Community > Posts By > anacondaarms
guys vs girls - part 62
Christmas Card Exchange
May I ask... What is vegemite Vegemite is an australian food that most of us eat, it is sort of like peanut butter, not how it tastes but how you spread it on your bread. It is a really dark brown and tastes GOOD ( DO NOT Comment Mikey) I can send you some if you want to taste it, you dont need much on your toast, but your bread does sort of spoil the taste a little. Your bread seems to be sweeter than ours, so seems different then when you eat it here, but its still really good on your little crackers that you use for dips and stuff. Yeah, I'd like to try some... I'll try anything once... I once thought I'd never eat octupus and now I luv the spicy kind in sauce... Where’s your sense of adventure… SPICY OCTUPUS is great once you get use to chewing Mikey doesnt think you will like the vegemite, I will send some to you, some people like butter with it on toast, but dont put too much on, s if your not used to it, it seems that the taste can be a little strong. You better hope you don't have any taste buds. My wife has suckered another American into the Vegemite trap. Im beginning to think she enjoys it. I've learned that all Australians love a good laugh. Next thing she will do is get you to put the vegemite behind your ears to protect you from the Australian Drop Bears if your ever in Australia. Theres some truth to that because the vegemite would work good as a retardant for anything on this planet. |
guys vs girls - part 62
finish my sentence - part 26
? Well it depends on who...
finish my sentence - part 26
some logs for the fireplace. Once there...
Have you ever - part 3
yes, for about 5 minutes, then I changed the channel. lol
Have you ever watched a movie, and then a song from the movie that you don't like keeps playing in you head all day? (Oh those stupid goats and the song from the sound of music, why did I watch that this christmas eve? ) |
finish my sentence - part 26
the nearest rest stop that has...
finish my sentence - part 26
look up the definition of sex in...
finish my sentence - part 26
nose when you need him. Rumor has it...
finish my sentence - part 26
straight for a...
Kiss Or Run - part 14
kiss on the cheek
finish my sentence - part 26
figure out how to take their...
Kiss Or Run - part 14
still not
Hallmark Card
guys vs girls - part 61
finish my sentence - part 26
would be ok but it is not an option because...
finish my sentence - part 26
there was a hot tub party too that...