Community > Posts By > Toodygirl5

Toodygirl5's photo
Mon 01/20/25 08:56 AM
J Biden spent Year or more trying to put D Trump in prison.

J Biden and his administration are the real Criminals not yet convicted of all their crimes committed in Office.

Upcoming POTUS Trump will have to help Correct all that J Biden did that was NO good for the USA.

Toodygirl5's photo
Mon 01/20/25 08:49 AM
Last few hours of J Biden in Office he made sure he pardon all his Family members.

He wanted to make sure they were not Targeted by the upcoming Leaderships.

Toodygirl5's photo
Mon 01/20/25 08:41 AM


Toodygirl5's photo
Mon 01/20/25 08:39 AM

January 20 will be ceremony of inauguration.


Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 01/18/25 08:34 AM

States that back democrats

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 01/18/25 08:16 AM

Trump POTUS cabinet

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 01/18/25 08:03 AM

J Biden was a Failure as any President of USA.

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 01/18/25 07:52 AM

Trump effect could upend the middle east!

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 01/17/25 12:42 PM

Worst farewell speech in presidential history!

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 01/17/25 12:35 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Fri 01/17/25 12:46 PM

With all J Biden's Un accomplishments as president,

J Biden still is running D Trump down.

Warning Nation that Wealth take over is upcoming.

Wealth was Already going in Biden and his
Marxist Socialist Leaders pockets.

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 01/17/25 12:29 PM

Aprrox 39,000 acres already burned

200,000 people displaced

Trump team discussing

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 01/17/25 06:49 AM

Men are more likely to cheat.

This is in" Marriage" relationships not reference to any kind of Dating relationships.

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 01/17/25 06:47 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Fri 01/17/25 06:51 AM

A good husband should be able to support his family.

Marriages breaks up more over money/finances than infidelity.

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 01/17/25 06:36 AM

The Risk is not worth reward.

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 01/16/25 12:09 PM
Israel's wars with the Middle Eastern countries are in Bible history.

Whether People believe it or not, Israel will be victorious.


Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 01/16/25 05:09 AM
Going out to Lunch today! Love eating in my favorite restaurants!

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 01/16/25 05:01 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Thu 01/16/25 05:03 AM

J Biden is doing as much damage as he can before even leaving office.

Unfortunately, his administration is put out of Office late.
But better late than never!! He and
his administration is the Worse in the White House.

Toodygirl5's photo
Wed 01/15/25 01:51 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Wed 01/15/25 01:59 PM
The Only True and Living God is Jehovah God!

The Church is made Up of the Body of Christ which are all the Believers All over the World.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

Being a Member of any Church will not save you only Jesus can through repentence and forgiving of your sins.

It is a personal relationship with the Savior Jesus.

Jesus will be the Judge of where mankind spends Eternity.

Study your Holy Bible it is all explained in there.
Study Bible word for word editions is Best.

Toodygirl5's photo
Wed 01/15/25 01:18 PM

Go get Newsom Trump! :)

Toodygirl5's photo
Wed 01/15/25 11:58 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Wed 01/15/25 12:16 PM

Many Men have a problem with being committed to One
Woman so they move on to another woman often, to who will have them.

A good Counselor will tell the truth when it is the Man's fault. I know a family Counselor who told me some thing true about my Ex before he had all the information from me. He does not always side with Women!

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