Community > Posts By > Splackavellie

Splackavellie's photo
Thu 01/31/08 09:15 AM

ok we are wishing splack a safe journey home not go on about silly things we have gone off topic here.....ohwell

its all good im watching the tough guy try to defend himself and its amusing me

Splackavellie's photo
Thu 01/31/08 09:14 AM
i started a hot topic LMAO

Splackavellie's photo
Thu 01/31/08 09:13 AM

I don't have anything against this guy, I commend him also for jumping off a bridge when someone says " GO ". Takes a pair of balls to do that. Besides, don't the marines require the lowest asvap scores because all they do is train you to be a murderer? Then you require civilization rehab. It's truly sad, but I respect the fact that he's doing it. Sure.

you probably wouldnt even score high enough on the asvab to enlist

Splackavellie's photo
Thu 01/31/08 09:04 AM

I'm not trying to be offensive, I just do not support the military. Make love, not war! :]

and the military are the ones that let be free and say sh*t like that because if it was for the military you wouldnt be able to say half the stuff you do say

Splackavellie's photo
Thu 01/31/08 09:03 AM

Booo stop fighting for bush and start fighting for your country! :P

WTF some f**king respect......the guy's upset..

Yea I couldn't tell from the "LOL" at the end of his post, eat my nuts.

nope but i would gladly kick em devil

hahaha im not upset i knew what i signed for but anyway you can kick that dude in the nuts that would amuse me

Splackavellie's photo
Thu 01/31/08 08:55 AM
Hey everyone if you dont see my smiling face on here for awhile i got a call this morning telling me that i have to go to Columbus Saturday to find out when i leave for Afganistan you all will be missed and hopefully i can get on the internet and check my JSH lol....

Lots Of Love For ALL my JSH friends

Splackavellie's photo
Sat 01/26/08 08:20 AM

Polo Black or Giorgio Armani.
Axe is yummy too!

You are Yummy!!!!

Splackavellie's photo
Sat 01/26/08 08:20 AM
BYE everyone

Splackavellie's photo
Sat 01/26/08 08:18 AM

sometimes, it's just the clean scent of soap...

whats soap?

laugh laugh laugh laugh they need to make axe soap lol

they do i own it its a body wash

O yea thats right huh! i think i had a blonde moment lol

but anyways thats what im about to do is go shower for work lol

AXE !!!! Its how dirty boys get clean

Splackavellie's photo
Sat 01/26/08 08:17 AM

female perfume
smell of hair

that just sounds kinda wierd and stalkerish LOL laugh laugh laugh

Splackavellie's photo
Sat 01/26/08 08:16 AM

sometimes, it's just the clean scent of soap...

whats soap?

laugh laugh laugh laugh they need to make axe soap lol

they do i own it its a body wash

Splackavellie's photo
Sat 01/26/08 08:15 AM

sometimes, it's just the clean scent of soap...

whats soap?

Splackavellie's photo
Sat 01/26/08 08:12 AM
who is vera and why are you wearing his wang

Splackavellie's photo
Sat 01/26/08 08:10 AM
hahaha i wear both of them but anyway Ralph Lauren (Blue Bottle) is my favorite perfume on a female i can smell it from miles away

Splackavellie's photo
Fri 01/25/08 09:40 PM
Soooo im bored haha.... imagine that

Splackavellie's photo
Fri 01/25/08 09:34 PM
ive never met anyone off here hahaha no one wants to meet me lol so i just sit and read the comments on the topics lol

Splackavellie's photo
Wed 01/23/08 08:48 PM
ithink my views doubled in like 3 seconds lol

Splackavellie's photo
Wed 01/23/08 08:46 PM
ok the user id is me.... sorry everyone HAHAHAHA

Splackavellie's photo
Wed 01/23/08 08:33 PM
yea im so excited about that

Splackavellie's photo
Wed 01/23/08 08:30 PM
im not :(