Community > Posts By > MilfMissy

MilfMissy's photo
Sun 03/04/12 02:37 PM



MilfMissy's photo
Sun 03/04/12 02:28 PM

Nice try - lol!

lol! Really?!

MilfMissy's photo
Sun 03/04/12 01:43 PM

This is really really silly. My toenail clippers came apart and I popped it back together and fixed it. I was all happy.

*nodding* I know the feeling :-D

MilfMissy's photo
Sun 03/04/12 01:42 PM
Talking with my bestie after what? 5 days? Jeez, that really broke a smile on my face.

MilfMissy's photo
Sun 03/04/12 01:38 PM
These days to run QUICKLY.

MilfMissy's photo
Sun 03/04/12 01:31 PM
Ready to sleep

MilfMissy's photo
Sun 03/04/12 01:27 PM
:'( Pls no one posts after me? lol

MilfMissy's photo
Sun 03/04/12 01:18 PM

Hi am Ryan Dior, Writer/actor and have had a blast up to now and very happy just taking things in as life go's by, and that is just what this excistance is, a prossece of some kind, what do you think? do you think we are an exsperement? being and we are analiesed by some more advanced species? or an essperement for other resons? have you any idea why no one has come back from the dead and said hey there is some thing on the other side if there is an other side? or if they did, do you think that there would be a mass exserdice? and thats why no one has come back? where dos the universe start and end? now apart from not giving a **** about my spelling as I am dislexsic and cant be bothered useing a spell check for this you do understand its not an esay , have you ever thought about wealth? bet you didnt know that theres enough cash in this world for every man woman and child to live very well, so why the greed? is it a built it gene? as is mothers love for her child is? am I scared of death? my own demise? NO! why be scared of the unknowed? shurly what one does not know can't harm one?we are told the basics, dont touch that live wire, so that covers what we dont do know or should it?as I writer for T.V.for many years I have came into contact with all sorts of charactors, and the way in witch they live and based a lot of my work on them, purely a simpley so that others can identyfy with them, now have you any thoughts on any of the whats, why's and and questions I have posted, if you are serious and have a good point to put over dont just google ME Ryan Dior manchester and go, it would be nice to get your slant on things , if you prefur email me AND dont bother about the spelling as you can see I clearly dont unless am working. Ryan Dior,

I'm not being rude or sth, but as most Nigerians would do, I just HAVE TO ring this bell: GBAGAUN! GBAGAUN!! Lol.

MilfMissy's photo
Sun 03/04/12 01:11 PM

I guess the dyslexia bit got missed!

waving hiya and welcome to Mingle from the UK.

does dyslexia affect hitting a space bar or enter key occasionally?


MilfMissy's photo
Sun 03/04/12 01:06 PM
My 17th birthday has been my best so far...can't even start listing, cos i wont be able to end it. If anyone forgets my birthday? Oh well...that won't stop me from being +1 would it? Life simply goes on!

MilfMissy's photo
Sun 03/04/12 01:01 PM

I received a call from my daughter Ruth in Colombia. She she knew very little English, and it was the first time that she called me on my birthday.

This is Ruth when she was a minor:

She's beautiful. I hope you don't forget to send her my wishes on her birthday...

MilfMissy's photo
Sun 03/04/12 01:01 PM

I received a call from my daughter Ruth in Colombia. She she knew very little English, and it was the first time that she called me on my birthday.

This is Ruth when she was a minor:

She's beautiful. I hope you don't forget to send her my wishes on her birthday...

MilfMissy's photo
Sun 03/04/12 12:39 PM
Post in the forums, create an attractive topic. DO something.

MilfMissy's photo
Sun 03/04/12 12:28 PM

Ok. Let's try it again. Added a few more lines.


MilfMissy's photo
Sun 03/04/12 10:29 AM

Childlike. (I've been told that dealing with me is like dealing with a child). laugh

lol, can i ask you one question? can ask, I just might not answer if I don't want to laugh

Uhm...i think i'll keep my question to myself then. Lol

Am I that scary? rofl

lmao. i hate being ignored. So i wont take the chance.

You're still very young yet...You'll learn as you get older that "SOMETIMES" in life, well, you just have to take a chance. I'll tell you what my mother ALWAYS told me growing up "Never be afraid to ask a question, that's how you learn". My mom is a very wise woman to this daybigsmile

This/Now is definitely not one of those "SOMETIMES" ;)

MilfMissy's photo
Sun 03/04/12 10:29 AM

Childlike. (I've been told that dealing with me is like dealing with a child). laugh

lol, can i ask you one question? can ask, I just might not answer if I don't want to laugh

Uhm...i think i'll keep my question to myself then. Lol

Am I that scary? rofl

lmao. i hate being ignored. So i wont take the chance.

You're still very young yet...You'll learn as you get older that "SOMETIMES" in life, well, you just have to take a chance. I'll tell you what my mother ALWAYS told me growing up "Never be afraid to ask a question, that's how you learn". My mom is a very wise woman to this daybigsmile

This/Now is definitely not one of those "SOMETIMES" ;)

MilfMissy's photo
Sun 03/04/12 02:18 AM

~ Impossible
why impossibledevil

~only to do so in one word :smile:


MilfMissy's photo
Sun 03/04/12 02:17 AM

Childlike. (I've been told that dealing with me is like dealing with a child). laugh

lol, can i ask you one question? can ask, I just might not answer if I don't want to laugh

Uhm...i think i'll keep my question to myself then. Lol

Am I that scary? rofl

lmao. i hate being ignored. So i wont take the chance.

MilfMissy's photo
Sat 03/03/12 07:35 AM

I have a better word to describe MilfMissy: Adorable

These are for her:

Thank you dear. I appreciate.:heart:

MilfMissy's photo
Sat 03/03/12 07:02 AM

Biscuit! :D

nice adjective.