Community > Posts By > Elaina

Elaina's photo
Sat 12/02/06 07:16 AM
I am watching my nephew today as I do everyday but today his mommy and
daddy arent working at their jobs there moving into bigger apartment.
After he goes home I have no clue.

Elaina's photo
Sat 12/02/06 07:08 AM
Morning Shadow

Elaina's photo
Sat 12/02/06 07:07 AM
be an animal for 1 day, what would you be and why?

Id be a fish, so I could swim in the deep part of the ocean lol

Elaina's photo
Sat 12/02/06 07:05 AM
lol thats cute

Elaina's photo
Sat 12/02/06 06:58 AM
yay yay yay ty Tx

Elaina's photo
Sat 12/02/06 06:43 AM
lol my nephew gets annoyed with me when I go to fast in the shopping

Elaina's photo
Sat 12/02/06 06:42 AM
My dad is the head IT Tech and the head human resourse supervisor at his

We make fruit cake cookies every year and he loves those. The not like
regular fruit cake and there an old old old family recipe that Im not
allowed to have until he passes on lol

As for the oil changes, Id do that but we have been going to the same
person to fix out cars and do the oil changes since I was three. Weve
been going to him since his grandpa owed the shop lol. The tools thing
is something that he doesnt like to get for a gift hes weird that way
lol and My bro in law is one of those people who is just too picky to
shop for.

Elaina's photo
Sat 12/02/06 06:32 AM
Were trying to stay away from gift cards this year lol, last year thats
all I got and so my dad is putting a hold on it this year.

Elaina's photo
Sat 12/02/06 06:31 AM
My sister gets mad at me for that Cream bumping my nephews stoller into
things but it crackes him up every time i do so i do it to hear him

Elaina's photo
Sat 12/02/06 06:27 AM
Does anyone have any ideas on this. I try so hard to get them something
that I think they like but it never seems to work ut. Like my bro n law
said hed love a gift card to his favorite resturant so I got him one and
he was like "I was serious" So, I am at a loss again and am not sure
what to get either of them now.

Elaina's photo
Sat 12/02/06 06:12 AM
Good Morning yall Ive been up since 4am cause my nephew spent the night
and decided to wake up at that time and now its 8am lol so may I please
have a Dr.Pepper??

Elaina's photo
Sat 12/02/06 06:08 AM
the one thing I want for christmas is a new book shelf cause the two I
just bought are still over flowing lol

Elaina's photo
Fri 12/01/06 10:44 PM
night yall god bless tc and blessed be

Elaina's photo
Fri 12/01/06 10:43 PM
im off to bed yall tc

Elaina's photo
Fri 12/01/06 10:42 PM
ill hold the camera as long as i get part of the cut

Elaina's photo
Fri 12/01/06 10:41 PM
This girl will go through the rest of her life with this. It well take
her a long time to get over it and to learn to trust again. She has
more scars that you cant see than most people have its not right what
happened and she shouldnt be blamed for it.

Elaina's photo
Fri 12/01/06 10:35 PM
lol TX

Elaina's photo
Fri 12/01/06 10:14 PM
the manager and the adult guy who was in the room with the minor and the
guy who called claiming to be a cop those adults
not the girls parents. Common Sense has nothing to do with that
sitation i have common sense but i couldnt prevent my past from
happening when it happened some things are out of your control and for
this girl it was out of her control she was scared and begged for it to
stop and the people at her job that should have looked out for her
physically and mentally abused her. you tell me that if she was your
daughter that all youd say to her is wheres your common sense?

Elaina's photo
Fri 12/01/06 10:05 PM
lol Ice and i say beleave in what you want to beleave

Elaina's photo
Fri 12/01/06 10:02 PM
ty Tx that is what my whole point to some ppl was all about but i got to
flustered and couldnt get it out but you said it perfectly