Community > Posts By > phukct

phukct's photo
Wed 06/18/08 09:28 PM
haha i know how that is, most people dont believe in honesty because look at what people deal with, everyone lies, all the way up to the president, no one can be trusted anymore, so when there is an honest person, they are percieved to be an asshole, Like me! and probably you once or twice in your life

phukct's photo
Wed 06/18/08 04:49 PM

just going off the picture there, lol

phukct's photo
Wed 06/18/08 07:59 AM
yeah, it could be diffrent now, and thats pretty fugged that they didnt inform your parents. I think that should deffinetly be done like a week or two before the class, because if the parents dont want to talk to the kids before that maybe the notice would be motivation enough for them to take the time because they want to explain it before they hear the schools version that im pretty sure hasnt changed since the 70's "This is johnny and this is jane." lol

phukct's photo
Wed 06/18/08 07:54 AM
i dont know any school system that would go against the parents, i know acouple pfamilies that dont want there kids in sex ed and it was optional at the schools, but pitch a big enough ***** and the schools will bend over backwards for that kid to stay in the school, cause lets face it, michigan schools need the funding.

phukct's photo
Wed 06/18/08 07:42 AM
personally, comeing from a town that had 11 and 12 y/o parents (yeah, seriously) and given the amount of crap people see on tv and hear on radio and see on the good'ol web that it should be taught in schools, not so much in kindergarten but i had the class when i was in 5th grade and the school system thought it would be good to teach us all it right before puberty, unfortunetly it didnt work out for most of my class mates who are now like 23 and have 4 kids each but i guess its not a bad thing as long as the children are mature enough to handle it, but it needs to come from the parents too, there is no need for parents to dodge the issue, it only causes problems.

*huff huff* im outta finger breath

phukct's photo
Tue 06/17/08 06:31 PM
"Two air vents, on the roof, thats what that guy was talkin a- - ****!" lol love that movie

phukct's photo
Tue 06/17/08 05:43 PM
haha trust me, its not being young thats keeping me from being productive, its the economy and that douche in office

phukct's photo
Sun 06/15/08 11:09 PM
I'm gunna steal that dudes ^^^^ motorcycle and drive over and join that other dudes band and play video games with him, HA! . . . im bored

phukct's photo
Sat 06/14/08 10:00 PM
I'm going to sit down and play video games and slather hot sauce all over myself. . . . erm, haha i kid i kid, anywho im going to try like hell to find a good job and make sure things are taken care of and im going to make a concious effort to not look like casper the freaky mean ghost . . . and im gunna ride my bike, and drink . . . oh yeah . . . sweeeeeet.

phukct's photo
Sat 06/14/08 07:07 AM
if its not snow and ice your gunna have to put up with some other kind weather crap. I'd personally rather freeze then get swept up into an ocean by some bad ass wind or something

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