Community > Posts By > timmyschillin
I like to in public.
Well the "brain fart", line could provoke controversy. Heck you know how it gets on here on the weekends. ![]() Yea... |
Maybe just me, but time to let this one just drop. Peace token ![]() Thought I was doing that with the "nuff said" part. :| |
By popular request, I've chosen to retract my previous statement. I'll replace it with this; I'd rather walk up to, and shake the hand of, a black man/woman in a business suit that speaks proper english (as opposed to talking like they're in a living rap song), than walk up to, and shake the hand of, a black dude in a backwards cap, tatted up, and wearing gold inserts and dropping N-Bombs left and right. Nuff Said ... and wearing gold inserts and dropping N-Bombs left and right... (You didn't need that second and in there) lol... FroznChild ![]() Captain obvious. That would be a brain fart as I was writing. God forbid I didn't keep it above the belt for two seconds. |
What does
I am chilling.
By popular request, I've chosen to retract my previous statement. I'll replace it with this; I'd rather walk up to, and shake the hand of, a black man/woman in a business suit that speaks proper english (as opposed to talking like they're in a living rap song), than walk up to, and shake the hand of, a black dude in a backwards cap, tatted up, and wearing gold inserts and dropping N-Bombs left and right.
Nuff Said |
Who do you stereotype?
Some people overtly try to portray an image, so is reading that image stereotyping? If I saw some A$$hole wearing a white sheet with a hood carrying a burning cross is one hand and a Nazi flag in the other, am I wrong stereotyping him as a racist s.o.b.? Or is that the image he is projecting and I should try to get to know him because he may be a really great person? This may be pretty cut and dry as an example, but there are more subtle ones we've all experienced. OMG THANK YOU. Just.. yea thank you hah |
Who do you stereotype?
young white girls. ![]() ...I saw one in a fast food drive thru, she was handing me my food and I was just trying to make sure everything was right, so I asked if she put the mayo' (im white LOL) in the bag with it. She said yes without any hesitation, so I look in the bag... its not there. ![]() Doesnt really matter what they look or act like, just being a young white girl = trouble for me. ok wtf did you just say? holy chet I thought Timmy crossed the line you just made no freakin' sense at all... Yeah, this topic is going to turn into a magnet for the intellectually challenged. I think I'll finish gettin ready and head to the OC before I start to lose IQ points... Wow dude, you need to stick that attitude in your back pocket. Two dollar words are hardly enough to thwart my opinion. You should man up and be adult enough to understand the conversation before you stereotype the stereotype. My adulthood, nor my vocabulary are not in question, Skippy. Get it straight, I could give a rats ass about your opinion. For some reason, you are misled, my friend into thinking that your opinion actually matters to anyone other than yourself, therefore for me to attempt to 'thwart' your opinion would be a monumental waste of my time. It doesn't bother me that you have an opinion, or that you stereotype black people, or any other group for that matter. My point is that in the 21st century, I would think that a person of your age, and apparently your education that you would be highly evolved enough to be able to rationalize between stereotypes (i.e. primitive human opinions) and reality. Apparently I was incorrect. Now, one more life lesson for you, Skip... Blurting out opinions that you know are at the very least incendiary is not a sign of manhood, having balls, nor is it worthy of anyone's respect. I'm sure that over time, and with experience, as you actually grow into manhood, you'll figure that out. And that's your opinion... :: claps :: |
Who do you stereotype?
This is what happens when you talk about things that people would rather leave on the back burner. Guerrilla tactics baby!
Who do you stereotype?
I stereotype humans. After 10,000 years of recorded existence, they continue to forget or ignore history, continue to squabble and kill over imaginary issues, and are rarely ever educated enough to find their asses with both hands. Yet they have the audacity to complain about the very existence they create, and stereotype other humans in spite of the fact generally speaking, the average human accomplishes nothing more than a steady stream of piss, s**t, vomit and produce more illiterate humans in an effort to continually water down the species. I was wondering if you were home to comment ![]() Princess!! I love having your friend on here. ((((((((hiker)))))))) I told you he was extremely smart and well spoken... Ps- Timmy is a friend too and really doesn't mean anything bad.. This I know... I am sure he is a good guy and means no harm ..but it disturbs me, one, that people think like that, and two, that they don't see anything wrong with saying it out loud. Some of the more thin skinned people may have been, well, offended. lol.. It's not my fault that your forming opinions based on my opinions. Do us all a favor, and realize that everyone stereotypes. You may or may not believe it, but it's human nature to fear that which is not known. I think you're more upset at the fact that I have the balls to come out with it than you are about me stereotyping a particular genre of person. No. I think you are wrong. It has nothing to do with balls so much as ignorance. Why are black people "not known"? Haven't you ever gone to school with, worked with, been friends with, people of different races? I don't find black people nearly as scary as ignorant people. Wow wow wow, nice attempt to flip the table. It has nothing to do with the specific BLACK person. Notice the text I so wisely noted behined "black". I voted for Obama. :] Sorry Princess, I am outta here. I am not going to talk to this guy. Is that a submission? |
Who do you stereotype?
My best friend is black and orphaned to a white family. I call him whitey. Does that make me a racist stereotype? Notice I mentioned the whole "Gangster" appearance behined my original post.
Who do you stereotype?
I stereotype humans. After 10,000 years of recorded existence, they continue to forget or ignore history, continue to squabble and kill over imaginary issues, and are rarely ever educated enough to find their asses with both hands. Yet they have the audacity to complain about the very existence they create, and stereotype other humans in spite of the fact generally speaking, the average human accomplishes nothing more than a steady stream of piss, s**t, vomit and produce more illiterate humans in an effort to continually water down the species. I was wondering if you were home to comment ![]() Princess!! I love having your friend on here. ((((((((hiker)))))))) I told you he was extremely smart and well spoken... Ps- Timmy is a friend too and really doesn't mean anything bad.. This I know... I am sure he is a good guy and means no harm ..but it disturbs me, one, that people think like that, and two, that they don't see anything wrong with saying it out loud. Some of the more thin skinned people may have been, well, offended. lol.. It's not my fault that your forming opinions based on my opinions. Do us all a favor, and realize that everyone stereotypes. You may or may not believe it, but it's human nature to fear that which is not known. I think you're more upset at the fact that I have the balls to come out with it than you are about me stereotyping a particular genre of person. No. I think you are wrong. It has nothing to do with balls so much as ignorance. Why are black people "not known"? Haven't you ever gone to school with, worked with, been friends with, people of different races? I don't find black people nearly as scary as ignorant people. Wow wow wow, nice attempt to flip the table. It has nothing to do with the specific BLACK person. Notice the text I so wisely noted behined "black". I voted for Obama. :] |
Who do you stereotype?
I stereotype humans. After 10,000 years of recorded existence, they continue to forget or ignore history, continue to squabble and kill over imaginary issues, and are rarely ever educated enough to find their asses with both hands. Yet they have the audacity to complain about the very existence they create, and stereotype other humans in spite of the fact generally speaking, the average human accomplishes nothing more than a steady stream of piss, s**t, vomit and produce more illiterate humans in an effort to continually water down the species. I was wondering if you were home to comment ![]() Princess!! I love having your friend on here. ((((((((hiker)))))))) I told you he was extremely smart and well spoken... Ps- Timmy is a friend too and really doesn't mean anything bad.. This I know... I am sure he is a good guy and means no harm ..but it disturbs me, one, that people think like that, and two, that they don't see anything wrong with saying it out loud. Some of the more thin skinned people may have been, well, offended. lol.. It's not my fault that your forming opinions based on my opinions. Do us all a favor, and realize that everyone stereotypes. You may or may not believe it, but it's human nature to fear that which is not known. I think you're more upset at the fact that I have the balls to come out with it than you are about me stereotyping a particular genre of person. Timmy please stop now.. This is not good territory.. all are my friends except for the wacky mayo freak... lol, I'm not scared. I asked an honest question and meant no serious harm. I'm not going to sit here and bash people's opinion, but all I ask is that mine isn't bashed either. |
Who do you stereotype?
young white girls. ![]() ...I saw one in a fast food drive thru, she was handing me my food and I was just trying to make sure everything was right, so I asked if she put the mayo' (im white LOL) in the bag with it. She said yes without any hesitation, so I look in the bag... its not there. ![]() Doesnt really matter what they look or act like, just being a young white girl = trouble for me. ok wtf did you just say? holy chet I thought Timmy crossed the line you just made no freakin' sense at all... Yeah, this topic is going to turn into a magnet for the intellectually challenged. I think I'll finish gettin ready and head to the OC before I start to lose IQ points... Wow dude, you need to stick that attitude in your back pocket. Two dollar words are hardly enough to thwart my opinion. You should man up and be adult enough to understand the conversation before you stereotype the stereotype. |
Who do you stereotype?
I stereotype humans. After 10,000 years of recorded existence, they continue to forget or ignore history, continue to squabble and kill over imaginary issues, and are rarely ever educated enough to find their asses with both hands. Yet they have the audacity to complain about the very existence they create, and stereotype other humans in spite of the fact generally speaking, the average human accomplishes nothing more than a steady stream of piss, s**t, vomit and produce more illiterate humans in an effort to continually water down the species. I was wondering if you were home to comment ![]() Princess!! I love having your friend on here. ((((((((hiker)))))))) I told you he was extremely smart and well spoken... Ps- Timmy is a friend too and really doesn't mean anything bad.. This I know... I am sure he is a good guy and means no harm ..but it disturbs me, one, that people think like that, and two, that they don't see anything wrong with saying it out loud. Some of the more thin skinned people may have been, well, offended. lol.. It's not my fault that your forming opinions based on my opinions. Do us all a favor, and realize that everyone stereotypes. You may or may not believe it, but it's human nature to fear that which is not known. I think you're more upset at the fact that I have the balls to come out with it than you are about me stereotyping a particular genre of person. |
Who do you stereotype?
Who do you stereotype and why do you stereotype them? I stereotype black people with the whole "gangster" appearance. Baggy clothes, slurred incoherent speech and statistics scare me. Yikes Timmy... Why is it you think of me and what I'd think before every other post but this one??? ![]() his post scares me You scare me. Your face scares me :P |
Who do you stereotype?
I stereotype punks, just lookin at their hair and going all "look at that punk" then I laugh at them...wait...bloody hell I did it again... Lol punks don't scare me. Skating, badass hair cuts and drugs arent that scary. :P |
Who do you stereotype?
Who do you stereotype and why do you stereotype them?
I stereotype black people with the whole "gangster" appearance. Baggy clothes, slurred incoherent speech and statistics scare me. |
Where are all the gamers at?
I just started playing World of Warcraft and it's WAY too addicting lol Warcraft has been addicting since the spawn of it. I played Warcraft 2 and havent let up since. |
Do you ever..
You could also try killing them with kindness.