Community > Posts By > Nova86

Nova86's photo
Tue 04/14/09 10:05 AM
Cashville still for sure

Nova86's photo
Tue 04/14/09 10:03 AM
club promoter

Nova86's photo
Mon 04/13/09 11:03 AM
male stripper manager....SHOW ME THE MONEY!!! I LOVE STRIPPERS!!! SHOW ME THE MONEY!!! lol

Nova86's photo
Mon 04/13/09 11:00 AM
college music professor....gotta teach the classics!!

Nova86's photo
Sat 04/11/09 09:37 AM
worst possible scenario?? she tells me that she is a male relative that had a sex change

the worst that actually happened....if she kisses like a fish, with her mouth constantly opened waiting for something to happen....kinda like a robot....MAN, she was a sucky kisser FO' SHO' lol

Nova86's photo
Sat 04/11/09 09:33 AM

a "player" is only what YOU make him.....players are only players because there are women OR men that allow them to be this way

keep your head up and drive through all of the a**holes and bit**es....don't get discouraged because someone is too immature to appreciate what they have in a partner

drinks drinker Nova. Wazzzzzzzup Bro? drinker drinks

WUSSUP rara, it's been a while drinker drinker drinks

hope things are going well with you and you are taking it easydrinker

Nova86's photo
Sat 04/11/09 09:32 AM
sex......then again, love can make sex better

Nova86's photo
Sat 04/11/09 09:30 AM
a "player" is only what YOU make him.....players are only players because there are women OR men that allow them to be this way

keep your head up and drive through all of the a**holes and bit**es....don't get discouraged because someone is too immature to appreciate what they have in a partner

Nova86's photo
Sat 04/11/09 09:23 AM
you want to find a girl from your pa?? why would want your father to pick your dream girl?? lol

Nova86's photo
Fri 04/10/09 11:42 AM
i hate to say it but from how you described how he is ignoring everything you do...EVEN when you touch him and try to have sex with sounds like he MIGHT be seeing someone else or losing some of his feelings for you

that is ONE option of what could be wrong.....if it lasts for a long time i would DEFINITELY want to make sure that he is being faithful or just make sure that he is still in love with you


Nova86's photo
Fri 04/10/09 11:35 AM

simply amazing lol

way to keep your pimp hand strong over the smiley faces dubz...they work for us, not the other way around haha

Nova86's photo
Fri 04/10/09 10:13 AM
for all of the gamers out there, they actually have Halo the movie and Gears of War the movie slated to be made in the next couple of years

Nova86's photo
Fri 04/10/09 07:10 AM
all of those movies and no mention of....

Terminator Salvation

Transformers 2

G.I. Joe the movie

Nova86's photo
Fri 04/10/09 07:06 AM
i don't think WERE is the question (unless it is WHERE said in a southern accent LOL)

"good women" are all in your perception of what a "good" woman each his own

but i would think that being positive and confident would help you in your endeavor of finding a "good" woman

good luck man...keep your head updrinker

Nova86's photo
Thu 04/09/09 07:03 AM
doughnut taste-tester

Nova86's photo
Wed 04/08/09 12:33 PM

I think if I had more sex I'd smoke less. I never smoke in the bedroom.

I LIKE you... you have a cute mind! opposed to an ugly mind??

just wondering

Nova86's photo
Wed 04/08/09 12:31 PM
to piss all of you women off...because we never know WHAT you are talking about and ignore what you are saying the rest of the time LOL

Nova86's photo
Wed 04/08/09 12:29 PM

I think if I had more sex I'd smoke less. I never smoke in the bedroom.

i would think that sex would make you want to smoke MORE

just from what i have heard....ionno, guess it would for some people

Nova86's photo
Wed 04/08/09 12:24 PM
makes the fortunes to go in the fortune cookies.....for the ENTIRE WORLD!!!!! lol

Nova86's photo
Tue 04/07/09 06:32 PM
bet your bottom dollar there is love smooched blushing flowerforyou

she's puuuuurrrdyy!!! lol

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