Community > Posts By > Skad

Skad's photo
Tue 01/27/09 06:32 AM

That sounds a bit like co-dependence, dear Mirror.

It makes me think of a line in a current popular song, that one where the woman is sad because another has decided to stand where she once stood... something like I don't know who I am without you....

But isn't that Biblical..where two become one? I like a good clingy relationship.. Very passionate!

Hmmm, well it blurs the lines of need versus want. I am a very independent person. Two lives become one in marriage, sure, but I will never be a part of someone else. I would be a compliment, not a contribution. Makes sense?

Yes, but that still leaves the door open for a little clinginess.. yay!

Skad's photo
Tue 01/27/09 06:14 AM

That sounds a bit like co-dependence, dear Mirror.

It makes me think of a line in a current popular song, that one where the woman is sad because another has decided to stand where she once stood... something like I don't know who I am without you....

But isn't that Biblical..where two become one? I like a good clingy relationship.. Very passionate!

Skad's photo
Tue 01/27/09 06:10 AM
Heya Sing!

Skad's photo
Tue 01/27/09 06:05 AM

(which can be made up with mere visual observation

Yeah that pesky physical evidence of early hominid development. Where can we hide it? Should we just re-bury it all? Dump it in the sea because it fails to go along with the biblical picture?

You cant be serious? laugh

Absolutely.. until there is real proof otherwise, why not take the unfallible word of God? You can't disprove it with any truth you come up with, so you have to fall back on theory.. rather weak, imo......

Skad's photo
Tue 01/27/09 06:01 AM
I don't blame them really. Go where you can survive. Unions are constantly whining for handouts and restrictions that are unreasonable. A guy cuts his finger off and gets unbelievable compensation. What ever happened to the old days, where you worked a dangerous job, tried to stay safe, and took the hits like a man? Unions may have made the middle class in the north, but they'll also be the ones to bleed the companies dry and force them out of existence, leaving middle class folks jobless.

But it will be a part of history, and perhaps one we'll listen to this time, I don't know. Throughout history, when people start imposing on free enterprise, governments have been thrown, poverty has thrived, and people have consistently moved west to try to change things. Now we find ourselves with the absolute west of west closing back in with the cry for an end to free enterprise as well. It can only go so long before the loss of blood leaves us lifeless.

Skad's photo
Tue 01/27/09 05:51 AM
fine..fine.. put the spanish dictionary down..

Good Morning! It's a great day. I have to go to school in a couple of hours, but first..I need to exercise. flowerforyou

Skad's photo
Tue 01/27/09 05:48 AM
Edited by Skad on Tue 01/27/09 05:50 AM
If God does not exist: no harm, no foul. We all live happily ever after, until of course we die and take nothing with us and fade back to dust; in that case, life is pointless really.

If God does exist: and if all that is in the Bible is true, then some will be with Him and some will not.

Everything written in the Bible has so far "come true" so to speak (was always true in my opinion). From Job saying that the stars were suspending in space 2000 yrs. before man and his need for proof made a telescope and found out for himself, to the study of cardio-vascular systems 4000 yrs. after the Bible said we had hearts. There is nothing scientific or historic that has been disproved by real science, i.e. laws of nature--not everyone's silly theories (which can be made up with mere visual observation by any tom, **** and harry).

But when it's all boiled down, it has to be by faith.. that's what He asks of us. And nothing else will get us there--He's already made sure of that, afterall, He is God. No amount of searching it out is ever going to produce the results non-believers seek, it's wasted time..wasted in the worst kind of way, the way that leads to eternal death.

Skad's photo
Tue 01/27/09 05:14 AM
Edited by Skad on Tue 01/27/09 05:15 AM
Buenos dias Senorita.. Es un buen dia aqui. Tengo que ir a la escuela en dos horas, mas o menos, pero primero...Yo necisito que ejercitar! flowerforyou drinker

Skad's photo
Tue 01/27/09 05:11 AM

Skad's photo
Tue 01/27/09 05:07 AM

and i do understand some people do not believe the bible and thats thier right.but it does say,"blessed is the generation that believes and yet have not seen"

Well said. Ditto.

Skad's photo
Tue 01/27/09 05:02 AM

flowerforyou I'll survive, but I am more ticked off about sitting here being bored to death for god knows how long.ohwell Im just hoping that one of my sisters still got power maybe and if so I am gonna go stay at their house.:smile:

Hope everything turns out all right up there Mirror.

Skad's photo
Tue 01/27/09 05:00 AM
37 degrees this morning, will be 50-55 for the high today. Haven't had any snow or sleet or anything like it all winter. It's clear and the sun will shine today. Light jacket weather.

Skad's photo
Mon 01/26/09 08:10 PM
Edited by Skad on Mon 01/26/09 08:12 PM
I'm still looking for more.. Southern Pride jokes.. ;p the others are cute, too. but that one with the dually had so much more to it and I can't find it now.

Those are cute, too, Etrain!

Skad's photo
Mon 01/26/09 08:02 PM

Question: What does a redneck chick say after sex?

Answer: Get off me daddy, your crushing my smokes!

Question: What does a redneck divorce and a tornado have in common?

Answer: One way or the other someone is losing their trailer!

rofl.. keep em coming ash!

Skad's photo
Mon 01/26/09 08:01 PM
Hmm.. I can't send email to you ummm... now that's just wrong. Why the heck do I have to type all that out, and it doesn't even sound right.. lovemeifyoucan! tears gosh that was painful.. Was going to say I love the picture with the dog doing it's business)

Skad's photo
Mon 01/26/09 07:54 PM
Love those! Need to send you guys my email address if you're on a mailing list for those types of jokes..

Skad's photo
Mon 01/26/09 07:53 PM

Hey MNmermaid.. you've got to give me something easier to type, lol.. j/k. flowerforyou

I am sorry, but I have to be a smartass here....just cause I am a master at dorkology...

What's got you so SKAD?.....that struck me as a funny name, (in a good way), since it sounds like an ol' country boy saying the word ha ha .....yeah, so what....I'll just laugh at my own jokes

Haha.. Skadow is the norse word for shadow. I wrote a fantasy fiction novel last year and instead of having Dark Elves, I had Skadowan Elves. I'm still editing, btw, so don't ask how it's going...(I submitted over last summer and didn't hear back from three companies, but that's not uncommon..gonna use my free time this semester, whatever that means, to edit up the scenery..adding smells and feels into it) Skad is just the shorter version.. I know, sounds like an external blood clot built up on the knees, but it is what it is)

Skad's photo
Mon 01/26/09 07:49 PM
Hey, does anyone have access to cute southern jokes, sort of like..

You know you're in the country when...

Or maybe some about men and women, like...

When she says nothing, it means...

I've seen some b4 when I did office work.. It was epidemic, actually. Would just like to get some from time to time)

Cute one said, I don't care how much your porsche costs, if you can't drive down a gravel road at a reasonable speed, I'll ride my dually right over your @#$.

Things like that..

Skad's photo
Mon 01/26/09 07:43 PM
Hey MNmermaid.. you've got to give me something easier to type, lol.. j/k. flowerforyou

Skad's photo
Mon 01/26/09 07:15 PM

There...can be only one...I am immortal:banana: :banana: :banana:

Ok, E.. You're starting to freak me out. I can imagine you sitting over there, typing away and saying these posts out loud in a menacing, raspy voice to yourself as you hit each key...all hunched over and crap. it's eerie.. cut it out!