goddo sweet thing......local band....my cuz
but we are beuuuuutifuullll in our own way........um i need a shave
i got nuthin
robert johnson dust my broom
Why do you think
the older we get
the more picky we are the more undiserable we become |
actually i would say.....i got dibs on the bathroom first....where is the spraynice
eric clapton milk cow blues
heres ya coffee for starters... |
ok....i made brecky last time.......your turn
supertramp bloody well right
Are you a butt head?? |
he lifts the seat
mans worst lies
i dont lie i dont cheat when they say they are self employed---JOBLESS we women seem to have met the same guy a few times around.. |
good mornin ummmmgoood
morn lil bird....which cheek
max webster no matches
who would actually travel
actually i probably would but carefully planned like a good fishin trip
limo driver
i need buttwadd