Community > Posts By > hosstin18

hosstin18's photo
Thu 11/30/06 07:11 AM
i wotn blame him lol i would use it too lol

hosstin18's photo
Thu 11/30/06 07:02 AM
seeing you arcoss the room makes my mouth water

your adog and me hav eone thing in common we are cutie

hosstin18's photo
Tue 11/28/06 01:55 PM
well look at you ur finr as wine so i would e-mail you 24 /7 77 lol

hosstin18's photo
Tue 11/28/06 01:12 PM
hug hug you back i work at toysrus i love that job especially testing
those ppppowe wheels lol

hosstin18's photo
Tue 11/28/06 01:08 PM
ur welcome but istill find that really cool that you did do that for ur
man guys love thats gje91

hosstin18's photo
Tue 11/28/06 01:01 PM
we all misse dur jokes and you being here

hosstin18's photo
Tue 11/28/06 12:57 PM
no i dont ur hot so ur bound to have bfs you got off this site for
respect of ur man we all understand and happy you did that

hosstin18's photo
Tue 11/28/06 11:18 AM
man look it dosent matter what the gril looks like as long as you like
her and she likes you ok looks dotn count if looks did count then the
world today would be lonely and guys that just go on looks are still in
high they havent grown up so it really matters to you to me its whats on
the inside that counts for me and not the t and a or the way they
look women love men who will excpet them for them and not foe what they
look like ok so i hope this helpe dyo u

hosstin18's photo
Tue 11/28/06 07:00 AM
hello whats up pls rea dmy profile you might like what you are looking

hosstin18's photo
Sun 11/26/06 08:55 AM
hey m

hosstin18's photo
Sun 11/26/06 08:48 AM
she is right you will meet nic epeople on here

hosstin18's photo
Fri 11/24/06 09:47 AM
today is day my heart is filled with love

form the time we both awke to the time that we die

my eyes and love grows wild inside

from the frist time we kissed and huged my loves went wild like

a wild fire buring out of controll

my heart pounds hard and fast sweet love is coming to us

from the time in 7 th grade to this day my love grow out of controll

this feeling is something i never felt before

my mind spins my dreams come wilder for the lov ei have for you
this is my wild love for you

hosstin18's photo
Tue 11/21/06 11:09 AM
who wants to chat with a me

hosstin18's photo
Tue 11/21/06 07:17 AM
ok i will read ur poem and i know they are selling like wal nuts

hosstin18's photo
Tue 11/21/06 07:11 AM
hello poet do you plan to post up more poems

hosstin18's photo
Tue 11/21/06 07:06 AM
yes 13,ooo of each

hosstin18's photo
Tue 11/21/06 06:57 AM
i just got off of work form working toysrus i love this job

hosstin18's photo
Tue 11/21/06 06:55 AM
good moring

hosstin18's photo
Mon 11/20/06 01:48 AM
i am lets chat

hosstin18's photo
Sat 11/18/06 09:34 PM
i only vist my uncle and cousins there

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