finish my sentence - part 28
because they needed new alligator
Last to post wins! - part 98
So now that I know The way that things go I'm ready, rock-steady, and grinning. Because I'm prepared, You all should be scared For I'm taking over and WINNING. |
Name A Song A-Z - part 16
"Take It To The Limit" - The Eagles
Last to post wins! - part 98
Nobody told me there was a poetry contest, or I'd have come prepared.
finish my sentence - part 28
who suddenly multiplied into an entire room full of Elvii, and they boarded a private jet bound for
Have you ever - part 4
Have you ever seen a black squirrel? |
Last to post wins! - part 98
Who peed in your Cheerios this morning? You're getting awfully feisty about this posting last What amazed me was his audacity. I must have been gone from the table less than five seconds. Go to the kitchen to get some milk, turn around, some dude with a long beard standing over my bowl doing his thing. |
Name A Book A to Z
Edited by
Fri 06/28/13 01:45 PM
The Illearth War (Book II of the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever) - Stephen R. Donaldson
(Yeah, I'm actually using the "T" in "The" this time... color me lazy) |
Last to post wins! - part 98
Here, let me settle it...
Gay Marraige
Some churches really do teach that, JB. I've been to some of them. And the way they regard Jesus as somehow doing away with Judaism always seemed disrespectful of Jews and Judaism, somehow.
I mean, in their very own New Testament, Jesus states that he did not come to abolish the Law. Granted, I'm not what some people would consider a Christian anyway... but I was very devout in a mainline denomination (ELCA Lutheranism) for many years, and I spent an awful lot of time in Bible study, both OT and NT. Funny, but I just never got the same meaning out of it that some people did. Fortunately, I'm not the only one who saw things differently, and that's how I found myself on a different faith path. |
Last to post wins! - part 98
*learns* You mean like this? |
That's really odd. Let me try it from a friend's phone and see what happens.
Gay Marraige
Edited by
Fri 06/28/13 01:22 PM
One more thing: I'm probably a bit off the mark in saying that this has NO implications for religion, because it does have ONE: Religions (such as mine) which do perform, bless and recognize same-sex marriages will now be able to have those marriages be legally recognized across all 50 states provided the marriages were performed in a state where same-sex marriage is legal. There are actually quite a few religions and even Christian denominations in which same-sex marriage is blessed and recognized, including: Reform Judaism Some Conservative Jewish synagogues will also perform same-sex marriages, as will some Reconstructionist Jewish synagogues. United Church of Christ Metropolitan Community Church Some Anglican and Episcopalian churches (it varies from diocese to diocese) Quakers (The Religious Society of Friends) - Some fellowships/meetinghouses do and some don't, as the Friends do not have one monolithic governing body. The Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA) The Unitarian Universalist Church Unity Church There are others; this list is not exhaustive. The last time that I checked, no church has the authority to override the teachings of the Apostles. Show me a church which says that God accepts sex between two people of the same gender, and I will show you a church that is contradicting the teachings of the Apostle Paul. News flash#1: Jesus didn't mention homosexuality, and I'm pretty sure he outranks Paul. News flash #2: Not all religions are Christian (you did notice I mentioned three different strains of Judaism, didn't you?), and not even all Christian churches consider Paul an ultimate authority on anything and everything. Paul was a man; he wasn't God. Elevating him to the status of an absolute divine authority borders on idolatry, and in my opinion, those who do so cease to be Christians and become Paulists instead, revering the words of Paul over the teachings of Jesus. It's ironic, really, given how Paul himself stressed love over law... and yet so many since then have taken his words and made of them a new Law which they then regard as superior to love and grace. |
I know! We'll embroider a poodle on the towel!
I have sewing materials and I'm not afraid to use them. <cue evil laughter> |
If someone is determined to never be pleased, then walk away and quit trying to please them. Life is too short to waste time on people who don't appreciate you.
Gay Marraige
IMPOSE 1.Force (something unwelcome or unfamiliar) to be accepted or put in place: "the decision was theirs and was not imposed on them". 2.Forcibly put (a restriction) in place: "sanctions imposed". Exactly, which is why forbidding the legal recognition of same-sex marriage was an imposition. I am not in favor of legalizing sodomy via marriage 'equality', any more than I would be in favor of criminalizing
Well, marriage equality has no bearing on the legalization of sodomy, especially given that sodomy is ALREADY legal in most places. Besides which, marriage is about a lot more than what two people do in bed, and many heterosexual couples engage in anal sex (which basically is what sodomy is, in the legal sense). So your point there is moot. But the bottom line is that you don't get to impose restrictions on what is legal for other people to do just because your religion tells you not to do those things. Civil law is a completely separate issue from religion, and this is precisely WHY we separate them in this country. Im in favor of people leaving that behavior between themselves and their partner and not forcing the country to advocate for and support their choice,,,
So you're saying that NO marriages should be recognized then, whether homosexual or heterosexual, because the country shouldn't be involved in people's marriage and sexual choices? Interesting... |
Personally, I can have a crush on a man online. I can love many things about him, love talking with him and love the idea of him, but I can't fall in love with someone until I know them in real life. Yep, this. |