Community > Posts By > TJN

TJN's photo
Wed 07/30/14 07:19 PM
Not a smidgeon of corruption
Just saying

TJN's photo
Wed 07/30/14 04:24 PM

TJN's photo
Wed 07/23/14 04:28 PM
Edited by TJN on Wed 07/23/14 04:28 PM
Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Christians = No Problem
Christians living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Confucians = No Problem
Confusians living with Baha'is = No Problem
Baha'is living with Jews = No Problem
Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem
Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Baha'is = No Problem
Baha'is living with Christians = No Problem
Christians living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Shintos = No Problem
Confusians living with Hindus = No Problem
Muslims living with Hindus = Problem
Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem
Muslims living with Christians = Problem
Muslims living with Jews = Problem
Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem
Muslims living with Baha'is = Problem
Muslims living with Shintos = Problem

TJN's photo
Wed 06/11/14 04:47 PM

From the news.

The top Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee said the Obama administration didn't follow the law on the prisoner exchange of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl for five Taliban leaders.

"The law is the law," Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.), the ranking Democrat on the committee, said at a hearing Wednesday morning. "The way you challenge constitutionality is you go to court, and you figure out whether or not the courts say it's constitutional or not. And until the courts rule on that, it is the law."

"There was no reason that that 30-day notice couldn't have been given to the leadership of Congress," Smith said, adding that they would have kept the swap secret.

"��Many members of Congress feel strongly that, even if the administration could not provide the full 30 days notification, some head'��s up about the trade would have been appropriate," he added.

"If it wasn't right for President Bush to do it, it's not right for President Obama to do it. So, I would be very curious to understand the argument for why that 30-day requirement wasn't in place."

Curse FOX News for reporting what negative thing that a top Democrat said about President Obama.

Oh, wait. slaphead The above-quoted news story was published by The Hill.

To quote a couple of liberals. "What difference does it make"
They will do nothing about it.

TJN's photo
Tue 05/20/14 04:22 PM

to each their own

I wouldn't have my work 'owned' and profited from by someone who thought I was beneath them (Except when it came to making their money)

even slaveowners were happy to allow slaves to make them money,, there is something called 'morale', and in a 'free society' , hearing from an colleague that they think your gender/race/nationality makes you beneath them would definitely kill that morale for me.

apparently The clippers and NBA are feeling the same,,,,

Like you said to each their own.
No one is forcing the players to play for him. I'm sure they could get out of their contracts.
I don't see how the NBA can fine him.
Let the players out of their contracts, Sterling has no team makes no money problem solved.

TJN's photo
Tue 05/20/14 04:08 PM

u know how many times I have heard the word Cracker from blacks? its normal speech. Blacks I hear calling each other the N word to each other all the time and that's ok.

I do not use the N word and most whites do not. Yet he says in a private conversation and does not use the N word and you would think the world was falling apart.

I do not have the physical abilities that mostly black people do who r in the NBA. I am being abused and looked down on. I should make millions on a all White team as has been talked about by Black NBA players to start and well that is ok.

I do not see organizations for the advancement of white people. No their would be an out cry this is racism.

I do not see a White Miss USA pageant. No this would be racism.

I do not see a White People College Fund. No that would be racism.

No I wish their really was equal rights and I wish the word Cracker would get attention. When will we just be people. Judged by our actions and not by our speech?

Welcome to the Miss Black America Pageant, the oldest and most prestigious pageant for women of color. The national 2013-14 campaign has commenced. Participate in “The Rebirth”. Join the Sisterhood of Miss Black America where you "Sow the Seeds of Positivity and Reap the Flowers of Success".

Women of color. I guess white women do not have color. they do not exist?

I would expect that if you WORKED for some 'black person' who you found thought you were beneath being seen with for your race,, you may feel differently

that is the SPECIFIC situation here, it is not a general stranger and their bigoted view,, it is not some random powerless idiot who doesn't affect your wellbeing or life,,,its an OWNER and his sentiment rightly offends those to whose livelihoods he contributes and who work hard contributing to his,,,both players and fans

as to all the stuff about things that happen to carry the label of 'black',, we can really only thank the WHITE ancestors who gave us all the racial labels and the history that made such events historically only for WHITES as the UNDERSTOOD NORM for that

most of my life there has been white entertainment television, but being that whites were the majority creating and being represented , they had no reason to call it that

just like the Brazilians have no reason to call their nuts brazil nuts,,,

even though in America , we feel he need to make the distinction,,,

similarly, minorities in America, need to make a distinction to locate these things that are not the Standard/Norm and have more guarantee to represent them and their experiences/interests

If I worked for a black man who in his private life didn't want his girlfriend to take pictures with white people or be friends with them and bring the over to his house I would have no problem with that. Is it any of my business what he says in the privacy of his own home?
Obviously my work is worth to the black man who hired me. And as long as he doesn't discriminate against me I'm going to stay employed by the black man.

TJN's photo
Mon 05/19/14 04:48 PM
Affordable to those who qualify for the subsidy. Not affordable to the country as a whole.

If you think healthcare run by the government is good just look at what is happening with the VA. Vets being put on fake waiting lists so the books look good meanwhile dozens are dying because care has been rationed.

Now just imagine the VA multiplied 90 times and you have obamacare.

TJN's photo
Sun 05/11/14 08:07 AM
Edited by TJN on Sun 05/11/14 08:11 AM
He's not running against Gov Walker.
He is going to be in a Dem primary election against Mary Burke.

TJN's photo
Mon 04/14/14 08:35 AM
Edited by TJN on Mon 04/14/14 08:35 AM
Are people this stupid?

One word - YES

Sadly people have no clue who they are voting for. They just check the box that has a "D" or "R" next to a name.

TJN's photo
Sat 04/12/14 01:46 PM
Now the FAA is put in place a no fly zone.

TJN's photo
Fri 04/11/14 08:32 AM

They have 7 million. 6 million whose plans were cancelled. 1 million who were previously uninsured. And of the 7 million only 80% have paid.
What I would like to know is they said 30 million or so were uninsured prior to the law being passed. Where are the other 29 million who didn't have insurance? It is MANDATORY to have insurance now. It is "AFFORABLE" now. How many are still uninsured?

Insurance companies have been canceling policies since forever. Only now, they canceled the ones that didn't meet requirements of the ACA. It's not really a problem because most of those canceled policies were crap, and it was only in the cases where the customer needed the insurance that they'd find out the policy was crap.

Also, health insurance is not mandatory. People without it may lose some money in from their tax refunds beside exposing themselves to huge financial risks in case of medical emergencies, but nobody's getting arrested for not being insured.

Your numbers are way off. Sure, over 7 million signed up for health insurance on the exchanges, but millions more went to Medicare due to the ACA expansions (only available in states not run by idiot Republicans). It's unlikely that 80% of those 7 million have paid, because most of them have not even received their first billing statement.

Pull your head out and get some fresh air.

Starting in 2014 all U.S. citizens and legal residents will have to have health insurance, or what is known as qualifying health coverage, which includes coverage through your job, a government plan (such as Medicaid, Medicare, Veterans Administration, and the Armed Services), or a health plan you have purchased on your own.

If you don’t have health insurance, you will pay a tax penalty that will be phased in starting in 2014 with a fine of $95. In 2015, the penalty will increase to $325, and in 2016 to $695 or a percentage of your taxable income. After 2016, your penalty will be increased every year according to the changes in the cost of living.

It's not mandatory? If it wasn't mandatory you wouldn't have to pay a tax penalty for not having it.

TJN's photo
Thu 04/10/14 01:48 PM
Edited by TJN on Thu 04/10/14 01:49 PM
They have 7 million. 6 million whose plans were cancelled. 1 million who were previously uninsured. And of the 7 million only 80% have paid.
What I would like to know is they said 30 million or so were uninsured prior to the law being passed. Where are the other 29 million who didn't have insurance? It is MANDATORY to have insurance now. It is "AFFORABLE" now. How many are still uninsured?

TJN's photo
Wed 04/02/14 10:27 PM

TJN's photo
Wed 03/26/14 04:51 PM

SS is not welfare. If you've paid into it your entire working life should you not get some return on your investment?
I pay into my pension fund. Is it "welfare" that I get when I retire?
I also pay into a separate IRA because I don't plan on recieving SS by the time I turn of age to be eligable to receive it. To be honest I would rather have the money I pay into SS and put that in my IRA.

Well sir, looking at your age, you are on the crux of a decision, to pay or not to pay. Social Security is voluntary and you can opt out. but if you do then you must deny the whole thing including all contributions made to date. But just imagine , your 6.2% and your employers 6.2% going into your private retirement plan.

All you need is to do your homework and you will discover the truth. It can't be told, it must be discovered in order to be defended. Remember you are opting out of a tax that the government would like to bully you into paying.

I have no problem paying into it. Maybe it will be around when I hit whatever age it is the government deems retirement age. I just wish the government would have never started spending it on what they want. Instead of just using it for what it is supposed to be used for.

My point was in response to being on welfare by getting SS when you reach retirement age. As I said before, how is it welfare if you've paid into it your whole working career?

TJN's photo
Wed 03/26/14 03:08 PM
SS is not welfare. If you've paid into it your entire working life should you not get some return on your investment?
I pay into my pension fund. Is it "welfare" that I get when I retire?
I also pay into a separate IRA because I don't plan on recieving SS by the time I turn of age to be eligable to receive it. To be honest I would rather have the money I pay into SS and put that in my IRA.

TJN's photo
Sun 03/23/14 09:42 AM

What is everyone's thoughts on the group protesting to get paid $15 to work at McDonald's?

I'm on the fence.. It bothers me when able bodied people are on welfare, when they CAN work at McD's but @ 7 or 8 an a make more on welfare.
I just don't know?

I know here in Milwaukee, WI we had the protests. Thing is it wasn't the workers protesting. It was a group called Wisconsin Jobs Now. They organized the protests and bussed in protesters. The McDonalds was open and none of the workers walked off the job to protest and demand $15/hr.
The unions are also backing these protests because they want to unionize the workers.

TJN's photo
Sat 03/22/14 10:47 AM
So should every minute they are on the clock be accounted for? Then do they not get paid for idle time when no one is in the line ordering food and the employees are not doing anything work related?

TJN's photo
Fri 03/21/14 11:03 AM
Beyonc� want to ban calling people bossy yet she has lyrics that say now down btiches in one of her songs?
Stay classy Beyonc� that's really setting a great example.

TJN's photo
Thu 03/20/14 03:44 PM
So of the 30 million that didn't have healthcare before the ACA 5 million have signed up.
Of that 5 million around 20% have yet to pay for their plan.

30 million ( uninsured pre ACA) minus 5 million (# who have "enrolled" in ACA) equals 25 million (still uninsured) plus 6 million (policies cancelled post ACA roll out) equals 31 million uninsured. Oh wait add the 1 million out of the five who still have yet to pay equals 32 million uninsured.
So as of the end of FEB there is a net gain of 2 million uninsured

Where are the 30 some odd million who the ACA is supposed to insure?

TJN's photo
Wed 03/19/14 09:42 PM
"Working poor"?

When did flipping burgers become a family supporting career?
It's a part time job except management.
I just don't understand how some think a job that takes no skill what so ever is a career.
If you don't want to be poor stay in school get your HS diploma or higher degree, or learn a trade and make something of yourself. Work hard and show you are worth something.

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