Community > Posts By > Squeeian

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Sat 05/31/08 11:21 PM
WOW guys. I leave for the night to get some sleep and I come back to check the thread and low and behold, the advice and depthe of scope just get better and better. I really apprecate this. You guys rock. :smile:

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Sat 05/31/08 02:57 AM
I'll take that as a no or a not right now. lol. It's cool, it's not for everybody. Plus I got to get some sleep. Later man.

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Sat 05/31/08 02:53 AM
Yep. lol. They are a lost art. Interested in hearing about the game at all?

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Sat 05/31/08 02:51 AM
Well ok. Are you into RPG's at all, the pen and paper kind, not the cosole kind.

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Sat 05/31/08 02:49 AM
LOL. nice one, but in all seriousness. Do you play SCION?

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Sat 05/31/08 02:46 AM
mmmm. I don't think we are on the same train of thought here.

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Sat 05/31/08 02:44 AM
party boy. lol.

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Sat 05/31/08 02:43 AM
Just wondering if anyone here plays white wolf's SCION?

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Sat 05/31/08 02:36 AM
Thanks for helping me get some perspective guys and girls.

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Sat 05/31/08 02:32 AM
Going through pretty much the same deal man. So I can relate, if fact I did what you did and through myself out there to see if I could get some persepctive. Not really sure I can offer advice, but I can wish you luck.

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Sat 05/31/08 02:25 AM
I'm sorry for what happened to you. Though I plan to follow your example.

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Sat 05/31/08 02:24 AM
Michigan State University might not qualfy as hell, but it's getting there.

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Sat 05/31/08 02:23 AM
Got the hobby that's not an issue. I can completely understand not looking for her. One of em blind sided me with a rock. lol. I still have the bumps to prove it. But it does got lonly sometimes.

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Sat 05/31/08 02:18 AM
I can understand that one. But also to your earlier post of it being simple numbers, it got me thinking that it could also be location, I mean all there is to do around here is drink and rape sorority sisters. Though the college is really trying to stop the rapes. Maybe I just need to find a more cultured kind of woman, one who isn't afraid of being honest and who is interested in commitment. Thanks.

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Sat 05/31/08 02:04 AM
Well I guess my problem is I don't know how to be a jerk, but all I see is women going for the jerks and they don't care if they hurt the women cause they know that the women will come back to them or they will just go out and get another one. My thing is I feel that I got suckered by all the women I have wanted to spend the rest of my life with and I'm sick of it. I just don't know what to do, so twisted logic states: go be a jerk, you feel better about yourself, maybe. Of course I don't really know. cause honestly I don't think I can be come a jerk, I'm afraid if I tried I would end up taking it too far and nobody wants that, least of all me.

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Sat 05/31/08 01:59 AM
I would go to town drinking myself silly, but due to religious reasons and wanting to follow my faith, dispite all adversity. I can't do the drinking game.

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Sat 05/31/08 01:57 AM
Hey Gypsy41, no disrespect, but I would say people have they're own issues. But if a two people who are in a serious relationship can't open up enough to talk honestly there is a problem. And when one of those people lie to the other and tell them everything is great and then only later after they have they're partner in a false sense of security they tell them that there was just something about them that lying person just couldn't get over and then dumps them what does that say about people, cause I've had my last two girlfriends tell me that I was the best thing that ever happened to them and then the recanted what they said and I am still wondering why?

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Sat 05/31/08 01:50 AM

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Sat 05/31/08 01:47 AM
I would love to beat the ever living crap out of any poor soul stupid enough to give me a reason to go to jail, but that would also mean, yet again, loss of job and I can't afford that. Got bills to pay.

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Sat 05/31/08 01:44 AM
So get this I get home, check my E-mail. This girl I really cared for tells me in no uncertain terms that she doesn't even want to meet me, though we have been having pleasent conversations sense last june. We made plans to get together durring dec., mar., and both times due to curcomstances beyond my control, namely loss of jobs, stopped me from going to see her. Here I'm 0/3 in the serious relationship department. Heck I even asked number 2 to marry me. Then she brakes up with me because we decided together to be intimate before we got married, in my mind didn't mean that I loved her any less. I mean I was going to marry her for god's sake. I even fell head over heels for her two boys and I wasn't even they're father. I'm just sick of everything, you try to be a good guy for the girl that you like, you try to listen to her, tell her that you value her option, tell her that you want an equal. And what do they all do, they rip your heart out. I don't know how my heart kept regrowing just to be ripped out yet again. The only difference this time is that I don't want the bloody thing to grow back, I want to become a callous, uncaring, jerk; Cause that's what girls and women want RIGHT??? So I appleal to all the people out there, tell me what to do to make this pain go away or numb it to the point that I don't feel it any more. I would go drink myself into oblivion, but for some strange reason I think that that would mean I let all those so called women win. And for all women who read this, could you please tell me why you all take some preverse pleasure in ripping a good caring man to pieces?

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