Community > Posts By > madisonman

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/01/09 02:56 PM

the same applies to Howard Stern and Jerry Springer

I still want my Jerry beads
I agree I watch/listen to neither

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/01/09 02:49 PM
Edited by madisonman on Sun 03/01/09 03:34 PM

why can't people get that he is a shock jock and in it for the ratings???? it's for purposes

what's wrong with having someone elses Viagara???? he needed a "leg" up rofl
limbagh is an entertainment like big time wrestling is entertainment. You can only feel sorry for the adults that follow both.

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/01/09 11:21 AM
"If people are violating the law by doing drugs," he told his radio audience in 1995, "they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up."

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/01/09 10:44 AM

In case you missed it..........

CBS/AP) Rush Limbaugh could see a deal with prosecutors in a long-running prescription fraud case collapse after authorities found a bottle of Viagra in his bag at Palm Beach International Airport. The prescription was not in his name.
this is the best spokesman for the republicans he is totaly flawed as a man. He makes 33 million a year is it any wonder he isa republican? Hell no he doesnt want his taxes raised. Its all about money with republicans. they think they are guilded and a new aristocracy above the law and above you and they promote wedge issues like gay marriage or race to drag in enough people to make them seem like a viable party. They could care less about morality as the Limbaugh case demonstrates.

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/01/09 10:21 AM
In case you missed it..........

CBS/AP) Rush Limbaugh could see a deal with prosecutors in a long-running prescription fraud case collapse after authorities found a bottle of Viagra in his bag at Palm Beach International Airport. The prescription was not in his name.

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/01/09 10:10 AM
Edited by madisonman on Sun 03/01/09 10:48 AM

Oh, to be a young idealist, denouncing all things conservative, protesting mightily the cause of the day, be it CO2 emissions or Bush's "illegal" war; following blindly like brainwashed sheep the doctrine of "hope" and "change". You are completely ignorant of history, so mesmerized by your new leader that socialism and tyranny will have gained a foothold in our society and Government before you come out of your stupor, at which time the voices of opposition will have been silenced by force, and you won't hear Rush Limbaugh say "I told you so".
Rush is one of the reasons we are in this mess. He brainwashed so so many people, then to celebrate he got hooked on oxycontin. Imagine had that been you or I we would have done time but there are two sets of laws for the rich and poor. After he beat that rap he got busted with a suitcase full of viagra on his way to dominican republic for a stag party. Oh by the way the dominican republic is well known for child prostitution( just food for thought) To date I dont think Obama approved illegal wire tapping or toruture or called the constitution a "GD piece of paper"laugh

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/01/09 08:45 AM

I just watched and listened to the entire video...he's 100% right !!...try listening to it this time...then come back and refute what he says...:smile:
correct me if I am wrong but isnt this the same guy who wanted drug dealers to face the death penalty and then got busted with oxycontin?laugh

refute can't ...
sorry I dont have time I am takeing my kid for a new baseball glove and shoes but after he got busted with the oxycontin didnt shortly after that he get busted with a suitcase full of viagra?laugh

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/01/09 08:34 AM

I just watched and listened to the entire video...he's 100% right !!...try listening to it this time...then come back and refute what he says...:smile:
correct me if I am wrong but isnt this the same guy who wanted drug dealers to face the death penalty and then got busted with oxycontin?laugh

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/01/09 08:13 AM
If you need a good laugh check out pill poppin Rush and his followers. Your skin will crawl and your ears will burn.

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/01/09 07:46 AM

Isn't it funny, not, that when Bush was pooring billions into the war in Iraq the republicans were too cool with it but when the spending is for the American people, to make this country stronger and better, they have an issue with it.huh noway
I know it makes my skin crawl when I think about it

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/01/09 07:18 AM

Signed it. Either it's not gonna happen, or it will happen publically and the officials will be just as corrupt as Bush and Cheney.... Most likely...

But its got my support anyhow.
thanks bro drinker

madisonman's photo
Sat 02/28/09 06:51 PM
Edited by madisonman on Sat 02/28/09 06:52 PM

i signed
thanks Bro drinker

madisonman's photo
Sat 02/28/09 06:24 PM
A big thank you to all who signed

madisonman's photo
Sat 02/28/09 04:24 PM
UFOs appeared over Capitol secured area in 1952

madisonman's photo
Sat 02/28/09 02:57 PM

As usual you post uncomprehendable knowledge.

Obviously you dont understand what you read or you only read what you understand.

In the future I will try to only post information aimed at the 6 to 12 age group!drinker
Im sorry I talk over your head!
im one of Fantas biggest Fans rock on brodrinker

You couldn't have picked a worse moment to state this at.
Dont take offence nogames I judge others by how they treat me not others or what others say about them. I suppose that is what we adults do

madisonman's photo
Sat 02/28/09 02:56 PM

I have proposed the idea of a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate abuses during the Bush-Cheney Administration -- so they never happen again. These abuses may include the use of torture, warrantless wiretapping, extraordinary rendition, and executive override of laws.

Please sign this online petition, urging Congress to consider establishing a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate the Bush-Cheney Administration's abuses.

Thank you,

Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator

sign up at the link above

Signed it madison,,,
great thanks the more the better these criminals need prosecuted so it never happens again.

madisonman's photo
Sat 02/28/09 02:51 PM

As usual you post uncomprehendable knowledge.

Obviously you dont understand what you read or you only read what you understand.

In the future I will try to only post information aimed at the 6 to 12 age group!drinker
Im sorry I talk over your head!
im one of Fantas biggest Fans rock on brodrinker

madisonman's photo
Sat 02/28/09 02:39 PM

Im thinking its often not worth the effort to articulate something that should be obviouse.

Well, it is not obvious to you, what I think should be obvious, is it?

You though it worth the effort to cut and paste.

cognitive expression requires effort. cut and paste is 5 mouse clicks.

Though, if you don't find it important enough to weigh in on a issue, you are correct in asking why the hell do you even bother.

madison's idea of obvious to me normally aligns with idiocy.
Funny, you promote the same ideals that got this country into this mess, oh never mind its hardly worth the effort.

No, I promote the ideals that got us out of the mess of Carter. My economic ideals make Reagan look like a socialist. If my ideals were implemented, we would be nowhere near this mess. All those that can't afford houses would have never received mortgages. Those that feel the government should care for them would be **** out of luck. We'd also be nowhere near the national debt we have even if we had entered into the war.

it's the mixing of ideals like yours into mine that got us into this mess. My ideals worked perfectly for many years with few issues. Yours promote laziness and a falsely "earned" sense of entitlement.

but please, make a real argument. I don't expect much. just give me one good shred of proof that my ideals got us into this mess. I can give a dozen how yours did.

not worth my time andrew you have a nice night.

so you don't have an answer? just a cop-out?
I provide information and links for those who are seeking information with an open mind, IMO yours isnt open so feel free to avoid my topics or threads.

madisonman's photo
Sat 02/28/09 02:31 PM

Im thinking its often not worth the effort to articulate something that should be obviouse.

Well, it is not obvious to you, what I think should be obvious, is it?

You though it worth the effort to cut and paste.

cognitive expression requires effort. cut and paste is 5 mouse clicks.

Though, if you don't find it important enough to weigh in on a issue, you are correct in asking why the hell do you even bother.

madison's idea of obvious to me normally aligns with idiocy.
Funny, you promote the same ideals that got this country into this mess, oh never mind its hardly worth the effort.

No, I promote the ideals that got us out of the mess of Carter. My economic ideals make Reagan look like a socialist. If my ideals were implemented, we would be nowhere near this mess. All those that can't afford houses would have never received mortgages. Those that feel the government should care for them would be **** out of luck. We'd also be nowhere near the national debt we have even if we had entered into the war.

it's the mixing of ideals like yours into mine that got us into this mess. My ideals worked perfectly for many years with few issues. Yours promote laziness and a falsely "earned" sense of entitlement.

but please, make a real argument. I don't expect much. just give me one good shred of proof that my ideals got us into this mess. I can give a dozen how yours did.
[/quote not worth my time andrew you have a nice night.

madisonman's photo
Sat 02/28/09 02:14 PM
Edited by madisonman on Sat 02/28/09 02:14 PM

Im thinking its often not worth the effort to articulate something that should be obviouse.

Well, it is not obvious to you, what I think should be obvious, is it?

You though it worth the effort to cut and paste.
I mostly promote websites that I think people may enjoy and discover things for themselves. I am not so much into the daily banter as I am spreading the word to people open enough to search for themselves.

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