Community > Posts By > Fugazy

Fugazy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 07:54 PM

His headline:
"Who Am I"

Why do this?

he may have bumped his some compassion.frown laugh

Do I not seem lucid to you?

Fugazy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 07:51 PM

His headline:
"Who Am I"

Why do this?

Relax Sir Gawain

Fugazy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 07:28 PM
laugh laugh laugh

Couldn't be..........

Fugazy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 07:24 PM

Can't be fairer than that... Now that it is settled perhaps the thread can be brought back to topic?

No. I told you I didnt' like the topic.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble

It seems to be a little more interesting than many I've been looking at.............

I can't help myself! I love your topic but sadly, I must plead the fifth.

well then sound the death knell for this topic

Fugazy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 07:20 PM

Can't be fairer than that... Now that it is settled perhaps the thread can be brought back to topic?

No. I told you I didnt' like the topic.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble

It seems to be a little more interesting than many I've been looking at.............

Fugazy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 07:16 PM

Membership cards? We don't need no stinkin' membership cards!
Hey...that's my line! grumble laugh

I was told I did.... In order to apply to any of the cool cliques...

No cliques here...just free love, baby.bigsmile

Now that's better... A smile from a pretty lady. This I can get used to.

Aw - what a softy. How could I have misjudged you?

Lack of objectivity

Fugazy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 07:04 PM
Can't be fairer than that... Now that it is settled perhaps the thread can be brought back to topic?

Fugazy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 07:02 PM

Membership cards? We don't need no stinkin' membership cards!
Hey...that's my line! grumble laugh

I was told I did.... In order to apply to any of the cool cliques...

No cliques here...just free love, baby.bigsmile

Now that's better... A smile from a pretty lady. This I can get used to.

Fugazy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 06:57 PM

Membership cards? We don't need no stinkin' membership cards!
Hey...that's my line! grumble laugh

I was told I did.... In order to apply to any of the cool cliques...

Fugazy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 06:56 PM

No problem. You seem to be uncommonly intelligent. Perhaps you over think things sometimes?

Perhaps. And I have had some bad experiences with blue boxes this week (weeps) And my defenses went up immediately; and then I decided that you were being much too civil and nice to be who I thought you were.

And I am glad you aren't who I thought you were, so I really don't care who you are..but speculating is always good fun for the curious.

you know, I know, that you know, that I know that you know, what I know about you know who...sick I need a beer....smokin

All you need is love baby

Fugazy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 06:55 PM

No problem. You seem to be uncommonly intelligent. Perhaps you over think things sometimes?

Perhaps. And I have had some bad experiences with blue boxes this week (weeps) And my defenses went up immediately; and then I decided that you were being much too civil and nice to be who I thought you were.

And I am glad you aren't who I thought you were, so I really don't care who you are..but speculating is always good fun for the curious.

So I did detect a note of underlying hostility. It was not my imagination. By the way, I'm not offended at all. I do believe there was a lesson for us both here. I am now understanding of the nature of how this forum stuff works. There is a certain hierarchy and anyone with something unusual to say is subject to a test of sorts. The cliquish mentality I so quickly noted made for an unpleasant beginning.

As for you, I do understand you've had a rough week, and I'm sorry to hear it, but perhaps you will not be in such a rush to accost a new poster next time.

Fugazy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 06:39 PM
No problem. You seem to be uncommonly intelligent. Perhaps you over think things sometimes?

Fugazy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 06:37 PM

Okay, how does this machine work? Oh yeah, grab this handle right here

ummmmmm...thats NOT a handle...huh

Damn, I didn't bargain for a sharpie.... Just grab the damn thing...

Fugazy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 06:35 PM

well you are blue....thats enough to tick anyone off...huh

I have no wrath! What wrathful thing have I said?

You seem disturbed or extremely curious about me. You also say I remind you of someone. Why is that?

Fugazy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 06:34 PM

Fug a better be careful

or {{Symb}}flowerforyou will squish you like a grape

look at them guns she's packenlaugh

thanks caam. I'll take my chances

laugh laugh laugh

Fugazy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 06:33 PM

ok Mr. Peabody...Im in the Wayback Machine..where are we headed?

Hmmmmmmm, how about 15th century France? We'd have to be aristocracy of course

well I AM an Empress you know...:smile:

Okay, how does this machine work? Oh yeah, grab this handle right here

Fugazy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 06:31 PM

thank goodness..Im shooting for Empress myself...blushing

and I would vote for you in a heartbeat.

She seems a magnificent and benevolent choice does she not?

I am sure you would know better than anyone.laugh laugh

What makes you say that?

oh, nothing. :smile:

You reminded me of someone but I was you remind me of someone else..someone...well, nicer.

I get confused on occasion (it's the age, you know)

Once again you take a back-handed shot at me. What exactly did I do to incur your wrath?

Fugazy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 06:30 PM

My my my. All this fuss over one question. What have I stirred up?

not much since nobody's confessing any juicy goes.
<--------------------I dont really look like this.sad

I snuck a peek at your profile... I know. I do not look like a blue box either

Fugazy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 06:28 PM

Weird, are you here for the forums or to find a date?

When I first arrived I looked at all the beautiful women and started working on my profile first thing. I don't blame people for wondering about you. Some troll named Ned is found out and now the very unusual trolling continues here.

uh oh, another JSH hero rides to the rescue?

I tell ya, the place is crawling with troll-hunters. Better become a real person, and quick!

This is soooooo much more fun and instructional

Fugazy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 06:27 PM

I have a registration code...maybe it will get me into that box?

You don't need a code. Climb in

ok Mr. Peabody...Im in the Wayback Machine..where are we headed?

Hmmmmmmm, how about 15th century France? We'd have to be aristocracy of course