Community > Posts By > Organicman7

Organicman7's photo
Sun 05/12/13 02:04 AM
Edited by Organicman7 on Sun 05/12/13 02:53 AM

Organicman7's photo
Sun 05/12/13 01:44 AM

Organicman7's photo
Sun 05/12/13 01:40 AM

Organicman7's photo
Sun 05/12/13 01:34 AM

Organicman7's photo
Sun 05/12/13 01:32 AM

Organicman7's photo
Sun 05/12/13 01:30 AM

Organicman7's photo
Sun 05/12/13 01:29 AM

Organicman7's photo
Sun 05/12/13 01:15 AM

Planning Your First Vegetable Garden

Here's all you need to know about starting a vegetable garden.
Why Grow Vegetables

Starting a vegetable garden at home is an easy way to save money -- that $2 tomato plant can easily provide you with 10 pounds of fruit over the course of a season.

It also gives you the pleasure of savoring a delicious, sun-warmed tomato fresh from the garden. In almost every case, the flavor and texture of varieties you can grow far exceed the best grocery store produce.

Plus, growing vegetables can be fun. It's a great way to spend time with children or have a place to get away and spend time outdoors in the sun.

Growing vegetables is probably easier than you think. If you plan it right, you can enjoy a beautiful garden full of the fruits of your labor -- without having to spend hours and hours tending it.

Vegetables and flowers are natural companions, and the combination can turn a potential eyesore into an attractive landscape feature. Read on for more!

Deciding What to Grow
It's best to start small with your first garden. Many gardeners get a little too excited at the beginning of the season and plant more than they need -- and end up wasting food and feeling overwhelmed by their garden.

So first, take a look at how much your family will eat. Keep in mind that vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, and squash keep providing throughout the season -- so you may not need many plants to serve your needs. Other vegetables, such as carrots, radishes, and corn, produce only once. You may need to plant more of these.

Determining How Much Space You Need
Once you know what you want to plant, you can figure out how much space your garden will need.

Keep in mind that you don't need a large space to begin a vegetable garden. If you choose to grow in containers, you don't even need a yard -- a deck or balcony may provide plenty of space.

In fact, a well-tended 10x10-foot garden will usually produce more than a weed-filled or disease-ridden 25x50-foot bed.

Get ideas for growing veggies in containers.
Picking the Perfect Spot
No matter how big your vegetable garden is, there are three basic requirements for success:

1. Full sun. Most vegetables need at least 6-8 hours of direct sun. If they don't get enough light, they won't bear as much and they'll be more susceptible to attack from insects or diseases.
Here's a hint: If you don't have a spot in full sun, you can still grow many leafy vegetables such as lettuce and spinach. And if you're in a hot-summer climate, cool-season varieties such as peas may do better in part shade.

2. Plenty of water. Because most vegetables aren't very drought tolerant, you'll need to give them a drink during dry spells. The closer your garden is to a source of water, the easier it will be for you.

3. Good soil. As with any kind of garden, success usually starts with the soil. Most vegetables do best in moist, well-drained soil that's rich in organic matter (such as compost or peat moss).


Organicman7's photo
Sun 05/12/13 01:13 AM
This thread is for members to post everything about gardening or your garden.

Show off your garden. Share your photos.

Organicman7's photo
Sun 05/12/13 12:45 AM

Hi guys !
Thanks MG i have enjoyed posting and sharing it
Along with all you other great folks here
Thanks for sharing as well Organicman !
...Because of folks like YOU !
happy happy\\

Five - When The Lights Go Out

You're welcome and Thank You..

Organicman7's photo
Sat 05/11/13 08:54 PM

ELO - Mr. Blue Sky (official video - 2012 version)

Organicman7's photo
Sat 05/11/13 07:08 PM

Lost Paradise - Juliette Valduriez

Organicman7's photo
Sat 05/11/13 12:05 AM

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under The Bridge

Organicman7's photo
Tue 05/07/13 05:24 AM
Edited by Organicman7 on Tue 05/07/13 05:27 AM

Baby Love

Organicman7's photo
Fri 05/03/13 02:23 PM

Talking Heads - Burning Down The House

Howdy Organicman
Great songs thank you
Welcome and i hope you find some nice friends here
and a special lady as well...!
Welcome any time


Thank You

Organicman7's photo
Fri 05/03/13 05:29 AM
The Cars - Lets Go

Organicman7's photo
Fri 05/03/13 05:09 AM
Talking Heads - Burning Down The House

Organicman7's photo
Fri 05/03/13 04:43 AM

so when my husband got me the kindle that I have now


Organicman7's photo
Fri 05/03/13 04:32 AM
The Knack - My Sharona

Organicman7's photo
Fri 05/03/13 04:30 AM
Nick Lowe - Cruel To Be Kind