Community > Posts By > Dolphin102

Dolphin102's photo
Sun 12/14/08 08:14 AM
im kind of new here (=

welcome though

Dolphin102's photo
Sun 12/14/08 08:11 AM
Do yu like thiz SIte ??

I guess itz ok Itz iight lol

1 to 10 what you think??

Dolphin102's photo
Sun 12/14/08 08:08 AM
:smile: Welcome to MIngle2

Dolphin102's photo
Thu 12/11/08 05:44 PM
TEchno is like like club but itz more better I don't know how to explain it

Dolphin102's photo
Thu 12/11/08 05:12 PM
:heart: after all sumone does like techno happy

Dolphin102's photo
Thu 12/11/08 04:59 PM
:smile: yeh i know who doesn't like techno there has to be sum ppl that like technotears

Dolphin102's photo
Thu 12/11/08 04:49 PM
luvz techno any one like Techno than sayy it if not what you like in music /????

Dolphin102's photo
Wed 12/10/08 05:22 PM
yooo anyONE want to chat??
IM soooo bored azz hell lol <3

Dolphin102's photo
Wed 12/10/08 05:15 PM
:smile: nice i like :heart:

Dolphin102's photo
Wed 12/10/08 05:13 PM
i ment to reply if you got sumthing report im sryy im new at thiz site nice

Dolphin102's photo
Wed 12/10/08 05:05 PM
Edited by Dolphin102 on Wed 12/10/08 05:05 PM
C = care
h = has a heart
r = real
I = Incoming
s = smile
t = talk
m = mittenz
a = Average
s = sweet

Can you come up with anyy meanings with each letter

Dolphin102's photo
Thu 12/04/08 06:14 PM
Edited by Dolphin102 on Thu 12/04/08 06:23 PM
~ I see Falling hearts that are the color of a rose The candies that are brighter than the cherry tomatoes . One color that is great is the color pink <3 Like those hearts on Valtine'Z Day Refresh ur mouth with a a pieace of gum. My breathe to smell Gud for that one <3
Falling hearts one catches my eye one heart that I will hold close to my heart nd say ur mine forever . Through out the day I was woudering if you were thinking about me ? Wishing you were here with me (= If you don't catch one you won't have any at all *****

COmment or you will have bad luck >>>>

Dolphin102's photo
Sun 11/30/08 06:06 PM
im not shure who <3

Dolphin102's photo
Sun 11/30/08 05:35 PM
aww thanks :smile:

Dolphin102's photo
Sun 11/30/08 05:29 PM
Edited by Dolphin102 on Sun 11/30/08 05:30 PM
Would you ever go out with me ??



Dolphin102's photo
Sun 11/30/08 05:27 PM
*LBI *
New York*

Dolphin102's photo
Fri 11/28/08 06:22 PM
welcome for wat??

Dolphin102's photo
Fri 11/28/08 06:14 PM
Edited by Dolphin102 on Fri 11/28/08 06:17 PM
:smile: I wish things can come true the way people want things the wayy they want them instead of crashing ... I know Same here it sucks when yu dnt have that certain one near ur side right next to you on that special day you know that it does but it will all take it place when that time is right. If it'z meant to be yu stay not meat to be it goes itz like true friends stay through ur rough times nd the fakes ones just leave Happy Hoildayz to all<3

Dolphin102's photo
Fri 11/28/08 06:10 PM
Edited by Dolphin102 on Fri 11/28/08 06:11 PM
it doesn't matter about if yu know them or not itz a question but at least yu were honest lol

Dolphin102's photo
Fri 11/28/08 02:49 PM
I Love POems