Community > Posts By > Elizabeth98999

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Fri 04/11/08 01:52 AM
Welcome, nice to see ya

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Fri 04/11/08 01:51 AM
American Gangster, Godfather, Wizard of Oz, Terms of Endearment

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Fri 04/11/08 01:50 AM
Russell Crow, Sean Connery, Denzel Washington...

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Thu 04/10/08 10:23 PM
Of course...

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Thu 04/10/08 10:05 PM

On one of my threads i accidently pasted my full name on it and could you help me by either deleting it or my name please

I know who you are and what you did..hee hee... (only kidding)!

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Thu 04/10/08 10:03 PM
Have fun and welcome!

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Thu 04/10/08 10:01 PM

seattle's best....................................mmm-mmm

Yup and Starbucks!

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Thu 04/10/08 05:03 PM

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Thu 04/10/08 01:29 PM

Spell it: catsup or ketchup?


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Thu 04/10/08 01:27 PM

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Thu 04/10/08 12:31 AM
Edited by Elizabeth98999 on Thu 04/10/08 12:35 AM

NO!!! wht do they say?

They say they love you soooo much and usually use pictures of white men, not their real photo, and are always overseas or will go overseas..they ask you to marry them but need help with funding and will ask for money or to cash bad checks for them...its a scam in Nigeria...big business over there to get money, they even send flowers and candy with stolen credit cards. They also like to get you off this site and onto MSN or one is doing to me right now..

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Thu 04/10/08 12:24 AM
yesh, I hear ya debbie

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Thu 04/10/08 12:20 AM
Has anyone run into them on this site?

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Thu 04/10/08 12:09 AM

i would say over..had it done ..left em to it..what goes around comes around..and there would always be the wondering if they will do it is important to me


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Thu 04/10/08 12:05 AM
Edited by Elizabeth98999 on Thu 04/10/08 12:05 AM
That answer depends on the persons involved, as for me, I may forgive, but never forget..and it would end sooner or later.

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Thu 04/10/08 12:02 AM
Its hard to find men here period..much less in Wisconsin in the Milwaukee area...Welcome and have fun!

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Wed 04/09/08 11:58 PM
soda for me..I was raised in NY, we always said soda

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Wed 04/09/08 11:55 PM
Pepsi for me...

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Wed 04/09/08 11:52 PM

don't like chips much..but love chocolate
try chocolate chips

lol..good one

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Wed 04/09/08 11:50 PM
don't like chips much..but love chocolate

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