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Wed 09/03/08 10:57 PM

They can even speak out on their beliefs or march in white robes and set fires to crosses to the tune of "Amazing Grace", which incidentally was written by a former slave ship captain who turned into an abolitionist and assisted with getting the slave trade banned in England. Being entitled to your opinion is one thing....having your opinion be correct is another.

so its only white people who do this?
and you assume your opinion is the correct one i assume???

fear what exactly?

Actually the iconic image of the KKK was used to illustrate the point that all are entitled to their opinion and simultaneously point out their ignorance. They really do burn crosses to Amazing Grace. It really was written by an reformed slave ship captain who really was an abolitionist. Minister Farakkahn is no more correct in his views. Neither were the Nazi's, or the Somali's, or any other group that has attempted genocide or practiced hatred as a way of life or a core belief system.

Yes my opinion is the correct one because as some much more eloquent than I on here put forth. Reason only allows for one decision on this topic.

Fear of that which is different or alien from what you know or what you have experience with. It is hard to hate a person you have taken the time to get to know.

Any other questions?


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Wed 09/03/08 10:49 PM

They can even speak out on their beliefs or march in white robes and set fires to crosses to the tune of "Amazing Grace", which incidentally was written by a former slave ship captain who turned into an abolitionist and assisted with getting the slave trade banned in England. Being entitled to your opinion is one thing....having your opinion be correct is another.

so its only white people who do this?
and you assume your opinion is the correct one i assume???

fear what exactly?

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Wed 09/03/08 10:33 PM


I really am not trying to be rude. I am not sure what the topic of discussion is.... I think that pretty much most educated people will say that racism is a bad thing. I don't really think it is debateable except for the ignorant and uneducated. So what is there to discuss beyond that?

why are you assuming all rasist people are uneducated and ignorant?

are they not allowed to have their own views on things just as you have yours?

No. Pretty much if you dislike someone based solely upon race then it is either out of ignorance or out of fear. There are good and bad people among all races and lumping together everyone who looks alike is idiotic. It would be tantamount to saying that all blond haired blue eyed people are Nazi's and want to kill the Jews since they were Hitler's Master Race. The argument is flawed because it seeks to encompass all people of similar appearance into a unified group that is obligated by the way they look to think and believe the same thing. Being a racist is simply a way of dismissing an entire group of people without ever actually having to get to know them. So...yes...they are entitled to their view! That is a right guaranteed them in the Constitution. They can even speak out on their beliefs or march in white robes and set fires to crosses to the tune of "Amazing Grace", which incidentally was written by a former slave ship captain who turned into an abolitionist and assisted with getting the slave trade banned in England. Being entitled to your opinion is one thing....having your opinion be correct is another.

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Wed 09/03/08 10:18 PM

I really am not trying to be rude. I am not sure what the topic of discussion is.... I think that pretty much most educated people will say that racism is a bad thing. I don't really think it is debateable except for the ignorant and uneducated. So what is there to discuss beyond that?

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Wed 09/03/08 10:05 PM
EMIT....I am not sure if your intitial posts were intended to be conversation or simply a historical dissertation. I honestly didn't read the entire post as it was rather lengthy and filled with numbers and such which confuses a poor soul like myself. Now...had you begun with the simple question of "Does racism truely exist?" or "Has racial equality increased in American Culture then you might actually get a fairly intelligent conversation. Of couse it would also invite in the racist crowd but then again it isn't much of a debate if we all agree that racism = bad. So if you don't mind....just so I can get a read on where your head is at. Can you answer the two suggested questions above?

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