too.

Women have been fighting for basics like equal pay/opportunity. They probably have come a long way since your mother said that, but not far enough. As men in power allow women to become independent of men to take care of themselves, we will see less men interested in relationships, Im sure. And already have. Some men actually do want to control women, rather than love them. Im fine being alone over being with that guy.

Most men may assume this all means Im angry with men. Im not. I continue to love men and hope to meet more nice ones. Ive been really fortunate, so I have a good attitude about it all.

clintb74's photo
Mon 02/24/14 08:11 PM

Looking for single cute guys between 35-40 who's looking for a serious relationship. Pls no chancers. I'm an attractive asian lady.

i can tell by your picture.

clintb74's photo
Mon 02/24/14 08:07 PM

Clint you sure do like to get naked often

I am a environmentalist. I like all natural.

clintb74's photo
Mon 02/24/14 08:03 PM

Scotch for this guy looking for right now!!!!

hey about a good Tennessee sipping whiskey...I think it can stand up to the best Scotch (Tenn or Kentucky)

that sounds like a Pepsi challenge?

ummm did u just mention Pepsi in the same paragraph as good bourbon...yuck

the hills are cryingill

Shame on me, will need to drink a shot of whiskey as punishment.

clintb74's photo
Mon 02/24/14 08:02 PM

Ok, Give you ride wherever you need to go

You are a good samaritan. :-)

Well...your wish is my command lol but first cover up that!!!

Of course ;-)

clintb74's photo
Mon 02/24/14 08:01 PM
Edited by clintb74 on Mon 02/24/14 08:05 PM
Benefit packages are very good. Makes a job more attractive.

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