Community > Posts By > redmange420

redmange420's photo
Wed 09/19/07 07:17 PM
She's doin good. She just got transferred back to Crossett, so we had the luxury of movin all our crap again. grumble grumble

It's cool though, cuz we get to be around my parents who are realizin finally that they're actually old now. She's pissed though cuz of her cheatin ass Patriots, as well she should be. laugh laugh

redmange420's photo
Tue 09/18/07 09:15 PM
2-0 for the first time in what seems like FOREVER!! Not gonna hope for too much, but I'm glad to see that they're actually fightin to win.

redmange420's photo
Tue 09/18/07 09:13 PM
Too late for a triple shot??

:wink: :wink:

How the hell is everyone?

redmange420's photo
Sun 07/08/07 04:51 PM
Ted DiBiase, the legendary "Million Dollar Man," was kind enough to share his thoughts with tPC on Chris Benoit, Steroids, Vince McMahon and the WWE. Here is the pro wrestling hall of famer's exclusive article.

Here's what I know about Chris Benoit, about the guy that I knew and that many of my colleagues knew. We knew a man who was committed to his trade, who made all the sacrifices necessary to become one of the very best, who was unselfish, who went out of his way to help the other guys who were coming up in the field to be the best that they could be.

He was an encourager and he was soft-spoken. Chris Benoit was never known as one to fly off the handle or to have outbursts. He was a very soft-spoken guy, a genuine family man. Chris was the kind of guy who was known to fly home for 7 hours, when it would have been much easier and cheaper just to stay wherever he was to get to wherever he was having to go the next day.

But he made that sacrifice to be with his family.

That's the character of the man all of us knew. That's why all of us are in such shock and bewilderment as to -- what is it? -- What is it in the man's psyche that made him snap?

As I've watched the coverage, some say it's what you call... "fair and balanced" well it's not, it's almost like it's lets' see if we can bury the WWE.

Where do we draw the line in the sand and make people responsible for their actions? It's like Geraldo has this crusade to bury the WWE or make it the WWE's fault that 60 wrestlers, or whatever the figure is, have died in the last 10 or 20 years.

I quit physically wrestling in 1993. They had a drug policy in place then, and when Eddie Guerrero died, I just so happened to be working for the company again, and they instituted what is called the wellness program. The WWE has gone out and hired an independent company, independent of their organization, to do all the testing. In other words, they don't have any say-so in it.

So this company randomly picks wrestlers and they randomly test whoever they want to who is employed by the WWE…tests them for steroids and all drugs.

Any drug that you can test for, you're tested for. I know their policy, and their policy is this: If you test positive the first time, you automatically are suspended 30 days without pay. If you need rehab, the company will pay to put you thru the rehab.

If you flunk yet a second test, then it's a 60 day suspension without pay, and then if it happens a third time, then you're out, you're fired; you're no longer employed by the WWE.

Now it's a 3 strike rule: How many times can you give somebody a chance to grow up? Be responsible for your own actions? And that's my contention.

I've been a part of this industry for my entire life, I grew up in it, and I watched the old WWF, which is what it was when I was there. It was this enormous entity and like any other company, and any other business, it has had its growing pains. I was around when the federal government tried to nail Vince McMahon to the wall, and tried to get the world to believe that he was supplying steroids or that he was making wrestlers take steroids. I was one of those athletes. And I was never encouraged to take anything. And at that time, if Vince McMahon were guilty of anything, it may have been just like all other sports… simply turning a blind eye to it and not seeing it.

But that's not the case. The WWE has grown into this huge company now, and Vince does have a concern for his people, which I think is evident by his policy. As a company, a corporation, what else do we want him to do? That's what I would ask Geraldo… what else would you like Vince McMahon to do?

If you are going to try and cast stones at the WWE, and try to put the blame for all these deaths in the industry on the company for it's "failure," then I say let's go to football, basketball, and baseball. And more than any of the others, let's go to Hollywood. Let's go to rock and roll. What institution, what governing body, or what record label has ever had any kind of drug testing policy to protect the people they have under contract? It's unheard of.

Again the point becomes... when do we make the individual responsible for their actions? As far as those former employees who have come out attacking the WWE or Vince, none of them have ever made any significant contribution to the industry so consider the source.

As a man of God, as a Christian, and as a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ... when you come right down to it, I believe that every man is born with a void and an emptiness -- and I call it a God-sized hole in their life and in their heart - and that all of us will continue to try to fill that void with whatever it is… success, fame, money, position, power… whatever it is. And will do so insatiably. We will continue to repeat the very same mistakes in our lives, over and over, either until it kills us or until, in this case, we kill ourselves or somebody else... or until we realize that the only thing that's going to fill that void is Jesus Christ.

Ted Dibiase

redmange420's photo
Sun 07/08/07 04:06 PM
Only caught a few this year. No fishin buddies to go with, and the wifee is always at work. I hate fishin alone.

redmange420's photo
Sun 07/08/07 03:48 PM
There were also reports of him bein addicted to GHB, and that he might have been tryin to clean himself up. The thing that I saw said he had been usin it since his WCW days, and that withdrawls from GHB are 10 times worse than heroine. Don't know if it's factual or not, but it would kinda explain what the hell was goin on. Have they release the toxicology report yet?

redmange420's photo
Sat 07/07/07 03:11 PM
My pic says I like to drink and I'm very animated.

drinker drinker drinker happy happy happy

redmange420's photo
Sat 07/07/07 03:09 PM
Hella, that sh*t is just crazy man. I still can't believe it. I guess it proves that everyone is just human huh?

redmange420's photo
Sat 07/07/07 03:07 PM
My favorite was Benoit, but I can't really watch him anymore, ya know. My next favorite was Brock Lesnar, and I did a search on him a few days ago, and he's in mixed martial arts now, with a 1-0 record with 1 submission. He's bad-ass, and I hope he makes it big in MMA.

redmange420's photo
Sat 07/07/07 03:01 PM
True. I just think that would be a cool thing to do, since it's not just famous people that this happens to. You can read about it just about everyday somewhere.

redmange420's photo
Sat 07/07/07 02:58 PM
Well, we were what......1-15 when Nolan took over? The next season we were 4-12, not great, but a helluva lot better than 1-15. Then, last season we went 7-9, and with a little luck we had a chance at playoff possibilities. I like the direction he's takin us, and this year all the players are excited to be there, cuz they know we have a chance to do something great this year. As long as we go 8-8 or better, we're still makin progress. I know that doesn't sound great, but we'd have been happy as hell with it during that 1-15 stint with sorry as Erickson as our coach.

redmange420's photo
Sat 07/07/07 02:52 PM
They took all of Chris Benoit's action figures and memorabilia off the shelves, but wouldn't it make more sense to sell it and let the proceeds go to some kind of charity to help prevent tragedies like this in the future?

redmange420's photo
Wed 07/04/07 03:26 PM
I just found out my favorite ex-WWE wrestler Brock Lesnar is now doin MMA. He's gonna be a BAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDD MAAAAAAAAAANNN!!!!

happy happy happy happy

redmange420's photo
Wed 06/27/07 10:56 PM
Benoit’s son suffered from Fragile X Syndrome; speculation over whether pressure was too much
Written: June 27, learned from an interview conducted Tuesday by Vancouver’s News1130 that Chris Benoit’s son Daniel possibly suffered from Fragile X Syndrome, a genetically passed-on condition that results in impairments ranging from physical and learning disabilities, to more severe cognitive or intellectual disabilities.

In the interview with News1130, Pam Winthrope, whose own 12-year-old son suffers from Fragile X Syndrome, recounted how she and her husband talked to Benoit about the condition five years ago.

“We talked to him because I was trying to set up a support group in B.C. and in Canada; we only have a couple of them,” she said. “My husband was struggling when we got diagnosed with our son, and Chris was struggling with his. They talked for a few minutes, and then he said he didn’t want to be a public face for Fragile X. He just wanted to keep it really, really quiet.”

A source close to Benoit recalls similar conversations with him, where he described his son’s condition as “a learning disability much like autism.” This source quotes Benoit as saying “Daniel wasn’t capable of interacting with other children and was afraid of other children. Daniel also had a hard time making eye contact with everyone, which was another symptom of his disability.” Benoit also claimed that his son was on medication for this condition.

Winthrope discussed the pressures facing parents of children diagnosed with Fragile X syndrome. During her interview with News1130, she stated that families can be torn apart by the disease because it's very difficult to find help and support. Winthrope added, "You as a parent have to go out there and find what's available and it's not easy -- they don't tell you."

A co-worker and long-time friend of the Benoits speculates that perhaps the pressures of home and Daniel’s illness had gotten to him, causing him to snap and take the lives of his wife and son before taking his own.

“Is it possible that after Chris killed Nancy (for whatever reason), he felt Daniel wouldn't be able to get the care and attention he required as a special needs child (if that is indeed true) with no mother and a father either in jail or dead? Did he then decide that the only way he could protect and take care of his son was to take him to the next world and go with him? In his warped and twisted state, did he think this was the only way to shield his son from a difficult life of pain and hardship? It doesn't condone or justify a damn thing, but it's the best reason I can think of. I'm trying to put together some semblance of logic for his actions, but it's an impossible task trying to explain this.”

redmange420's photo
Mon 06/25/07 08:16 PM
RIP Benoit. Hopefully you'll run into Eddie up there.

redmange420's photo
Sun 06/24/07 09:01 PM
NFL- 49er Faithful!!

MLB- None really, stopped watchin it.

NBA- Sacramento Queens, I don't really like them but outta respect for
my Grampa, I'll root for them.

NHL- None, don't watch it since they don't really fight anymore.

Car racing- WHO FREAKIN CARES??? The only reason I watch it is to see
some dumbass hit the wall and catch on fire.

redmange420's photo
Sun 06/17/07 05:35 PM
That would be a great Super Bowl, mainly so I can shut the wifee up
about her freakin Patriots! laugh laugh

I do respect all the teams out there, even the dumb ass Texans, mainly
cuz they had to have some kind of game to make it to the NFL. But that
don't stop me from talkin trash.

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

redmange420's photo
Sun 06/17/07 05:11 PM
There's always the EBK (every body killa)

1 shot of Bacardi 151, followed immediately by a shot of tequila,
followed by chuggin a beer.

devil devil devil devil

Also known as "Truth Syrum"

redmange420's photo
Sun 06/17/07 05:05 PM
My favorite is Tarantula and Mountain Dew, but I tried somethin last
night that was reeeeeeeeeeeeally good.......cognac and strawberry

redmange420's photo
Sun 06/17/07 04:53 PM
I've always liked James Farrior, he's a freakin HOGG!! I'm also glad to
see Big Ben get his ring after bein passed over, that was cool.
However.......make sure yall watch out for the Niners the next couple of
years, we're goin in the right direction with Coach Nolan.

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