God's smile
You mean water droplets after a rainstorm where smiling at you?
That's pretty know why you can see all those colors in the rainbow? |
Why are there so many posts in this thread? Look at the facts: 1) It's tragic. 2) The parents screwed up badly Not much more too it. I guess we can quibble over if their actions were criminal or not, but that should be left up to the courts, don't you think? And your point is....? having an opinion is useless? |
Missouri Man Fatally Shoots Wife while Installing Satellite TV System
Created: 3/25/2008 12:56:11 PM Last updated: 3/25/2008 9:31:17 PM SEDALIA, Mo. (AP) -- Officials are trying to decide whether to file charges against a Missouri man who fatally shot his wife while trying to install a satellite TV system in their home. Thirty-four-year-old Patsy Long of Deep Water was pronounced dead Saturday evening after being shot in the chest with a .22-caliber handgun. Her husband -- Ronald Long -- fired the shot from the inside of their home after several unsuccessful efforts to punch a hole through the exterior wall using other means.Advertisement Henry County Sheriff's Deputies say the woman was hit by the second of two shots fired by her husband. Investigators say a person involved in such a case normally would be charged with manslaughter, but that was up to the prosecutor. ![]() ![]() |
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Mon 03/31/08 12:56 PM
you keep worrying about rights, parents..forgetting the girl who died for their religious delusions.
Luckily there is some justice for her and her siblings: Parents Indicted in Child's Death After Alleged Faith-Healing,2933,343789,00.html OREGON CITY, Ore. — The parents of an Oregon City toddler have been indicted on charges of manslaughter and criminal mistreatment, after their daughter died of what officials are calling medical neglect. Carl and Raylene Worthington were indicted on Friday. They are members of the Followers of Christ Church, whose members have a history of treating gravely ill children solely via prayer, instead of with medical attention. After several children whose parents were members of the church died in the 1990s, lawmakers passed new rules striking down legal shields for faith-healing parents. Since then, there have been no troublesome reports of children's deaths associated with the church, until the case of Ava Worthington, who died March 2 of bronchial pneumonia and a blood infection. The state medical examiner's office has said that she could have been treated with antibiotics. Since the new laws took effect in 1999, said child abuse Detective Jeff Green of the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office, "We haven't seen any cases of significant medical neglect ... until now." Before the law changed, church members who got in traffic accidents would take injured children home, rather than to the hospital, leaving police frustrated but powerless to intervene, Green said. RelatedStories Oregon Couple Charged in Daughter's Faith-Healing Death In the two years after the law passed, detectives responded to two cases of sick or injured Followers of Christ children, Green said. One child had Crohn's disease and the other had a broken arm, which church members had tried to set themselves. In both cases, parents complied without protest when police insisted that they take their children to licensed physicians. Ava Worthington's parents also lost a baby boy in August 2001, but the death investigation was closed after family members told police the child was stillborn. Several other Followers of Christ children have also been stillborn or died during home births in recent years, but none of the investigated deaths resulted in criminal charges. The couple faces sentences of more than six years on the manslaughter charges and up to a year on the mistreatment charges, said Greg Horner, chief deputy district attorney for the county. After surrendering at the jail Friday, they were released on $250,000 bail, he said. They were to appear at a hearing Monday afternoon. Horner said he didn't know whether the couple had lawyers. A number listed for the couple was disconnected. "We've been told, 'No comment,' " said a man who answered the phone at the church Monday. He would not identify himself. The Oregon City church, which is not associated with a mainstream denomination, traces its origins to the faith-healing Pentecostal movement of the late 1800s and early 1900s |
what one thing do you "require" someone have in order for you to have a relationship with them? never take me for granted. |
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Sat 03/29/08 03:22 PM
There are so many different views that people have on here regarding a relationship. So just how would you define true love, how do you feel about it, and if you have never been in love, how do you think you would feel about it? It's a myth. People changes, or don't as you do, It's all about how much you are willing to compromise. Everyday. |
check this link..she is not the only one sadly. |
The government sends people to an almost certain death in defense of a belief-freedom. Yes I know its an all volunteer Army, but it isn't always. Many children are killed in this defense. But they are enemy children, often non-white, not of our religion. When solders die in defense of freedom(a belief) they are hero's, when a believer dies in the practice of their beliefs they are a fool? What happened to diabetics 200 years ago? Rasta folks do get high! you realize you make no sense at all do you? |
rasta folk can't get high but some christians can neglect and virtually murder their child exactly. |
adj4u you just don't get it do you?
"""tho you did not intend it nor did you perform a criminal act""" So what? The point is that she died because they rather keep the point that prayer is better than medicine than seek help for her, that is criminal to me. As it would be letting your kids cross the higway at night prayng for fgod to save them from a certain's just stupid, it's not faith or anything is criminal! Crazy and unjustified. besides if you believe or not, you don't risk a kid life to make a point! |
4 Kinds ox S3X
Edited by
Thu 03/27/08 04:20 PM
There is a difference between walking in Faith versus walking in Foolishness. I am so sorry to hear about the little girl dying.... ![]() My heart and prayers go out to the parents , also, who are obviously suffering great loss and pain at this time ...but also are probably under great condemnation , for not walking in the wisdom and common sense that God gives us all, also. But we are not here to condemn people for their mistakes. There is a book out called ,"Faith or Foolishness", that every christian needs to read. Thank you for your SPARK of sanity here..I thought I was going insane. |
Edited by
Thu 03/27/08 02:14 PM
again you refuse to read what is said and let your emotion dictate you be well you know nothing of what you speak when it comes to my being so discontinue speaking of it the lack of civility ceases in a discussion when one has a lack of facts The fact is that an 11 years old girl died because of the stupidity of their parents, that by the way don't OWN the life of their kids, they are RESPONSIBLE for it that is different. By your reasoning I could kill my son and say that god told me to, and I should be not prosecuted because of my freedom of religion?? It is simply absurd. There is no discussion here, you are defending the indefendible I judge what you write, not you and respond to that. |
line in your post """And yes if you can't guarantee the survival of your kids you have no business being a parent, """ --------- line you must of missed from my post """tho you did not intend it nor did you perform a criminal act""" --------- no one can guarantee survival of the kid and you nor anyone else has the right to restrict them from practicing their religion if the kid was theirs then they a free from prosicution per the constitution and you are now blocked do not send emails attacking others be well I wish you never have the responsability of another human being life then, kid or adult. Stick your freedom of religion where it fits my friend, that girl never had a choice. And that just infuriates me...but apparently you're ok with proud of yourself. |
so you feel the govt owns the children then by your post Thu 03/27/08 12:22 PM it so appears now when the govt says you should not have had your child at such n such a place and your child got injured or hurt tho you did not intend it nor did you perform a criminal act yet if you were a parent and should have known better say a motorcycle ride and you hit gravel you then get charged with murder if the child is killed because you should not have endangered the child that is owned by the state --------------- yes it is a sad thing she dies their are faith based religions that teach faith and pray can heal anything and who are you or anyone else to say what they believe is wrong it is their right to follow any religion they choose and if it is proven they followed such a religion no charges should be filed unless the govt owns the children If you are responsible of your kid's death yes of course you will be charged...If you are driving drunk and kill your dfamily you are responsible you think before writing that &*%% OI believe not. Ah respect of religion goes above human life now? So if they decide that a human sacrifice is what their religion says you would justify that too? Who am I? Apparently someone that has more respect for human life than you and those parents. |
so are you saying the kids belong to the govt and do you know for a fact that modern medical care would have healed her yes I know for a fact that modern medical care can save an 11 years old kid from Diabetes, where do you live in a cave? And yes if you can't guarantee the survival of your kids you have no business being a parent, that's why foster care exists. Not the best solution but I'm sure better than dying. |
if their religion has a foundation in faith healing then the gov has no jurisdiction per the bill of rights ------ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. ------ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof as sad as it is that she died the govt has no right to hinder their exersizing their religious beliefs ***unless they want to finally admit the children do not belong to the parent but belong to the state and the parent is only their guardian hhhhhmmmmmmm and they may be ready to do that at this point to be a "parent" you should at the least have the brains to keep your kids alive, don't you think? If you fail to do so you stop being a parent and are infact responsible for the kids death. and should be treated as such. |
Is it really manslaughter? I mean its the disease that killed her. Their religion believes that healing her with prayer is what they should have done. I don't really know the law so I can't say. I am curious to see how it turns out though. yes if I leave my son bleeding to death while I wait for a miracle I am responsible for his death. The disease is not lethal, but stupidity is. |
They should have had faith enough to pray that God got her to a hospital. God gave man the ability to sometimes heal. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Just driving her to the hospital would have been enough to save her life from DIABETES! |
this is madness for you that is manslaughter period, they killed that girl. and madness period not only for me, for whoever has a fuinctioning brain. |