Community > Posts By > Alterego1961
coming on strong
Try to hold back, but always come across as coming on strong anyway...
Good girl gone sad
Everyone on this site is beautiful in their own way, be it physical, spirital, emotional, whatever. Never think of yourself as ugly. You're beautiful.
She stops... She shoots... SHE SCORES!!!
now i understand why?
Lots of people are dyslexic.. yeah but this freaks me out iam 21 and the only reason......i looked up symtoms is beacsue a guy made fun of me......... There are lots of jerks out there who like to prey upon those they feel they can victimize. Ignore them! |
Nite of the Living Dead
We like babbling...
now i understand why?
Dyslexia can be overcome with patience and fortitude. there's no need to be scared.
Nite of the Living Dead
You say somethin tanya... ZZZZzzzzzz
Is anyone
What's a date???
Which are you better at
Faces for sure, and you are who again???
What do...
Bunny Power
Betcha didn't realize leprechauns could dunk! Celts!
Pleased to meet you.
For you personally,
could suffering from amnesia be a good thing? Been there, done that. Flipping doctor... Reaction to meds... Doctor gives more meds to make me "better"... Two years gone before I figure it out and stop taking the meds. Most of those 2 years are a blur... Bad things happened... I'm not sure if I wanna remember or not. |
new pics
Porn, I dont need a reminder of how much everyone else is getting.
Would you
Would you marry someone if they had another persons name tattooed on them? A quick swipe with a permanent marker and viola! Good as new. |
Fortune cookie says....
<-- has opened 2 blanks and 3 empties ...but am still kicking. I no longer believe in cookie power. Hey, who stole No1s fortunes? They could have been the pivotal point in her life! |
If all the
nope...although i would miss the colts... pros make toooooo much money I totally agree, but no sports at all? Ouch! |
If all the
Someone call me an ambulance, I think I'm gonna die!
Fortune cookie says....
Has anyone ever had a single fortune cookie fortune come true, or even come a little close? Not me, especially if you play the game of adding "between the sheets" or "in bed" to the end of it. Like I have a chance of my fortune from lunch coming true. It reads: "When the moment comes, take the top one" (between the sheets). So does that mean when the time is right I get the girl who likes to be on top ? I can't even get the girl who likes to breathe once in a while . Any of you beautiful JSH/M2 (whatever this joint is called for now) women care to make a liar of me and prove fortune cookies are for real? All applications will be accepted...