dontjustplaywithme's photo
Thu 02/20/14 04:33 PM
That wake up alarm will come soon enough so goodnight people
explode laugh

dontjustplaywithme's photo
Thu 02/20/14 04:32 PM
You are so funny David

dontjustplaywithme's photo
Thu 02/20/14 04:28 PM
RELAXED for tonight

dontjustplaywithme's photo
Thu 02/20/14 04:27 PM
Going to bed early. Back to the workforce tomorrow.

dontjustplaywithme's photo
Thu 02/20/14 04:24 PM
Im sorry Liz

dontjustplaywithme's photo
Thu 02/20/14 08:36 AM
flowerforyou This cat seems to have gone mia. Wonder what happened? Miss his funny pictures. Hope he comes back.

dontjustplaywithme's photo
Thu 02/20/14 08:23 AM


your town may be small
but ur seems so big:smile:
ok noway

dontjustplaywithme's photo
Thu 02/20/14 08:22 AM

Your silence is deafening... I am concerned...

hello. U sounded so upset yesturday. Offered food and so much happier today. Did you make a mingle match and curiosity killed the cat. Who is the lucky one? Give us all a ray of hope.

Hi! Yesterday I was very concerned for someone. Later I learned what the issue was and everything is better for that person.

Oh there is always hope... ALWAYS and ALL WAYS, hope. flowerforyou
thankyou. There is my ray of hope. Glad your person is ok too. Its hard on here when people come and go. I talk to someone thinking this is going good then poof they are gone. Ive learned this is the way of computer world.

dontjustplaywithme's photo
Thu 02/20/14 07:48 AM
Have the day off. Going to sit back and mingle and hopefully make some friends.

dontjustplaywithme's photo
Thu 02/20/14 07:43 AM
Feeling good today.

dontjustplaywithme's photo
Thu 02/20/14 07:41 AM

Your silence is deafening... I am concerned...

hello. U sounded so upset yesturday. Offered food and so much happier today. Did you make a mingle match and curiosity killed the cat. Who is the lucky one? Give us all a ray of hope.

dontjustplaywithme's photo
Tue 02/04/14 07:55 AM
Out of work feet up glass of wine!!

dontjustplaywithme's photo
Mon 02/03/14 08:22 AM

Sitting on the porch and hanging out with O'Malley, the abandoned cat that has adopted me...:smile:

how cute that is.

dontjustplaywithme's photo
Mon 02/03/14 08:14 AM
Monday morning, cold outside, hot coffee inside. Thats how to start a week.

dontjustplaywithme's photo
Mon 02/03/14 08:10 AM

Always a funny catman. Hello

dontjustplaywithme's photo
Mon 01/27/14 05:22 AM
Having a quick cup and then i have to go. Fun monday. Morning everyone. Stay warm.

dontjustplaywithme's photo
Mon 01/27/14 05:15 AM
Going to work. Jumped on quickly.

dontjustplaywithme's photo
Mon 01/27/14 05:12 AM

dontjustplaywithme's photo
Mon 01/27/14 05:09 AM
My home. It make:wink: s me smile. Its very inviting.

dontjustplaywithme's photo
Sat 09/21/13 12:08 PM
Nobody talks here?

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