Community > Posts By > dreamerana
Wooden spoon
Mrs. Always Right
Mega phone
Mega phone
On sale
Edited by
Mon 08/20/18 12:01 PM
Every choice we make has consequences.
Some can be long lasting. A bad background can mean a violent past. A person can learn to make better choices and be a positive member of society. However not everyone can accept the things that might be in someone's past. |
Clothing optional
Dating Co-workers
Is there any policy in regards to this at your place of employment?
She's bold and sassy
Have you ever - part 24
Yes. I was offered a job selling plots at the cemetery. I turned it down.
Have you ever been happily surprised when something you made came out better than expected? |
Breakfast burrito
I just saw an obituary of someone who was young and full of life. |
Yes. I'll make a new friend
Good or Bad
Follow your beliefs.
Date someone whose ideals are compatible with yours |
Chocolate pie
Hot and tired but good. Gardening is good therapy
Thinking insomnia is the pits. It is exhausting and affects us in so many ways, latest news is that sleep deprivation can lead to social withdrawal and loneliness. Other side effects of sleep deprivation: I had it through most of my 30's, then started taking sleep meds. I'm on one now that doesn't work too well. I have to wait to get back on Ambien. I heard many bad things regarding Ambien. I personally am not that knowledgeable about it , only what friends have told me. I'm thinking there might be natural alternatives to try before seeking a prescription. The local grocery store carries tea bags that are supposed to help. One kind i have hrard of is 7 blossoms tea. It's made of different knids of citrus blossoms. |