Community > Posts By > lilangel2

lilangel2's photo
Sun 06/06/10 05:03 PM
i dunno what a twink is what Dang I must be oldohwell

lilangel2's photo
Sun 06/06/10 04:58 PM
Here's my BUTT..bigsmile

lilangel2's photo
Sun 06/06/10 04:42 PM
I just miss plain o'le fashion GOOD MANNERS and COURTESY. ohwell

lilangel2's photo
Sun 06/06/10 04:29 PM

it seems just like yesterday that you were getting tatooed!

lol......yes....she's with me forever now....tried to get her to put "peccy was here" on her azz, no luck though!

That would have been a LIE! :tongue:
on it.......not in it....laugh laugh rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

offtopic offtopic offtopic whoa :tongue: laugh

lilangel2's photo
Sun 06/06/10 04:26 PM

it seems just like yesterday that you were getting tatooed!

lol......yes....she's with me forever now....tried to get her to put "peccy was here" on her azz, no luck though!

That would have been a LIE! :tongue:

lilangel2's photo
Sun 06/06/10 04:18 PM
Awww thanks guys happy We just got back from picking daughter up from her Sr. cruise and then went out to eat. She will be off to colleg in fall then will just be Peccy and I...we may travel to see everyonebigsmile

lilangel2's photo
Sun 06/06/10 12:36 PM
Here are a couple new pics of us...been 2 years nowhappy

PS: Peccy shaved all his whiskers off last night sad2

lilangel2's photo
Fri 06/04/10 09:24 PM

ill have a margarita plezzzz flowerforyou

Here ya go drinker

lilangel2's photo
Fri 06/04/10 09:21 PM

I have found out that Diet Mountain Dew and Tequila taste pretty dang good together!

Diet Mountain Dew and anything will work........drinker 'bout a dried up terd? Uh uh...thought lied HA!bigsmile

lilangel2's photo
Fri 06/04/10 08:57 PM
Kick her in the face :banana:

lilangel2's photo
Fri 06/04/10 08:55 PM
smokin Hello and welcome to WATERMELON MARGARITAVILLE devil where only happybigsmile go lucky peeples dare:angel: to venture to seek friendshipflowers , adventuredrinks and even lovesmitten if that is what they are looking for. Sit back, order your favorite drink drinker , listen to Jimmy Buffetshades and dance:banana: the night away with all the mingle ladieslove and mingle gentsflowerforyou here in wAtErMeLoN mArGaRiTaViLlE! drinker drinker drinker :thumbsup:

lilangel2's photo
Fri 06/04/10 08:39 PM
I want to pinch everybody's BUTT! ***PINCH***bigsmile

lilangel2's photo
Fri 06/04/10 08:36 PM
I know what this post is about LOL...The cop checking out my boobs tonight...RIGHT?!?!? bigsmile

lilangel2's photo
Sun 05/30/10 08:50 PM
I am very sensitive:angel:

lilangel2's photo
Sun 05/30/10 08:49 PM
Im getting yawn

lilangel2's photo
Sun 05/30/10 08:47 PM

My first born daughter has just left the house....she is driving to Colorado. She finished her first yr of college, and is at a loss as to what she wants to do in life. She feels she will find what ever it is out there. She has been such an important part of my life for the last 19 yrs. I am sad because she is gone.....but I know this is how it goes in life.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, I know how you feel...almost...My daughter goes off to college in Aug. She is leaving this week for her sr. cruise...I gonna miss her tears

lilangel2's photo
Sun 05/30/10 08:45 PM
I Ebay, cook, bake, make molds,do dishes, do laundry, garden, play with my dogs, scratch my butt...etc..glasses

lilangel2's photo
Sun 05/30/10 04:58 PM
Yes, and I just had my first mess of squash for supper happy

lilangel2's photo
Sun 05/30/10 04:55 PM

I am still living with my online crush that started over 2 years ago and I have never been happier. People can tell you this and that, give you their advice and so on. But it boils down to one thing ... no one knows.

Uuummm... If you're living with her, what are you doing still here? Does she know you're still on a dating site?

Yeah, I think her sitting behind me in the other chair may have clued her! She still posts here too! In fact we met here! This place is nostalgic for us!

PEC! What are you doing on here!!??????? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....You in for it now!:angry: mad I gonna go post sumthin' about your dirty underwearstongue2 bigsmile

lilangel2's photo
Sun 05/30/10 04:53 PM
now, i done been told I got a "sneaky" so many words so I'll let it shine... don't need all those socks now that you're with me hon :wink: bigsmile

give 'em, to the single guyslaugh

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