Community > Posts By > Blackwell

Blackwell's photo
Mon 01/14/08 01:55 PM
Edited by Blackwell on Mon 01/14/08 01:56 PM
I’m single due to fate more than anything, just haven’t met the right girl yet. Here’s hoping though~

Blackwell's photo
Mon 01/14/08 01:51 PM
I’m more the sort for monogamy, if you have to go and mess about with someone else to be happy then odds have it you two aren’t ment for eachother, or that’s how I look at things. So na, I wouldn't be cool with it.

Blackwell's photo
Mon 01/14/08 09:43 AM
Ah too true, I suppose some people feel that they can just let it “all hang out” so to speak oblivious to the consequences. There not actually being a person there in front of em may make it all the easier to let loose all the dark parts of their mind. It’s a shame, the way I see it is may it be digital or life were all humans here and deserve to be treated as such, I guess some folks still have a lot of growing up to do.
As for people who act like that in real life, solve that and we solve all the worlds conflicts, lol. I’m thinking it stems from some sort of deep seeded insecurity and poor self image or something of the sort. All we can do about that lot is try and treat them with understanding no matter how vile they may seem, if we treat them with the same venom we’ll just wind up poisoning ourselves in the end right? Hate begets more hate as they say-


Blackwell's photo
Mon 01/14/08 09:30 AM
I’d like to think I’m more old fashioned than anything when it comes to dating. I try to respect the person I’m with above all else, no way on earth would I actually do something to hurt her may it be playing mind games or forcing anything she’s uncomfortable with; that’s just not how I work. I’d sooner lop off an arm then act like a dirtball.

On another note, if she wanted to try something new, heheh hay I’m game~ lol :tongue:

Blackwell's photo
Mon 01/14/08 09:19 AM
Thanks every one, I'll make certain to break out the ol' digital camera and take a few snapshots of myself. I'll also pop on to put my two cents on the forms when I've got the chance.


Blackwell's photo
Mon 01/14/08 08:59 AM
I'm new to this whole on line dateing thing so any advice would be appreciated.

Blackwell's photo
Mon 01/14/08 08:53 AM
Edited by Blackwell on Mon 01/14/08 08:54 AM
Evening, morning and good afternnon (choose what ever applys to you) Greetings, I figured I'd take the plunge so to speak, put my self out there, and introduce my self to your community, so.. Hi people of the internet!

I joined this sight with the hopes of meeting a girl, thats the problem with living up in the sticks quite a pain to meet any one. I orignaly hail from New Jersey but moved to Vermont with my folks about four years ago *sigh* and have yet to date since coming up here. Hopefully this sight can help me out~ Can't hurt to try!

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