Community > Posts By > Vixahna

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Wed 07/08/09 12:42 AM
Boston, Mass.

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Wed 07/08/09 12:41 AM

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Wed 07/08/09 12:38 AM

i did fight my friend's cat today. she doesn't play rough with her cat so when i come over it's crazy fun time. i give her a good fight until she's worn out or feels she's won. yeah, congratulations, you put 5 scratches on my tough. ha

Only 5? You sure it's a female cat? He he

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Wed 07/08/09 12:37 AM
William Blake.

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Wed 07/08/09 12:19 AM

i hate whe people hijack a thread and talk about 80s tv shows...terrible.

MacGyver is great. that reminds me, i saw a real live mullet today. bizarre.

i don't like when profiles say they want a sensitive guy. i don't kick kittens but i don't cry at funerals. does that make sensitive or not?

You know you kick kittens! I see it written all over your face! laugh

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Wed 07/08/09 12:17 AM

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Wed 07/08/09 12:16 AM
Ricky Lake.

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Wed 07/08/09 12:14 AM
Quiznos sub (leftovers, who can eat one of those?)

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Wed 07/08/09 12:06 AM
That's ok, I have MacGyver, a paper clip, two rolls of toilet paper and a rubber band. No damn way you're flipping my cart pal!

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Wed 07/08/09 12:03 AM
Of course! Can I help you eat it too?

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Tue 07/07/09 11:57 PM
Hurry and do! Should I cover your tracks?

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Tue 07/07/09 11:53 PM

mr. t rents a room at my house when he's in town. we play golf and when i beat him he has to pity any fools i tell him to for the next hour. it's awesome.

OMG! Can I play golf with you??....Ok, miniature golf?

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Tue 07/07/09 11:48 PM
Is there chocolate involved?

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Tue 07/07/09 11:47 PM
Zapahuira, Chile.

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Tue 07/07/09 11:41 PM
Hi Pata! waving

I'll bring the beer, can we eat now?

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Tue 07/07/09 11:39 PM

she's your oompa loompa. sweet!

She's my beeotch! (I sure hope people have the capability to recognize sarcastic humor!)

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Tue 07/07/09 11:27 PM

Vixahna, i just looked at your profile. you know why he messaged you. easy on the eyes, regardless of height...or lack thereof. winking

i guess you could look at it this way; a lot of nerdy guys were into xena but you know they fantasized about her little blond pal too.

Her little blonde pal lives in my closet, I only let her out for special occasions. winking

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Tue 07/07/09 11:24 PM

I just love when you get messaged by a guy telling you how perfect you are then you look at his profile and it's a list of requirements you don't meet. frustrated I am NOT over 6 ft., blonde haired, blue eyed and 24! WHY did you message me again?!

because we guys are searching for the holy grail but many of us will settle for a dixie cup. laugh

Feel free to keep searching for your barbarian linebacker but don't bother me in the process! Huh, dixie cup.....since when are D's single sip? slaphead

i knew there'd be backlash. ha. you're his dixie cup. i'm somebody's. hopefully we'll both end up at least a frosty beer mug for somrbody. drinker

and ayway, dixie starts with d and it would be cool to see a pair of Ds wearing just a pair of dixie cups...or maybe water cooler conessmile2

Yeah, I'm not on my game tonight, must be tired....Well, I'll drink to that! drinker You can't afford my pasties and platforms though, ha ha. pitchfork

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Tue 07/07/09 11:21 PM
Zainub bint Muhammed. (Why do I always get stuck with X and Z??)

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Tue 07/07/09 11:11 PM
Olive loaf.

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