I love my India
I bet those chinese peeps will kick our a$$ on battlefield. Our defence minister sucks!! Although, I have due respect for chief of Army staff. He thinks for development of our country rather than accepting bribe. Now, the goverment is against him. Bleh
I love my India
I love my India
Its okay gramps. I respect your post. I just wrote the truth i I feel about our nation. What do you think are ve points of our nation? Culture. Its vast and divides our people into different castes? We still discriminate on the bassis of caste just cuz our culture is vast. Bleh
our nation has 2nd largest population. Hehe thats good isn't it? Our nation has achieved a good rank in military strenght. But or citizens doesn't pay much tribute to Military do they? Its simple. Illiteracy. I just hope our nation comes outta these dark years and live in peace with outside world. I dont find much ve points of India. The women on this site are terrified by Indian guys who hot on em. Poor chicks, dunno those guys are some bullies who dont even know how to spell the word ''ENGLISH'' i love my nation. Great. ![]() |
I love my India
we all say we love our nation, right? But dude in reality ask yourself, do you really love your nation? There's liers and theives that replace power with greed, i had hope.... I believed but now Im begining to think that I've been decieved. The leader says poverty would be vanished(i just loled), the politicians are corrupted, if want to get a legal job done then all you need is money. A criminal needs to bribe the cops to get his a$$ outta the prison. Yuck! It sucks. Our goverment phucks us everyday, and the rest of the world(obviously us) just watches at the end of the day. We are fools big fools. Our image is low. Just because we lack brains? No revolutionary movement? They say Indai will be the super power in next 25years. Hahahaha serious laugh. Im not proud to be an Indian. But, I want myself to be proud to be an Indian. For that i want a reason. Got that?
Your talking about cricketers. What does that do to our economy? Is that the solution for development of our country? Nope. Its just plain entertainment. People go buy a ticket for a match and boom someone scored a sixer. The crowed cheered with excitement. Are you really proud of this, old man?(no offence) Bollywood stars rocks the show. The media acts like stray dogs running after em. But if there's a rape case of a normal citizen then no one pays light on th scene. Maybe the time has come our nation think rationally. The way of thinking of our citizens is below moderate I'd say. |