Sold coffee it is
Um ok that was fun |
Still think breakfast or lunch at a heavily crowded church event.
Better 1 more hour to go then home
I wouldn't go as far as a date but breakfast or lunch would be nice.
Feedback Welcome
Pictures are ok but what about your interests, and what type of woman are you interested in?
I'd love to know
Hahaha....spot on mate!!!
I'd love to know
Most probably working on that photo shoot, she'll be back...
I'd love to know
Guess I'm too late, says user deactivated? I'm inconsolable Its all good!! |
A few days here now...Newbie
Welcome Tom and enjoy!
This day needs to end now...
absolutely fabulous
super sweet
Busy but relaxed
Wise and insightful
Yes giving out numbers is a huge no no! If the guy really wants your number get to know him over a period of time first and then decide if its safe to do so.
Numbers are too personal to just hand out.. |
Visit Tunisia
I'm confused but never the less, Africa in general is a **** hole. Hence the reason I'm moving to Australia. f you say so, everyone's opinion. Nevertheless, this did not prevent several nationalities from settling there Fair enough I respect your views to. My opinion is my own. |
Visit Tunisia
I'm confused but never the less, Africa in general is a **** hole. Hence the reason I'm moving to Australia.