Prostitution is legal here, and it is no different to any other service industry. Prostitutes are self employed, pay tax, have a union, an superannuation contributions. They provide a service, are clean, an by law must use condoms, and have blood tests weekly. I would prefer my partner to see a prostitute in a legal brothel, than pick up 'a bit of rough' from the pub...anyday. [/quote i agree |
if it is not disqusting to the lady and she is ok with it then why should anyone else care. remember the movie pretty woman. if i met some lady and i fell in love with her even if i knew she was a prostitute would it be a less love than if she was the owner of some fancy business.
oh and deb. if i loved her i don't care if she is a prostitute. i would still marry her. but she would have to stop after i married her. lol
Deb some men can't get it and need to pay for it... Why not have them make an honest living? We're not saying "every man should want to marry a prostitute", we're just saying they're not hurting anyone sort of like paint balling... without the paint only the balling lmao. i like the way you think |
you have a point.. can you imagine their writeoffs? condoms, clothes, vagisil, pennicillin, hair, nails, makeup.. damn I might even claim it as a side business... know - I AM looking for a job I need the write off... i don't need the write off but i sure as heck could use the service |
as beautiful as you two ladies are i am sure there are thousands of men who would pay you
Matchmaking Game - part 27
hey sharpe. how you doing buddy
if it was legal everywhere i think it would also cut down on some rape crimes and violence
I just had a stupid thought.. Can you imagine taking Hookering 101 in college... How to manage your prostitute without violence.... The art of keeping your working girl honest... sorry it's the meds for my cold that is too funny |
Matchmaking Game - part 27
laughing. am i in the right room. flying pig, mile high. lol
it is legal in new zealand, australia, romania, russia and the ukraine. i never saw any prostitutes on the street. if it was legal it would stop pimps, give the lady all the money and pay taxes. yes i think it should be legal. it is also the oldest profession in the world
Matchmaking Game - part 26
i am going to eat also. see yall later
Matchmaking Game - part 26
hey mansman. how you doing buddy. long time no see.
hugsssssssssss storm |
Matchmaking Game - part 26
someone have a road trip planned?
Matchmaking Game - part 26
wow. i forgot how fast this thing moves. i go away for a few mins and it jumps 10 pages. i am doing great bad girl. hello everyone. i will stick around a little while this time.
Matchmaking Game - part 26
hello everyone. i just came in to say hi
so, did anyone get married? it doesn't look like it |
Matchmaking Game - part 25
hugs storm. you take care
looks like i am going to get out of here without buying gloves or dress or saying no or yes lol just wait this topic will be around all day ... yes but i won't be around. i gave you a chance to get gloves. see yall later. i am going to do something even if it is wrong |
Matchmaking Game - part 25
no island. lol. i have been a good boy. keeping busy. having fun. loving life. being me