Read through a lot of this. I do agree with most of what has been stated. Hopefully but I doubt it some will read through this and know what not to do. I do take most of it as "Hey, it's a dating site you'll have this." You can also just filter out or ignore a lot of it. Main ones with me are...
The primary photos with multiple people, photos with the animal face make up. My first Photo submission was rejected because I was wearing a hat. The no photo and absolutely no information given except for age and location. The long rants about what they don't want. Most of which can be filtered, ignored, and if need be, blocked. |
I have met three real people in the short time here. One replied that she was already pursuing another relationship, One not interested and one blocked me in the middle of a conversation. Not sure why I was just explaining how I got from California to Ohio. I'm not that concerned. I don't want to be in another relationship that fails due to early misunderstandings. I'd rather just be alone.
guys vs girls - part 257
guys vs girls - part 257