Community > Posts By > italio69

italio69's photo
Wed 11/17/10 08:54 AM

Tolerance is supposed to work both ways. So what Muslims get offended at everything. If they cannot tolerate our differences WHY should we tolerate theirs?

PC is not loopy, PC is a disease of diseased and fear filled minds. Maybe we should mail a whole bunch of pig toys to Mecca!

italio69's photo
Tue 11/16/10 10:16 PM

Welcome to the Nut house!!! Enjoy your stay!!flowerforyou drinker
well hello there

italio69's photo
Tue 11/16/10 09:44 AM

Men Are Just Happier People

Your last name stays put.
The garage is all yours.
Wedding plans take care of themselves.

Chocolate is just another snack.
You can never be pregnant.
Car mechanics tell you the truth.
The world is your urinal.
You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky.
You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt.
Same work, more pay.
Wrinkles add character.
People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them.
New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet.
One mood all the time.

Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
You know stuff about tanks and engines. A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.
You can open all your own jars.
You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.

Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough. You never have strap problems in public.
You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes.
Everything on your face stays its original colour.
The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades.
You have to shave only your face and neck.

You can play with toys all your life.
One wallet and one pair of shoes -- one color for all seasons.
You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look.
You can "do" your nails with a pocket knife.
You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.

You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives onDecember 24 in 25 minutes.

No wonder men are happier!!

laugh laugh laugh laugh

yupyou hit it right on the naildrinker

italio69's photo
Sat 11/13/10 05:09 PM

Still waiting for Floyd Mayweather to stop being a chicken lol.

italio69's photo
Fri 11/12/10 02:33 PM
flowerforyou drool flowers

italio69's photo
Wed 11/10/10 07:06 PM
like dr dre said on his latest cd..f**k rap they can have it back..thats my saying without yu can have it back

italio69's photo
Wed 11/10/10 07:06 PM
like dr dre said on his latest cd..f**k rap they can have it back..thats my saying without yu can have it back

italio69's photo
Thu 11/04/10 09:49 PM
what makes this post so funny to me is that i have a best friend name ralph..ok to my understanding ..they are 2 defenition to this name..ralph meaning have to go to the restroom to release body fluids out thruu the mouth and meaning a persons name..ok my point is that my best friend is ralph and i we drank alot of beer the other day and found ourselves very tipsy and hungry well ralph asked me if i was hungry well i asked yes.then he turns to tell me he has left over pizza we had early in the afternoon tha we didnt finsih..we to make a long story short after we ate he ran to the restroom and threw up..comes out with his eyey blood shot red like he cried..and then tells me he he ralphed..whats funny his name is ralph and he ralph soo does it make him gross..??lol

italio69's photo
Thu 11/04/10 09:25 PM
so far so good all you need is to add more pics of yourself.and throw yourself more in the forums and you will be noticed by alot of online usersdrinker

italio69's photo
Wed 11/03/10 09:54 PM
if i dont stop making those faces i would stay that way

italio69's photo
Wed 11/03/10 08:53 PM

i have the wii..

id still like to haave that

what's your favorite game ?

i like the bowling!
oh yes i have that one..its awesome dubs..i love the mario games on there..i cant get enough..i almost stay up all night playing..sometimes i lose track of time

italio69's photo
Wed 11/03/10 08:48 PM
i have the wii..

italio69's photo
Wed 11/03/10 02:11 PM
stop texting and driving at the same time..that would help

italio69's photo
Wed 11/03/10 02:07 PM
what happens if one is blind and deaf??

italio69's photo
Wed 11/03/10 10:59 AM
sounds like a situation..:laughing: only wishing the best..drinker

italio69's photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:32 PM
mine weny up too 6pages only due to the fact this sit was called just say hi and then they merged with another then they called it mingle2...they were alot more people here but went elsewhere because they didnt like the change

italio69's photo
Tue 11/02/10 12:06 PM
happy flowerforyou

italio69's photo
Tue 11/02/10 09:15 AM

wow..i see how many people love christmas..hey dubs.. they have a

rofl rofl rofl drinker drinker drinker

Deff a Situation my friend
drinker laugh

italio69's photo
Tue 11/02/10 09:06 AM
wow..i see how many people love christmas..hey dubs.. they have a

italio69's photo
Sun 10/31/10 09:54 PM
yup a total situationdrinker

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