Community > Posts By > juggalomaster

juggalomaster's photo
Mon 03/24/08 09:29 PM
my hair wont be all blue for long

juggalomaster's photo
Mon 03/24/08 09:19 PM
thanks and my hair matches my eyes lol

juggalomaster's photo
Mon 03/24/08 09:10 PM
whats worng with blue hair

juggalomaster's photo
Mon 03/24/08 09:06 PM

smokin Is your hair blue ?smokin
yes i have blue hair

juggalomaster's photo
Mon 03/24/08 09:03 PM

don't think that rebel battle flag in the background is going to win you many favors

why not hitler worked for youbigsmile

hi ya jugthat flag means alot to me

juggalomaster's photo
Mon 03/24/08 09:02 PM

I like the rebel flag, lol.
that flag was my friends and his mom gave it to me when he died and befor u think that flag is for being racist think agin that flag is the southern flag i am not racist

juggalomaster's photo
Mon 03/24/08 08:57 PM
hell no i love women to much for that

juggalomaster's photo
Mon 03/24/08 08:53 PM
yea but more pepole read this stuff more than that so im trying this

juggalomaster's photo
Mon 03/24/08 08:50 PM
hey whats up ladies im single and looking for some one that is funny fun to be around likes go out and have fun and love the out doors and love music as much as i do i am careing and love to help others and im fun to be around and im looking for some one that is fun to be around and can make me lough if thats u lets talk and we can go from there.

glasses glasses glasses
smokin smokin smokin

juggalomaster's photo
Sat 03/22/08 09:14 PM
i like metallica pentera skid row i love ozzy and guns n roses and alot more i can just keep going on

juggalomaster's photo
Sat 03/22/08 09:05 PM

ACCEPT-JUDAS PRIEST -QUEENSRYCHE real metal died when these boys quit touring-JMHO
metal will never die

juggalomaster's photo
Sat 03/22/08 09:04 PM
whats up every one how is every doing is there aney one from new orleans where are all the new orleans or close to new orleans

juggalomaster's photo
Sat 03/22/08 08:57 PM

Right here dude!!!!
what kind of metal do u like

juggalomaster's photo
Sat 03/22/08 08:51 PM
so are there aney metal heads on here i know im not the only one

juggalomaster's photo
Sat 03/22/08 08:45 PM

are you 2 behaving yourselves?
why do all your threads keep getting yanked?
becouse pepole come in and start **** with me they start it and i just finsh it

juggalomaster's photo
Mon 03/10/08 06:47 AM
glasses glasses smokin smokin smokin smokin

juggalomaster's photo
Mon 03/10/08 06:28 AM

I like ICP bigsmile

Anyway, Juggalomaster, stupid question for ya. You posted some lyrics at some point over the weekend to one of their songs and I'm having a completely brain dead moment and can't come up with the name of the song and I wanna download it. Can you help me out. Part of the lyrics are something like: dead bodies make me happy, mass murder makes me happy?


Suz flowerforyou
hell yea it goes like this dead bodies make me happy mass murder makes me happy say what u will of me but ill always have juggalo family the name of the song is juggalo family

That was it, you'd think it would have been obvious. But, all I had was those lyrics and the melody running through my head and nothing else. I hate when that happens. Thank you!

Thanks for the friend invite flowerforyou
no prob aney time im more than happy to help family aney time aney time u need it just look me up

juggalomaster's photo
Mon 03/10/08 06:19 AM

I like ICP bigsmile

Anyway, Juggalomaster, stupid question for ya. You posted some lyrics at some point over the weekend to one of their songs and I'm having a completely brain dead moment and can't come up with the name of the song and I wanna download it. Can you help me out. Part of the lyrics are something like: dead bodies make me happy, mass murder makes me happy?


Suz flowerforyou
hell yea it goes like this dead bodies make me happy mass murder makes me happy say what u will of me but ill always have juggalo family the name of the song is juggalo family

juggalomaster's photo
Mon 03/10/08 05:52 AM
i know im not the only one that lives here ok has aney one been here befor lets try that

juggalomaster's photo
Mon 03/10/08 05:44 AM

im going to try this agin this is for juggalos only so if ur not a juggalo are a juggalette please dont say aneything!!!!!!!!!!! so whats up juggalos and juggalettes how are all of yall doing good i hope

I'm not one .. but I like saying something. So 'something' :wink:
lol that was funny i liked that whats up